Thursday, October 21, 2010

See my old belkin is really starting to...

Morning, this ill be an extreme rarity. Not me blogging but me blogging in the Early hours of the morning you know post sunrise. Pre sunrise I'm always up any way so thats why you see so many things from me in my various digital destinations, but post sun rise yeah I'm usually sleep as all hell. I mean to write a blog last night(actually I owe myself like two so I need to get cracking) about you know why I follow a blog or somebodies tweets. I will do that at some point in time today, as USA says Character Approved yes I'm a character and I follow characters I call them the #rogues because basically we're all wild and are known to say or post whatever. It's for grown folks now my pimpins so if you gonna start that virgin ears crap keep it moving we ain got time for that.

Anyway, digression number one right there, the belkin I am referring to is my belkin wireless ethernet adapter. It is really showing it's age I mean it's like 5 years old I bought it way back in like 05 after a move where our PC was no longer next to the cable modem and wasn't close enough to get a wire run to it. It's the wireless G edition so it's kinda short on range anyway which is another reason why I'm a little toasty but not sitting here flippin furniture, basically if I didn't get my money's worth on this thing after five years man something is wrong with me. 5 years worth of daily surfing(or almost daily surfing I have been in different venues over the years with this desktop and sometimes I did have a wire) this thing has probably averaged out to have actually cost me like ~$1 which I say is perfect. It out lasted my $450 laptop from a company I will not name as not to blast them(but that lasted less then 2 full years), it's out lasted who knows how many pairs of glasses, a lot of my clothes, hasn't out lasted the timbs though what can I say timberland makes some good boots.

And to my folk out there really that is how you should look at any purchase, check how long you have or plan to have it versus how much it costs you. If it's not something long term that you can see not replacing for a couple of years you might want to rethink the purchase if it's a vanity item. I mean if you got "money like toilet paper" fine be my guest, but if that "toilet paper dough" status is only temporary you might want to save more of your extra dough for a rainy day than trying to floss and impress folks who are gonna be broke like you in the not to distant future trying to show out.

Just my two cents because what do you know this is the space for my two cents. I hope everyone's day is on and poppin. If ya see my on twitter holla at ya boy, I'll get back as soon as I see it, like, love, hate, participate I don't care just do you baby.

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