Showing posts with label philosophical clutter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophical clutter. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just because I held the door

Just because I held the door doesn't mean I'm expecting panties off and legs spread. That's silly, not only if I expected that but for you to think that. You could have asked me why instead of giving me attitude, was I trying to be charming and a gentleman yup. Because maybe me doing one, small, insignificant, inconsequential thing for you could send a little sunshine my way. A smile, a "thank you" something simple for something simple. Maybe me catching a door for you means my wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousins or friends could catch some good karma in return and have somebody do something nice for them.

I mean am I worth so little? Because you turned around and said "Thank you" or returned my "have a nice day" that now you can have my penis anytime. Did you ever think that it wasn't your attractiveness that got me to hold that door but possibly my fathers example, or my mothers love? I've often gotten into online philosophical confrontations over whether or not anyone(male or female) is owed a thank you for doing something nice. The answer is yes, a simple thank you would suffice and a smile with that thank you would be awesome.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A complaint to or about me is not the same as stabbing me in the back

Can I get yall to gather a little closer for me, yeah don't violate anybody else's personal space but make sure you can hear me on this one. This is the land of free speech, if there is something on your mind get it off. Say what you have to say, be honest and open about your concerns it doesn't mean I(or the person you are talking to at the time if you ain speaking to me) will agree with you but at least there will be no hard feelings because I possible stepped on your toes or because something you said got back to me when we were standing right next to each other. See there is this "common wisdom" right now that if you complain to or about someone, that you are betraying them. Not at all, if there is a problem that I don't see but you do guess what? If you don't tell me it won't get fixed, or if it can't get fixed you won't know that unless you tell me so I can explain to you what this issue is with said item. Now understand, if it is a personal quirk of mine that you have an issue with it may not get fixed but at least I will know "okay this is something you don't want to ride with, I won't pick you up for this adventure", and guess what because you let me know up front NO HARD FEELINGS.

Now if all you do is talk bad about me behind my back, constantly sharpening knives and only getting ya tiger on when I turn my back as not to see who's throat I should be grabbing, THAT is stabbing me in the back, if you are sure about what you have to say then possibly give me you preliminary concerns and say "but let me get back to you because I may have been mistaken", I won't be mad something bothered you yet before you make to big a deal about it you wanna get more info, I completely respect that. I see you constantly talking until I walk into the room and then you get all busy and act like your eyes and my direction are the same magnetic charge and never the two shall meet, I understand you want drama, and this ain the daytime soaps. It seems to have become a habit of late that detraction is the cuisine dujuor. Why do the hard work of figuring out what is actually going on when you can resort to sensationalism, innuendo, loose association and inference to drum up "traffic".

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Capricorn December 22-jan20

Long round about description of who I am and how I get sometimes. It's the beginning of the year As that link says I can be stable, a rock, Mr. Dependable until I get a bout of the lows and then poof, what happened to him. Simply put all that steadfastness, determination and strength of will comes at a high price. Sooner or later I have to sit back and realistically look at where I am, and no I'm not nice to myself when I do it. You can see a great guy, who does awesome things, for lots of people and is the guy you want to call if you need a hand. I see the guy who you ONLY call when you need a hand, ahem hello I like to have fun to. I don't mind reaching out to see whats up from time to time, but don't act like your fingers are broken it doesn't help with those dances with deep depression I tend to do from time to time. NO I do not need to seek serious help, am I still here than trust me anything I run up against at 36 is nothing compared to what it took to get me to 36.

Thing is unless it's a Mighty Mouse moment(I picked the more recent one not the original sue me) I can stay there until I find a reason to dig myself out. And usually being in the depths of the dark pit really doesn't stop me from being able to do everything else people are used to me doing. I'll still go to work, still get my crap done, you annoy me I'll still have a flippant retort if I think you're worthy of the waste of oxygen it takes to address you. But I'm on autopilot, there is no real passion or strength of will behind it(I know doesn't make it any less sharp just means if you shut up quickly I won't go in for the kill), hell if you need help figuring it out my brain still works fine it's just bugging the hell out of me at the moment and I truly wish it would shut up.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gong! The unknown comedian got me

Maaaaayne 10 minutes ago I had the worlds biggest smirk on my face I was cruisin. My errand was run, we was in the car, my bladder was empty, and life was good I forgot I had a service call out in East Bumble.

Damn, I swear just when my day seemed to be getting brighter. Sokay I'm still ridin shotty so basically I'm here, I'm riding, I'm tweetin, textin, and blogging. I'm gonna make this day into somethin if it kills me. I have a few blogs floating through my head now due to todays craziness so I may be a blogging fool again. I may even revisit some more anecdotes from the past, I guess I can be said to be somewhat stingy with my details.
It ain nothing personal, but if you don't ask how do I know what you wanna know? I'm a mind full of stories, fantasies, experiences, fears, failures and successes. As my father said to me last night "nothing that happens today hasn't happened to someone else in the past, it just feels more intense because its us and we haven't figured out how to deal with it yet". I feel that, sometimes you can't see the light yet and don't realize its just because your eyes are closed while stumbling along in the dark.

No matter what until it doesn't, the sun will rise tomorrow. You may not see that sunrise, but if you do remember its there. There is another day to move closer to your goal, become better at your craft, live a dream or fix a previous mistake. Life ain nothing like it, and its the sum of the experiences not just what happened today or yesterday.

Heavily weight your positive experiences and learn from your negative ones. And make sure to learn the right lessons, because negativity will try and poison the lesson. It will wrap you up in more pain and deception, trying to choke the life out of you and your dreams but you can choose to not let it.

Everyday is a challenge and if you pass I the next challenge has even better rewards. (Hug) there's a hug if ya need a moment, because we ALL need a moment sometimes, but don't get bogged down look how far you have come. Keep at it, you're alnost there, if you can breathe you can get there. Sometimes it ain about finishing first but finish the best way YOU can.

Holla at ya boy, I'll be out here somewhere

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Review still to come

If this is your first foray into the way I do movie reviews I will explain it really quickly(again since I know I explained it before but now I will tag it so you can look it up later):

I never do movie reviews the day I watch the movie. This is for two reasons 1 like most movie goers I am still wrapped up (hopefully) in the world the director and actors created, my question is how long is that world gonna last. 2 I want to convey to who ever might read this what stood out to me, whatever my mind felt were the brightest colors, as Morpheus asked Neo "Did you hear anything I said or did you just see the woman in the red dress?", well I want to know in my minds eye who or what was the woman in the red dress, now I may cheat a little and kick out some of the names(or at least previous roles for folks who's names I don't have a quick grasp on, like the superbad kid) into a basic outline of the review just so I can kinda remember who was what, but then again I might not screw it I'll remember what I remember and I'll weave the story to you as best I can.

I don't give out stars, Thumbs, eyes, ribbons, or any of that I tell you if I liked it or not and if I would recommend you going to see it. I give you what I liked and what I didn't like and if I know any background on the story or characters I give you that(see blogs I've done on Iron man, spiderman, speed racer, clash of the titans, the A-team, etc). While others may critique the special effects, and CGI I'll focus on the stories and characters.

I try as hard as I can not to give out any spoilers, with some movies thats kind of hard with others there is enough fill space that the blog isn't 2 or 3 words long and then out(you know a men on film "hated it" or "I loved it" and there are NO snaps in ANY direction, though I loved that bit as much as the next guy but it goes against my no arbitrary ratings policy). I don't pull punches if it sucked it sucked, if it was good it was good. I'm not gonna give something a pass because it was a "kids movie", animated, or a remake(hell I'm probably harder on the remakes).

I welcome any and all input if you disagree hit the comment box, if you agree or want to add something more be my guest. I hope this helps for those who come back to read or go through and read past reviews I have done.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

See my old belkin is really starting to...

Morning, this ill be an extreme rarity. Not me blogging but me blogging in the Early hours of the morning you know post sunrise. Pre sunrise I'm always up any way so thats why you see so many things from me in my various digital destinations, but post sun rise yeah I'm usually sleep as all hell. I mean to write a blog last night(actually I owe myself like two so I need to get cracking) about you know why I follow a blog or somebodies tweets. I will do that at some point in time today, as USA says Character Approved yes I'm a character and I follow characters I call them the #rogues because basically we're all wild and are known to say or post whatever. It's for grown folks now my pimpins so if you gonna start that virgin ears crap keep it moving we ain got time for that.

Anyway, digression number one right there, the belkin I am referring to is my belkin wireless ethernet adapter. It is really showing it's age I mean it's like 5 years old I bought it way back in like 05 after a move where our PC was no longer next to the cable modem and wasn't close enough to get a wire run to it. It's the wireless G edition so it's kinda short on range anyway which is another reason why I'm a little toasty but not sitting here flippin furniture, basically if I didn't get my money's worth on this thing after five years man something is wrong with me. 5 years worth of daily surfing(or almost daily surfing I have been in different venues over the years with this desktop and sometimes I did have a wire) this thing has probably averaged out to have actually cost me like ~$1 which I say is perfect. It out lasted my $450 laptop from a company I will not name as not to blast them(but that lasted less then 2 full years), it's out lasted who knows how many pairs of glasses, a lot of my clothes, hasn't out lasted the timbs though what can I say timberland makes some good boots.

And to my folk out there really that is how you should look at any purchase, check how long you have or plan to have it versus how much it costs you. If it's not something long term that you can see not replacing for a couple of years you might want to rethink the purchase if it's a vanity item. I mean if you got "money like toilet paper" fine be my guest, but if that "toilet paper dough" status is only temporary you might want to save more of your extra dough for a rainy day than trying to floss and impress folks who are gonna be broke like you in the not to distant future trying to show out.

Just my two cents because what do you know this is the space for my two cents. I hope everyone's day is on and poppin. If ya see my on twitter holla at ya boy, I'll get back as soon as I see it, like, love, hate, participate I don't care just do you baby.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


There is this thought pattern that always drives me nuts. "I can say it but you can't", or "I can do it and you can't and if you do I'm gonna complain that you are doing it, while acting like I'm not". Now I am as human as the next person, so there are times that while I know I need to be calm in a situation my emotions get the best of me, and once you cross a certain imaginary line(or sometimes well delineated line) I am in full attack mode and I dare anyone to try and stop me.

Unless you are completely blind I am pretty sure you can see I am black, black from where you may not be sure but at least darkly complected nonetheless as such while I may not like somebody white saying the n-word (grr I hate that phrase but we all know that word is unacceptable and in my grown blog we do not use unacceptable words and yes I am mentally saying that like 100 times to stay within the freakin rules, did I mention I HATE RULES), there are contexts where I have to accept in. Say in a movie where the role calls for them to say the N word. Fine it's something the character would say, it's repulsive and probably meant to be repulsive gotta let it go. Maybe they are reciting a song, and if it is a rap song, well nine times out of time yup gonna be a few N-words dropped. F-bombs, B's, H's, and other colorful metaphors to help paint a picture. I used to reflexively scream hey, but now if your feeling a song and rolling with it they said it, your repeating it word for word who am I gonna be pissed at him or you? And in all honesty anger tends to cloud the issue anyway doesn't it?

I mean yes I use the word, and sometimes more often then others because it definitely does describe some people to a T of all shades, economic levels and ages. And some of the worst folks for this type of activity are "intellectuals" MAAAYNE do they do some of the most n-wordish crap. They just put on elegants suits to do it with, can I tell you how I really feel about all the words that have been buried? How about the pleas about the national debt now that a non republican is in office, or a republican complaining about the state of education when everytime one of them gets in an executive position of power the walk into work each day with a "how can I cut educational spending today" list. Not gonna make this a conservative bashing thread, Women complaining about not being able to find good men, but telling the nice guys if only I could find a guy like you when he's single. Let him be married though draws raining down in his face(well some guys faces, I don't even get a drizzle). My favorite statement women can't be trusted, umm excuse me but are those breasts and a vagina I see on you?

It seems like the only person allowed to engage in the "Sin of choice" is of course the "detector" you know that "moral" person who is pointing out everyone else's shortcomings because they themselves are such a bastion of perfection. (We will not curse we will not curse) Man I swear I knew this blog would be hard but this is getting brutal, notice how no names are mentioned maybe political affiliation, gender or .... yeah dunno how I am gonna be obtuse going forward so just roll with a bruh. I love flawless people just something about them brings out the most visceral parts of my jersey nature. I see all their veins, all their bruises, all their weak spots and I am coming for them(yeah yeah you thought I was a nice guy, I am nice not a push over, wimp or fool). Because flawlessness rarely goes past the very top of the surface, even in polishing something if you look close enough you can still see the smallest amounts of the either polishing liquid or the fibers of the polishing cloth. Maybe you see the direction in which it was polished when you tilt the object in the light. Then again thats why the flawless tend to be flashy and distant. You know you have to have exclusive privileges to get up close and personal to flawless. And by the time you get there most likely you have already drank enough of the kool aid to call those blemishes "distinguishing marks", see how quick that gets flipped. You go from being flawless to having distinguishing marks, you know a mole on ones face(yes it's a mole) becomes a beauty mark depending on the height. I mean I captain scar tissue have a few moles(at least I think they are moles, hell I have so many scars mostly healed scars, never healed scars long story I'm digressing BADLY) they are in weird places I think(I mean is there a such a thing as a weird place for a mole?) I mean on my face some of them might be deep black heads but the one between my toes is definitely maybe a mole, and the one on my shoulder

Slight digression: What is it with blackberry's lately it's almost like every one of them is on the fritz the last couple of weeks my battery won't charge it keeps locking up even if I clear the cache it decides to ignore signals even if it had 2 or 3 bars one second then all the sudden SOS like WTF. I want sooo bad to blame it on T-mobiles jankey shake tail self but it's blackberry's across the board almost every carrier. It's like may 2010 was the millenium for blackberry's. Grrrr

Back to the topic yeah got moles. Now I would LOOOOVE to call myself flawless, if I could get rid of this acne I have had since I could get acne(yall just don't know the crap I have tried) I would love to lie and say I wouldn't know what to do with my self but I would, I would just be me without the acne. I'm only intellectually vain, and slightly gaming vain(SHUT IT UP you deserved to get merced with a shottie at close range, between the eyes, while you thought you was safe and if you caught the C4 next time sweep the room or enable sitrep), but physically vain nope, never had it all together at any one time to be physically vain.

And in essence thats what it is though, vanity. "I'm that(big your ignorant sounding word here) you can't see me but wanna be me" you just mad because. And oooooh god will everybody quit swearing somebody is hating on them. I can disagree with you without hating on you(though sometimes I might hate you because you dumb as a bag of something bricks, not cursing DA's and no that doesn't stand for Dan Akroyd, or Dark Arts, or Death Adder, District Attorney none of that you know what it means)


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