Friday, November 16, 2012

Men by nature are Pro choice

Yes I said it, now I am sure right now I am getting a bunch of people coming over here to tell me how wrong I am. Well since you are here, let me explain it to you. You ain got to agree but when I get done you may still disagree but I am pretty sure I will make a damn good case.

First and fore most one of the greatest male privileges of all is that we can choose WHO to pursue, I mean yes in this day and age some women may ask the guy first but usually the guy chooses to either leap to the highest heights or else dive in to the deepest depths. Doesn't matter my size, my shape, hair style, clothes, intelligence level. It doesn't matter if I am a 2 or a 10 I can walk up and try to talk to whoever I want to. Yes the woman can reject me but even if some may say I had no chance I will get points for even attempting it. You know that lovely thing about being the under dog and having heart, taking a swing, being the little guy, or the loveable loser. Yeah there are a bunch of cartoons about that type of dude, save Velma on Scooby Doo(and even Velma Dinkly has fans as well as has gotten a sexy make over in pop culture as of late) how many completely useless, non hottie cookie cutter, super intelligent, main female characters have we had? Now yes as women begin to take an even larger role in the creation of pop culture(or guys who have great friends who do not fit the normal stereotype start adding their friends to it) that will most likely change. Granted this probably doesn't seem like a strong case for me saying guys are by nature pro choice huh, let me keep going though follow along.

As a male on that night I am HOPING to get lucky, I can easily go out and get a condom. I mean seriously when folks talk about contraception I don't see Condoms being removed from Walmart shelves, I don't see anybody removing all those bill boards for vasectomies. Nope male contraception has pretty much gone below the radar. So yeah IF I so wish to hope that I might get some that evening with a lady I just met, a lady I have known for a while, or in that rare but glorious time when a friend is hard up and decides to break the glass I can have protection in my pocket without more than an eye being batted at me. Hell don't like the super market go to a gas station, I can buy a whole pack or I can buy singles(granted who knows how long those singles have been laying around, but hey it's a condom). If I wish to buy a pack of  Condoms   why looky here a 36 pack for under 20 bucks. I wonder how much birth control pills cost for the most part I am seeing between 15-50 bucks. So between 180-600 dollars, for something you have to take every day, regardless to whether you are about to have sex or not. Now unless you are having sex everyday or a few times a day every other day that 36 back would probably last you a few months. lets say you have sex 3 times a week, 12 a month, then that means you would spend 80 bucks a year which means guys spend 100 bucks less than women on contraception even being cheap. By the way did I mention you don't need a prescription to buy condoms? So add whatever the co pay is for that doctor visit to go get the prescription to that too. That's a video game, a 3 month subscription to xbox live, beer and junk food right there.

You know what condoms aren't 100% effective lets say that it breaks and the woman gets pregnant. Yeah the WOMAN gets pregnant, if I decide to I can stick around, but you know what in 4 months even if I decide to stick around, guess who's body isn't changing, that's right mine. If I decide to go out to blow off some steam because her hormones have spiked(and yes hormone induced mood swings can be a bear) guess what nobody will look at me funny if I have a few beers. And if while I am having those few beers a young lady walks up(don't know if she is cute or not I have been drinking) I can choose whether or not to be honest and say "hey I got someone else pregnant and I am just here blowing off steam. Now if you still wish to deal with this so be it come on and lets have fun." Hey let's say she doesn't change that much at 4 months, what about 6? 7? 8?

What if I decided nope "it ain mine(nor am I gonna stick around to take a paternity test)" I can choose to leave at any time, with a body free and clear from the child. Hell it's called a paternity test, why because NORMALLY you know who the mama is, she is carrying the thing for around 9 months. She is cohabiting her body with a new life that I may or may not have contributed to. Yes after the child is born she COULD give the child up for adoption, but unlike me she would always know what she gave up. She felt every kick, heard those cries, strained to expel the child from her body. Yeah that would be a bond that tugged at her for the rest of her life. And if she kept the child how many thousands of dollars does it take to raise one? And lets not forget the stretch marks, I know plenty of woman who have earned their tiger stripes but feel self conscious about them.

How about employment? I can continue to go to work the entire time without any break in schedule past choosing to go to the hospital once her water breaks(hell how embarassing is it to have your water break at work. You clothes might be ruined, possibly you could damage company property). What if you are trying to get a new job, this is a hard economy if it takes you more than two or three months to get a job, every month closer to labor is another month folks are gonna want to wait or choose somebody else. Because once the child is born then you have to arrange for child care, you have to prepare for sudden trips to the doctor, and if it is your first child there is a certain amount of manic behavior as you try to make sure you don't forget anything. Me once you have the baby I can go to work the next day and just show up later on at visiting hours. For a guy having kids is seen as a stabilizing factor, you aren't as likely to pick up and move if you have a child/family and you are also probably going to be a lot more dedicated. Women are expected to be more distracted, their thoughts less on work and more on their children.

Now this is sex with consent, as a guy I can choose to believe "I am bigger, I am stronger, maybe I want to claim you lead me on, to hell with it you are giving me something" again, this is regardless to whether or not I choose to use a condom. Yes a woman COULD rape a man, a penis reacts to stimulation so if you tied him up and stimulated his genitals you could get him hard and hop on top, or you could strap on an artificial appendage tie him face down and go to town. That takes a lot of prep work though, a guy as long as I am bigger and stronger only prep work I really need it catching you slightly out of pocket. Maybe walking past a dark door way, taking a quick short cut down an alley you know something we have all done now yes as a guy I could get robbed or shot. Thing is stuff is stuff, I can make money back now if I am shot and killed welp it's over it would suck but it would be over. If I am shot and I live unless it shatters my spine I could have some residual pain, possibly need some major surgery to fix the damage but I would most likely live. I wouldn't be a prisoner to my own fears about what happened to my body. I mean you had a gun, you shot me. I lived, it sucked but I can buy a watch back, I can re earn some money back. I can not get a part of my soul that was stolen back.

Yeah, enough about that. If that seemed a little low there is a comment section down there, speak away.

Yeah there has yet to be a huge run on Big Pharma to stop guys from buying little blue pills, you know the pills that started as heart medication until they were found to stimulate the thunder down under. I haven't heard viagra called slut pills, I mean the ONLY use for erectile dysfunction medication is to cure erectile dysfunction. You don't need an erect penis to pee, you don't need an erect penis to walk, to talk, the only thing you need an erect penis for is SEEEEX. Oh and case in point before somebody attempts to put it in the comments MASTURBATION is a form of sex, self satisfaction, self love call it what you will, you are ejaculating(if you are a guy), so yeah its sex. If women want to have sex enjoy so be it, I really don't care unless I'm involved.

Actually lets discuss something else Promiscuity. It's only a negative if you don't have a penis, have a lot of sex with varying women well then you are a Man's man, molds will be made of your penis and wreaths will be hung on it as people bow to your masculine might. Women not so much, even though for a straight guy to have sex he has to find a willing woman(hey I dedicated a paragraph to the other stuff, let's leave it in that paragraph), and personally I think it says something about you if you call a person who slept with you a loser. Now if they cheated on you, did you dirty, stole from you or whatever I can understand you being a little hot and saying something. But just going off on a woman or women in general because they enjoy what you enjoy yeah bass ackwards. Granted guys usually choose to be confrontational IF you are bold enough to make comments about their sex life, so this is a spot where women might possibly be more pro choice.

But there you go, that is why I say guys are pro choice by nature: all we do is choose. Whether to use contraceptives, to attempt to have sex, to stay around and take care of our children, to be faithful to the woman we got pregnant, to financially provide for or children or claim paternity. It's all a choice, we make them without even giving it a second thought, because in most of our lives unless caught and forced it does not effect us much. Getting a woman pregnant doesn't change our lives any more than we choose to let it. Hell some guys have been known to get multiple women pregnant at once, I haven't heard of too many women having multiple pregnancies at the same time, you could be pregnant with more than one child but it is usually only one pregnancy in a 9 month period. Women can't get pregnant, wait 3 months and get pregnant again from another guys sperm, the human body doesn't work that way. You can agree, you can disagree but those are my thoughts and why, I believe I have laid out a pretty good case.

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