Monday, November 19, 2012

Afternoon Ponderers

Seems like I have been getting a nice amount of traffic lately and I want to thank all who are coming through. I know I disappeared again but lets just say I had other things on my mind besides blogging. I know I talk about whatever but some days you just want to keep it moving and not get too deep into the details. So that's what I did, let's see what I have noticed lately welp my Eagles are sucking right now, I'm talking Dyson sucking, 3 quarter Car Wash sucking. It would be okay if the offense was stalling a little since you know Mike Vick is out and all, but our defense has forgotten what the word meant. We let RG3 slice us up, a rookie I mean come on Rookies used to hate having to play Philadelphia because their main view was gonna be turf. I understand that yeah maybe Juan Castillo wasn't aggressive enough for some people but he's been gone for a couple of weeks now, whats the new guys excuse. This is Philly you want us to give you some breathing room:Blitz, Blitz some more, Blitz one more time and if the so happen to get the first down, Blitz them again. They have a mobile quatertback let's see how fast he really is. Let's see how accurate he can be after he has been sucking wind for a quarter trying to evade the blitz.

Basketball wise my 76ers are struggling but then again we traded away our top scorer, even though Elton Brand was quiet in the playoffs he was good for a double double every few games in the regular season, and our big acquisition in the Iguodala trade hasn't even practiced with the team yet due to knee issues. As for the local team, the Grizzlies are playing old school big ball: pick and roll, pass it the to big guy in the paint, draw the double team and either take it to the hole or pass it to the shooter mid range or around the perimeter. And before I hear it about me not giving them their shine they also own the best record in the NBA first time in franchise history as well as going on an 8 game winning streak (matching a franchise high) and being on a 15 game regular season home win streak. The best part about it is the Grizzlies are on this run not over cup cakes(for the most part) they have beaten quite a few play off teams(including the finalists from last year The Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder) by double digits. The only team the lost to is the one who had their number from last year the Los Angeles Clippers which may be what is fueling the toughness on this streak because the Clippers beat them at their game, out scrapped them at the end, out shot them, out rebounded them and basically were more physical down low. And as far as physicality goes post "hey Perks I'll beat cho @$$" gate(look I understand you want to use proper grammar when speaking on the radio or in a newspaper but if you are quoting somebody with audio just do the quote, there was no ur on that word. It was either Yo or Cho) most small ball teams will tell you:the Grizzlies are going to pound you down and wear you out. College basketball wise the Memphis Tigers have not been on TV but from what I have heard they are sleep walking through games but they have a big one this week, a tournament in the Bahamas. I am a huge college basketball fan and I really do like watching the Tigers play so I hope they get their act together.

Movie wise I have wanted to get out, but I have been kind of indisposed at night so who knows maybe if some big movie I really really can't do without comes up I will go. I heard Skyfall was pretty good and so was Lincoln so maybe I will go to a mid week show. Otherwise it's work oh and I have to go pick up the Amazing Spider-man blu ray, maybe Black Ops II or 2k13, I really haven't been gaga over gaming lately, though me and Kitsune did just run through Halo 4. I like some of the newer guns, the game play was decent I really wasn't judging it for a review though. You know me I really only play shooters for their online value and I really haven't logged on to Xbox live in quite some time, my main account is having issues and needs to be recovered and my secondary account doesn't have any Xbox live time on it. I'm waiting for news on the 720 before I invest in a system that may be obsolete in a few months.

I know the WiiU is out, I am looking at it, I don't know since none of the stores has a kiosk set up yet where I can attempt to get used to it and see if I like it. I barely play the Wii I own now, I mean past some of the "family games" really didn't make my socks roll up and down. PS3 has a new Smash Bros like game coming out looks kind of fun but yeah the part where you can't know opponents into the screen has in a little lacking, that was one of the best parts about Smash Bros the ability to know a friend or NPC into the TV so you could laugh as they bounced off. It's the start of a new week as well as Thanksgiving week, since my phone is still busted I am gonna see if I can't catch a black Friday inspired deal on a new personal phone, I know what I am eyeing so  let's see what pops off.

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