Showing posts with label around the midsouth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label around the midsouth. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

And just when it looks like a dull and dreary day

The sky opens up and says "whatcha got for me". And it was an off and on rain, one of those "I've stopped whoops nope caught you out in the middle of the street with no umbrella" type showers that get you sick.

I got wrapped up in work so I really couldn't do this blog like I wanted to earlier. It was just one of those days, starts out slow and I'm not doing anything ends in a rush. We're just leaving the smoke shop now, so its a late night for me, no I'm not fond of late nights because I still get stuck with early mornings. Blows Donkey balls, but hey I'm grown I gotta do what I gotta do.

Still a wet night luckily its monday not friday not in a movie mood so I won't get soaked. I can take the caddy to wally word later for wifey so that her playonline is okay. I want to get into Final Fantasy XIV but I'd need a new PC. Desktop laptop don't matter, either way I want something THIS generation PC wise. Call me a gaming snob, but why be on the sucky computer if you don't have to be?

But that's something far off, I know I started rambling but hey I said from the start I'm rambly. So its not like I didn't warn you, and from my bounce rate I see many of you have decided to jump off quickly, whoops this guy is a loon let me get up out of here. (I mean some of yall bug out in less than 10 seconds that's a miracle, I never leave without reading a page or two unless its a gay/femdom porn site then its "aw hell naw" *click*)

For those who have stay around and enjoy my craziness thank you from the bottom of my heart 700 hits last month and damn near 2000 over. Google analytics may not count all of you but if you are here you are welcome(until you piss me off)

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Been playing gopher for most of the day

And I was working on a blog about Smallville(which I'll add the links to later) thus why this blog is being kicked out so late. It was a pretty ho hum night, shot a few people, watched some anime, watched some porn, washed my clothes and hit the sack.

Mundanity in my life looks like that, yes I usually get dropped into hilarious situations due to my current occupation, as well as hit some off the wall locales but when its boring its boring. I tend to see some of the weirdest things and here some of the lamest excuses. It seems in these hard times not only are more people resorting to larcenous acts(if it ain a word it is now keep up) but senseless violence is also up. A guy begging for money got shot in the back at a site I'm banned from.

I'm banned from a site? Yup, why no clue don't ask me what dude thinks I said or did to him, but I don't give a damn if you're not man enough to speak to me when there is a potential misunderstanding I don't have time for your petulant outbursts. Banning me from your store is usually a bad idea as I'm the tech, there are only 2 of us. And 95% of the time if it all goes south at your store I'm the one who does the incident CD's.

Now as I know who I am at work(as long as you don't try to act like I'm dumb or piss on me and try to pretend its raining) thus my professionalism in MOST CASES is undeniable. Especially between me and him, I've never said a sideways word to him. I guess he thought he heard, he said/she said, who knows what and I don't care. You wanna wait wait, that is fully your right and choice but don't get mad when you are low man on the Totem pole.

I have no clue how the rest of this day is gonna play out and as thanksgiving is in two days I seriously need burn calories before I stuff my face. I hope everyone has a great holiday and that your loved ones arrive safely to good food and better memories

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Long night mildly early morning

As those who have been reading know I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. I caught the 10 pm show(wasn't crowded but then I wasn't at the busier theater), I had a good time, came home and started fragerging people. It was a fun night of (ball shots as my brother would say hey I walk crouched, so if it lights ya waist up dead is dead) bullets and crossbow shots into my enemies(I usually get the crossbow bolt in ya leg. I love seeing the person hobble away before they explode) a few folks froze the game or just kicked us all out but it was still a fun overall night.

As always you win some ya lose some but overall you have a good time (granted going 12-1 and 15-2 ANYBODY would be having a good time). I was in the zone for a few matches just lights out if I saw you it was just a bloody stain. Got a bunch of medals, completed a few challenges, edited my player card. It was lots of fun.

Today for now I am doing a card upgrade(yep just like yesterday hopefully without the "droid madness" issues. Meh more droid madness sokay at least I can explain what went wrong) it has gone pretty straight forward so I'll be calling the bossman soon. About to write out my receipt and collect, I love it when a plan comes together.

As for the rest of my afternoon hit the bank, probably hit best buy and get a new controller, I think mine has been beaten up so maybe that's my issue, so let's see if a new game, I mean controller can fix that(remember when controllers used to be like 10-20 bucks what happened to those days) we shall see.

Anyway bedding this one so that I can move on to other thought processes

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

It was a work day deferred but a work day nonetheless

Its like 2 in the afternoon and we on the highway back out to somerville. Honestly I don't know why I'm riding 3rd seat again. If you got K & J the wire team, wire team extraordinare(when they aiin on the Bull) what you need a tech for? Hey we out the house though

We're now at the site and honestly not much for me to do here so back to the blog. I won't lie I'm boooored again I can carry things from the front to the back but honestly this was a wire team job, but maybe the next site. Just the way it works sometimes, while I'm not a big college football fan I am a football fan so I am watching.

Auburn vs. Georgia lots of yellow hankies on the ground and Georgia has taken advantage of every miss step by Auburn, they showed a graphic about auburn coming back from large deficits so let's see if they calm down.

Penn state vs. Ohio state first TD's in Columbus is Joe Pa's history at Penn state wow, hey like I said the other day "all good things must come to an end". So Joe Pa CAN score in Ohio.

Wire team is almost done moving this system across the store so we're about to be on to the next site, maybe I'll be busy, maybe I won't I never know but I let's go on and get there

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Sitting at a gas station

And what do I see with my little eye? Why a rolling shoe carnival. Now whether these are knock offs, drop offs or what I have no clue. Like I said I was testing the ability to send photots and as that is kind of interesting *camera flash sound* and sending it in.
I didn't take a photo of the proprietor in his "KREW" hoody and his "VENOM" hat because I'm not mad at dude, no idea what his story is, and I'm not about to patronize his business. It was just a "wow, this is not something you see everyday". And since a cop just rolled by I guess it isn't completely illegal because they haven't bum rushed his spot, grabbed his merch, and gave him party bracelets.
Aiight back to writing my original friday morning blog entry(do I even have cell signal out this piece)
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