Showing posts with label midday update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midday update. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

Still 3 movies behind

I did the trailer blog for transformers yesterday but I didn't get a chance to edit it and add in the links so its sitting in draft. I'll leave this one link free so I can just post it. Man has it been hot here in the midsouth lately, I'm glad that our AC issues have been mediated because while I love to barbecue I myself don't need slow roasting.

The issue with being 3 movies behind is simply that another movie I wish to see premiered last night, HP7 pt 2, and my memory issues will not allow me to store up 4 issues. Now there is a bit of good news on the horizon I think I've narrowed my laptop choices down to two, a Toshiba or a Sony. Now as my last 2 desktops have been Sony's and minus a few minor hardware issues(the oldest one had its power supply die, and mine has a dead top dvd-R/W) and of course my current software issues 6 plus years in the game money well spent.

That's another blog though, X-men is being re-edited, I haven't gotten past the Oath for Green lantern, and I haven't even sprayed the mud out of the tires of Transformers 3. So I'll be 4 blogs behind whenever I get the laptop. Deadlines are your friend though, or so says a Pulitzer prize winner Eugene Robinson says(no relation, lol always wanted to say that). Okay enough procrastinating. I'm already working so let's post this and get on with other things
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

It was a work day deferred but a work day nonetheless

Its like 2 in the afternoon and we on the highway back out to somerville. Honestly I don't know why I'm riding 3rd seat again. If you got K & J the wire team, wire team extraordinare(when they aiin on the Bull) what you need a tech for? Hey we out the house though

We're now at the site and honestly not much for me to do here so back to the blog. I won't lie I'm boooored again I can carry things from the front to the back but honestly this was a wire team job, but maybe the next site. Just the way it works sometimes, while I'm not a big college football fan I am a football fan so I am watching.

Auburn vs. Georgia lots of yellow hankies on the ground and Georgia has taken advantage of every miss step by Auburn, they showed a graphic about auburn coming back from large deficits so let's see if they calm down.

Penn state vs. Ohio state first TD's in Columbus is Joe Pa's history at Penn state wow, hey like I said the other day "all good things must come to an end". So Joe Pa CAN score in Ohio.

Wire team is almost done moving this system across the store so we're about to be on to the next site, maybe I'll be busy, maybe I won't I never know but I let's go on and get there

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little orphan Primal

Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE WAITING. I would rather be bored than waitin, or even rushed. But BORED and WAITING, man kill me.

Wth right? Where did this come from why am I all suicidal because I'm stuck waiting. Because instead of riding shotgun today I was riding 3rd seat, the company is 2 vehicles down and basically I'm odd man out. Which usually is okay unless somebody gets a case of the "dropsies" and by dropsies I mean leave me at a site where I can't do a damn thing. I mean yeah yeah this customer USUALLY complains that his system ain workin and there are no errors, glitches, or issues. And basically we walk in, nothing is wrong we walk out in like 15 minutes.

So why oh why did I get dropped off, yes it took me like 30 minutes to diagnose, which is fine. It also allowed me to use my conflict resolution skills to go ahead and diffuse a situation, granted it cost me 6 bucks but what can ya do right. I was thinking of recounting some old stories about my old "misnamed" dog Buddy.

Buddy was a cocker spaniel, little larger than your average cocker and after we had our "come to jesus" moment, to the fam he lived up to his name. But the squirrels and neighborhood kids called him "aaaaaaaargh quit playin get ya dog man". I have a picture of him somewhere, its a red eye picture which suites him just fine.

I might recount stories of old budrick(no not his real name, nor was dumb dog stupid puppy but sometimes I called him both), Minnie(mutley, useless, go away, mom can I please step on her, grrr get out the kitchen Sr.), and Brute(bobute, I hate you, don't eat people, moose dog). Buddy is gone, been gone for a long time 10 years now, minnie is just under 11, brute is like 3. Buddy is the only one I call my dog though.

Anyway another morning edition put to bed, hope everybody gets over the hump

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gong! The unknown comedian got me

Maaaaayne 10 minutes ago I had the worlds biggest smirk on my face I was cruisin. My errand was run, we was in the car, my bladder was empty, and life was good I forgot I had a service call out in East Bumble.

Damn, I swear just when my day seemed to be getting brighter. Sokay I'm still ridin shotty so basically I'm here, I'm riding, I'm tweetin, textin, and blogging. I'm gonna make this day into somethin if it kills me. I have a few blogs floating through my head now due to todays craziness so I may be a blogging fool again. I may even revisit some more anecdotes from the past, I guess I can be said to be somewhat stingy with my details.
It ain nothing personal, but if you don't ask how do I know what you wanna know? I'm a mind full of stories, fantasies, experiences, fears, failures and successes. As my father said to me last night "nothing that happens today hasn't happened to someone else in the past, it just feels more intense because its us and we haven't figured out how to deal with it yet". I feel that, sometimes you can't see the light yet and don't realize its just because your eyes are closed while stumbling along in the dark.

No matter what until it doesn't, the sun will rise tomorrow. You may not see that sunrise, but if you do remember its there. There is another day to move closer to your goal, become better at your craft, live a dream or fix a previous mistake. Life ain nothing like it, and its the sum of the experiences not just what happened today or yesterday.

Heavily weight your positive experiences and learn from your negative ones. And make sure to learn the right lessons, because negativity will try and poison the lesson. It will wrap you up in more pain and deception, trying to choke the life out of you and your dreams but you can choose to not let it.

Everyday is a challenge and if you pass I the next challenge has even better rewards. (Hug) there's a hug if ya need a moment, because we ALL need a moment sometimes, but don't get bogged down look how far you have come. Keep at it, you're alnost there, if you can breathe you can get there. Sometimes it ain about finishing first but finish the best way YOU can.

Holla at ya boy, I'll be out here somewhere

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Back after a few technical difficulties

This morning has been a comedy of errors, it's just turning into one of those days. Hopefully I can pull off getting to Best Buy later, Newbs need to be shot. Especially blood shot bleary eyed newbs who stayed up all night waiting to pick up a copy of a game they could have A pre ordered and B waited til later on today to crack open.

I mean yeah I want my scalps too, I want to be involved in all the C4 exploding, bullet firing goodness. But in my wise old age I know past probably a short learning curve it's an update of an older game, a new installment not the first coming of a brand new epic. The HUD probably hasn't changed much, nor the reticle, a few of the weapons have probably changed and the accessories but again short learning curve.

So it ain gametime for me yet, I still got work today(though work is taking forever to really get started) it's like we've been knocked out of our normal orbit and it's kinda wierding us all out. Not really a huge amount to say mainly because I gotta hit the "office" just want to do my usual morning update, hello and how ya doin.

To all my international visitors *Wave*, hey nice to meet ya hope you enjoy the ramblings of this crazy American. To all my fellow americans, HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS

Sorry I couldn't help it I haven't called a single cowboy fan friend or relative to gloat but I have been holding it in so long. Yes Wade Phillips is gone from the cowboys and I may blog more in depth about that later but for now this was just a quick release of pent up gloating. I don't gloat often(unless we spanked them in a game then yes I will gloat, it's sports that is a valid and time honored part of fandom: the trash talk), but in this case hey it is slightly warranted, you know with the whole "COWBOYS super bowl champs the rest of yall can just pack it in" talk we have to endure at the start of EVERY season.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I wanna be like everybody else and have this super cheery disposition because in X amount of hours it's about to be on and poppin on the weekend front, but still in a blah mood like yesterday.  About to kick back and watch anime maybe that will get my mind in some semblance of order.

Baby bro asked for a lift to pick up his lady so I guess I'll hit the movies tomorrow if at all, I do want to see RED I think I've only seen one comic book movie this year I want to get a few more under my belt as well as catch any new previews(especially for next months Tron:Legacy) that may be up on the screen. I know most are probably expecting some extreme lament from me about all the terrible things that will happen to this country due to the election on Tuesday.

Look my side lost their side won, in the end we are all Americans rarely are we all going to agree on how things should be done or run. As such predicting APOCALYPTIC DOOM just because your side lost an election is a little low brow for me, I mean if I can find a funny(to me) joke to make about it I might but this is America we have these "bloodless coups" all the time, it is how we get fresh ideas in our system or bring older tried and true(possibly not effective before but maybe moreso this time, it's a bone take it enjoy it and get outta here) practices back to POSSIBLY stabilize a situation.

It's also Pizza night in my household so today we get the adventure of will they get our order right this time. I'm not gonna say the major chains name, they USUALLY get it right but during a recent promotion our local branch was so swamped that basically it was like playing mystical boxes because you never knew what was gonna be in there was it your pizza, was it your bread sticks, will it be the right crust yadda yadda yadda.

I also haven't talked about my Phillies losing in the NLCS, well hey 3 straight years of being amongst the top teams in baseball AND a WORLD SERIES TITLE, I'm just happy to be a Phillies fan. I may get into it later I may not, congrats to the San Francisco Giants though for winning, I know how gratifying it is to root for a team and see them win it after a long stretch(yeah yeah our 20 years wasn't that bad compared to others but hey I'm in my 30's it was most of my life okay) so congrats(you suck for beating us even with the rings), enjoy and see you next year.

I guess I can bed this one just because if I start addressing anything else this will be up for the most rambley award and I ain trying to do that this afternoon(wow it's the afternoon SURPRISE SURPRISE)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Afternoon malaise

I'm running a scan on 1 pc(which is gonna take all day, literally) and another I am doing some trial and error on to see exactly how deeps it's problems are and what I may have to recommend is the routes to fix them. welcome to all who have tripped through today as always you're welcome to leave comments, subscribe, and even contact me per le contact page(I'm too lazy to look up the actual french so yes I am doing a bad Pepe le pew right there). I hope all are having a good day. If you have any questions about some of the various crap I may be doing at the time(trust me I am captain road dog if it's interesting I'll probably head there with you, which means I have a ton of stories just never know which ones to type out at the time), I do a lot better with responding to folks then I do just rambling on, because if you have read a post or two once this stone gets rolling Look out below cause I'm heading to the ocean floor. Now of course I have mentioned on OTHER peoples blogs(yes if I read your blog and I think the topic is interesting I will respond to your blog, see my blog roll, can you smell it's eccentricity yup pure me right there I am a varied person) that the whole "Blog month Challenge" thingy isn't my bag it's just not.

I mean part of it is my random nature, probably part of the reason I love Deadpool and Spiderman so much is because like me their are so random, will talk a mile a minute(we do happen to get things done) but it's not really scripted or along a timeline. So to tell me YOU HAVE TO BLOG EVERYDAY, like thou art the voice of god man I would type some crap out and just not post it BECAUSE you wanted me to daily. Yes it's a little juvenile but part(s) of me do have a rather youthful nature. I never gave that up it's part of what makes me a great friend I have the Optimism of one 20 years my junior.

By the way I ORDERED Deadpool Corps Prelude and trade 1, grr it's hard cover and I prefer soft but meh I'll get to read the "Merc with the mouth's" advetures with his multiversal incarnations. It's been a while since I bought a comic because my tail is always busy. So PART of my weekend plans were done, gotta finish those blogs still but I did do a few blogs so see content production is humming along.

I think I will look at see if RED came out recently, the movie with the old CIA agents with targets on their heads, I love pretty much all the actors in the cast so I will sit through it. Plus it's based on a comic, I know I didn't go see predators or Expendables but that wasn't my fault that was schedule related. I am planning to pic up predators on DVD though A-team, The losers and probably Legion too. Like I said BUSY, but in a few weeks BLACK OPS hits shelves and I have my preorder and some of you little newbs are going down, can we say "Shots to the Face" yes boys and girls yes we can. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes that was me doing an #EVL laugh and yes I am going to be my evil self in a FPS, you do not play FPS' for the story my friends no it's to hear grown men and little children complain about your newbishness for lighting their HEINES on fire(and I don't mean the imported beer in the green bottle either) "I love the smell of C4 in the morning!"(and the afternoon, and evening, and midnight and dawn *holds back evil laugh*mu *cough cough* almost escaped).

Okay back to work this was just a quickie to update what I was doing because I hadn't posted yet today, maybe I should dash off and get me some subway or something too(what I might still goof off and, are you reading this blog right now instead of doing YOUR job, right thought so, so as you were)


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