Showing posts with label evening edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evening edition. Show all posts

Saturday, November 24, 2012


I give thanks for:

Morning Dew
Baby Smiles
Brotherly Laughs and Hugs
Friends with senses of humor
Friends who know when I've gone to far but love me even after they have told me so
Parents who have seen almost 4 decades together
Stealing 20 years from extinction(and still counting)
Having the courage to stand my ground
Getting up after being knocked to it
Laughing in the face of end of the world predictions
Understanding that sooner or later one of them will get it right
Science that has made the world I live in easier than even that of my parents
The knowledge that we do not yet know all so there is still much to do and learn
Another day to go back on that work out plan I gave up on who knows how many months ago
Another chance to reconnect with old friends before I or they don't get another morning
The ability to see family in the best of times
The chance to be there for them in the worst
A chance to share a meal with many of those I love, and a hope to add more to the table next time.
an achy back, creaky joints and sore bones: memories of a life well lived
a cluttered mind, teary eyes and a furrowed brow:castaways of a head full of thought
Meeting many people who have added such joy to my life
The chance to meet even more tomorrow.

I am especially thankful for a moment, for no two are a like and each one has another chance to take your breath away.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where is the love

Soooo I'm checking my voice mail today right, and there is this message for deletion that needs to be re-saved(yes I have been that gully in not checking my voice mail) and it's from one of the times that my mom was visiting my sister at the hospital right. I'm guessing since I hear myself on it that it's my moms phone in her purse. The thing is I had called my sister before I got in the room to pick my mother up and I guess when my mom saw my name pop up in my sisters phone it wasn't one of my normal nick names, noo it wasn't T, or Tom Jr, Older brother, Awesome older brother or even T2. Nope see that would be too much like right, what does my dear sick sister call me, who I was coming up to the hospital to see:

DARTH DRUNKARD oh yes, not only am I a dark lord of the sith but I am so NOTORIOUS for my love of the liquid courage that instead of some TERRIFYING name that will strike fear in the names of the galaxy I am called Darth Drunkard. Like I take a few shots of the old synthehol and I start

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Watchmen the Graphic Novel

For those who have not noticed by now I am a comic book fan. I may not bore you with pictures of my not so grand anymore comic collection(one of the saddest things of my youth was that we moved so much that I always had to leave something behind, many times my comics were among them) or start posts talking about which character is so awesome and why this character is so lame(though there may have and may be in the future posts on lame villains, every hero has them). But I do like a good story and I am one of those types who if the movie peaks my interest I will go search out more on the characters to see what I missed out on, I have done that with Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Jason Bourne and now with Watchmen.

Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons is kind of interesting in one sense because the tone of the movie even with the updates in constumes, some of the rhetoric and the locales came threw as this sort of cynical world where heroes had enjoyed a good run and then tapered off into the distance. Things weren't all bright and cheery as they were in other comics they were sort of sad and disinterested, similar to our world but without some of the joy we take for granted. I wondered when I watched the movie in as much detail as the director and screen adapters had included what did they cut out. I mean I caught some nuances that normally would be left out just to slip in an extra special effect or else add more weight to the directors vision(*cough* Harry potter 4, 5, & 6 *cough*) and while I had watched the "extras" and heard all of the commentary about what they wanted to keep in and how they were trying to stay true to the comic, not to be rote but "I'd heard it all before". Usually that's what a director and crew say just so you rush to the theater and spend your hard earned money while they have treated your childhood memories as so many fire hydrants pestered during Fido's afternoon walk.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Classic Primal Rant

I was going back through some of the posts over on my word press blog and I came to this GEM, let me just say in my defense, their is sick, there is tasteless and then there is handing someone a splooge covered laptop that they don't find out about the splooge until they open it up. And no I am not exaggerating, I even included a picture of said laptop. I don't care about what kind of porn you have on your computer, seriously I am not anti porn, I am not anti masturbation, seriously we all have to release some stress sometimes.

I am anti Love juices on something that I have to touch when the love juices do not belong to me. Would you hand that to your local Best Buy tech(and if you would I hope they IMMEDIATELY hand it back to you and ban you from the store, you're just sick)? Again while I could PROBABLY get away with the picture here what I had to say about the picture nah pimpin thats all Wonderful World right there. It was actually a short post, don't ask me how I divined that down so far and quickly, it just felt good to get that off my chest. Especially how man never mind just the thoughts that went through my head when I had to work on it, when I wrote the blog and even now, just WOW. I swear next time you get the Hazmat  charge if I get something like that

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plans for the night

As rare as it is FINALLY a late night has knocked me off my normal center. I slept well into the afternoon and it wasn't even a Sunday(which is my usual lazy day) so tonight I plan to get back to reading the books I got from the library, continue to watch some more Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny (I would recommend watching the first season otherwise that vid will make absolutely no sense), possibly try to find some news from my Eagles preseason finale(who am I kidding I will be on the webs watching the whole thing), maybe trying to swing a ride to pick up the new Madden(what this will be the 3rd one I have bought in the current gaming generation 1 360 and it would be my second ps3), more goofing off on Facebook and possibly do some google+ ing not unlike facebook while I get a lot of interaction on plus, some days I just ain there. These lulls of mine aren't just limited to my ability to write a blog and be satisfied with the content(and yes if I don't like it I refuse to post it, same as with a comment. I am evil with the backspace key if I don't feel engaged enough or dislike the quality), speaking of content seems a lot of people have been stopping by as of late(not according to google analytics but she is such a hard taskmaster to please anyway) I thank you, hope you enjoying. I know since I rarely post anything controversial here(me lack controversy, the unmitigated gall but yeah here no cursing very little controversy what can I say) I don't get too much reader interaction but then again I have gotten some, and not just from people who know me.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Motorola Backflip

As I noticed somebody hit my blog talking about Hammering their Backflip let me discuss some of my favorite "blackflip issues".

Backflip issue number one: Battery life, I don't know who or what sucks the power out of my backflip while it is in "sleep mode" in my holster not doing a damn thing, but as nice as the keyboard on this phone is, how pretty the screen is. Pulling out my phone after a 45 minute car ride and it's like half dead and I haven't used it to complete a call is a no no. And no it isn't a defective battery per se because this is a new battery I had my service provider send me one of those first when it initially reared it's ugly head.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I should be ashamed

I who read either ""Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(870 pages) or ""Harry Potter and the half blood Prince(672 pages) in one night, a perfectly happy passenger in J.K. Rowlings latest installment of what was to be her 7 part epic(obviously it is over now, the final movie coming out within the next 30 days) took the better part of a week to finish The Elements of Style (95 pages including all introductions, forwards, prologues and acknowledgements).  Now some might say I deserve a little forgiveness because of course Elements is more of a text book than it is some sort of fanciful tale geared to grab my imagination, I say that is cold comfort. I selected the book, I checked it out, I read a few pages realizing it was more grammatically intense than it was comical lecture or humorous chiding and I still picked it up.

It was a case of not being able to get the book I wanted so I took a book it had recommended,  29 Common Writing Mistakes, I went into the library with hopes of borrowing the title so that I might finish it and do some of the exercises. Within the first 34 pages two titles stuck out at me the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (which my brother still owned a copy of from high school and it was readily available) and the previously mentioned Elements of style. As I would like to become a better writer I decided hey the first step in ANY journey is always the most important, if you would like to write better read about writing(granted writing at all would also help but I will chastise myself about that later). Anyone who knows me personally (especially my tumultuous time from 4th to 12th grade, my my my how many times was I stuck at the front of the class) knows how much I LOATHE HOMEWORK, to say I think it evil is somewhat overstated, I think it's unnecessary. I tend to learn things quickly or not at all so if in my initial reading of the textbook I didn't get everything I needed, I wasn't going to get anything. And as my test scores would often show, I tend to retain a lot I just can't stand repetitively doing it over and over and over, practice may make perfect but if you continuously stir the bowl you will either beat out all texture or else create so much gluten as to make it a chewy inedible mess. So for me to be basically signing up for *groan* homework would probably make some check the temperature in hell, hold on there bessy I'm not sitting here doing exercises I'm reading something I actually like to do.

Upon first blush it seems me and Elements are going to be at odds, it is a book built upon the foundation of BREVITY and me be brief, do I not extole on how I will say what I want for as long as I want and to the extent that I want? I warn people at least a few times a year about the fact that I will ramble on, randomisity train isn't this what I call my fine friend here. So to ask me to be brief, why I should put it down immediately shouldn't I and yet I was intrigued by the challenge. And to make matters worse why this book suggest I don't add words to the English language, THE UNMITIGATED NERVE. How dare some dusty tome from a bygone age tell me NOT to amend the English language as I see fit, though to be fair I don't do it as often as I would claim so honestly that one isn't that hard to go along with, brevity though yeah thats gonna stick in my craw. It also suggested breaking long sentences up into shorter ones and abstaining from heavy handed prose, now see that last bit I do need to work on. It suggested making sentences stronger by removing unnecessary qualifiers for example:why say something is LIKE a thing, if you feel it's a thing take a stand and call it a thing(you may have noticed that if I did a cloud of this blog over the last week or so the word LIKE is showing up a lot less). See I may be stubborn, bullheaded, and set in my ways but I don't mind a good well intentioned debate or discussion on a topic or technique. And like I said I always want to get better, being less timid in my language is actually something that I want to do, the fact that I have banned "Colorful Metaphors" from this blog means at times I have rambled on to say something that a quick two word sentence might have been employed for on wordpress or multiply.

Now of course this would not be a book on grammar or writing if punctuation did not rear it's vile head, what can I say I BARELY put my commas in the right place, and if I really wanted to be better I would let a more grammatically gifted friend edit me before I posted. That is what I wanted though: ideas, suggestions and directions upon which to better improve the quality of my writing and thus the presentation of my blog. And the Elements of Style while stern in its call for less digital diarrhea isn't so cruel as to say it's his way or the highway, just that when you look at a few well chosen examples isn't less more? Isn't being direct and forthright with your imagery and thoughts a better usage of your time and page space. I say yes, so while I will still write long and lengthy blogs they will be long not because I wasted 10 words to figure out how to say 5 but because I found the right  5 words to get my point across and expounded upon that thought in a more connected nature.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's enough to piss off a goat

Me and the bredren(I may add a picture to this later if I can talk my mother into making them stand for a photo Muahahahahahaha, yes I will use my mother to further my blog. I'm the oldest that is only mildly EVIL) want to go see Thor tomorrow, Kitsune has yet to set up an e-mail so he can't complain on this blog about being forced to take a picture now that he's all anti social, now me and Lank(celebrating his 24th year last week) have never been to Imax before and were hoping to catch one of the Summer blockbusters on Imax. And with the way the trailer looked we hoped it MIGHT(y) be THOR(yeah yeah, marvel homerism in effect), but unfortunately DENIED, now maybe it will be brought to Imax later but for the sake of this blog I want to see it opening weekend(even if the review is still a day or two late. What I'm human) so we will probably hit the Paradiso tomorrow, unless Lank flakes and then I will have to try and hit The Malco 12 at the Raleigh Springs Mall for the last showing(at 7 something, seriously somebody needs to talk to them about that) Kitsune might join me he's a pretty good movie buddy, even if more mercurial than myself(and that is saying a LOT).

But Thor will happen tomorrow,  I mean I guess it sad really and being the oldest some of the blame could fall on me for us NEVER going to an Imax showing, I mean I don't really know where the Pink Palace Museum is and the regular theater was always so much closer especially for us tended to procrastinate souls. But I guess as a bonding moment we wish to experience the GLORY that is a 300 ft screen(I just want to say if I ever make it OBSCENELY rich, I'm renting it out for a few days to watch the full Star Wars saga and possibly Lord of the Rings, yes the rest of the tickets will be given to some of the local area schools so the kids can watch too if the teachers allow it, but I want to see booty kicked that tall). I don't really have a bucket list in life simply because meh I'm too random I trip over crap I want to do anyway, I've gone deep see fishing, been to Disney World a few times, been to Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Philly, NY, etc. I mean I guess I'm so used to just ending up places that I don't plan for it I just let it come to me. But this would be a good one, so hopefully one of the summer block busters this year(hmm maybe Harry Potter since it's the last and it has been epic) and to share it with my brothers would also be good.

So anybody out there been to an IMAX viewing, how was it? Any tips on how NOT to get a crick in my naked staring at such a huge screen

Hidden Treasures

In working with electronics every once in a while you find out something that completely changes your life that is a complete accident. One of those items is the Seagate Free Agent Goflex, now no it isn't the cheapest 1TB drive out there, and the drive itself isn't what is so awesome it's the base. See you can remove the base and get a standing Sata HD docking bay. Yes for 80 bucks(less if you are a reward zone member with points stored up) whether it be desktop or laptop if you have a sata drive that you aren't sure if there is data left over on you can just pop the top of the drive off from the bottom and boom the base is free to plop any sata drive on it you wish.

Now for those who don't speak geek Sata stands for Serial Ata or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment so if you have a computer that seems to be kaput but have access to another pc or laptop, and also just so happen to own a free agent go flex(with a base similar to the one up above) just patiently pull the base straight down and it should pop off. and look like so

Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Power Day 2

Well first this morning I got an update:power will not be restored until saturday at the earliest. This being thursday of course I'm in an extremely cheerful mood. So that means 2 more days of cold showers MINIMUM, no html updates for my blog(doing them in these phone editors is a big no no), no checking to see how many folks visited, no watching my favorite animes, nor my favorite pornos(or soon to be favorite *wink wink* *nudge nudge*), no easily charging my phones, keeping up with my favorite shows(which I usually catch on the net anyway). I think I'm gonna let a friend start critiqueing my blog. I respect her enough that while im sure the number of "red marks" I get will be vast it will be out of love not grammar naziness.

I know I haven't done the "weight loss journey" blogs like I was supposed to do and now without the lights its hard to keep up with my workouts. If I can't see how can I make sure 1. The band isn't breaking 2. I'm hitting the right angle 3. I have enough room. I may try it anyway tonight two days break is enough. And my diet sucks now can't cook because we have an electric stove, so its all fast food.

Another thing to add to my list of things I need to get: a notepad, a sketchpad, pencils, pens, and either colored pencils or pens. I told a friend I would start drawing and trying to write again and I am going to do that. I must fight my procrastination streak likes its the plague.

What can I say this week and the loss of my access to. Y digital lifestyle is lighting a fire under my behind. There will be a movie blog this week, my boss will be pissed but saturday is gonna have a cut off time. As for my personal life, well its rocky, you want to know ask, simply put I ramble on but personal matters I can just blast for hours so I prefer to make that precision not scattershot.

The Reason for the extended power outage was a power pole snapping and then a tree falling across other lines. Needless to say I could really do a blog the differences between blackberry's and this motorola backflip now battery life is a sore spot right now the Crackberry burns strong, the android not so much. Great features just lousy battery life for now.

That's a future blog though, stone age status has me trying to put it all in my blog in this one shot, and of course I have to publish them all raw, yeah loving that right now. Anyway for those stopping by thanks, for my fellow Memphians still without power I hope MLGW remembers this come bill time(and the lack of national news coverage is annoying)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Friday, February 18, 2011

A little randomosity passenger interaction if you would

While I have more than 160 entries on this here bloggie I believe I have a total of maybe 10 or 12 responses. As such I am curious as to how I could get you the reader to chime in a little more often, and I know ego maniacs that we web denizens tend to be usually this means "how can I drive traffic without having to do anything". Well as is hopefully obvious by now, I'm not your normal my way or the highway type.

I am really asking:Do you want more details in your movie review? More character backstory/my thoughts on the actor(s)? Do you want more pictures and possibly some shakey cam video(taken with a smart phone so expect to see nose hairs)? Would you like me to add some games to the blog to give your eyes a chance to heal from the excessive strain I put on them? Would you like me to add the youtube widget or some other(non porn sorry blog rules still apply) video/content site? Would you like me to visit your blog and see if I can survive in your domain?

Do I need to get the content production back up to end of 2010 levels? Thats something I want to do anyway so thats an easy request, like I said my brain has thawed/flipped the LP/ rebooted so somebody is actually at the helm again. Would you like me to partake in some of the blog challenges going around(if you do I reserve the right to call you Evil Minions and make a whiny blog afterwards, I hate deadlines)? I thought I would ask to see what responses if any I would get, maybe I could embarass myself by showing how little I know(but how quickly I could google) about the country with the highest visitor count outside the united states.

I love a good challenge minus to hard a deadline I don't mind a timer just not a "you have until such and such time to hand me this, but don't give it to me before such date/time". I know thats really sad but as I am getting nearer to the crotchety old geezer stage of life I am less inclined to be compliant with annoyances. If I ever make it to the 3 legged stage of life I fully expect to be unbearable and annoying :) .

3 blogs in 3 days if only I could get my but to exercise like I'm blogging again, oh well I'll move when I'm good and ready and not a cheese burger before
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Due to technical difficulties

Yesterday's blog about Brett Favre not playin for the first time in almost 2 decades had to be put on hold. Basically my internet was tripping and I didn't want to lose it to the ether.

Running up and down the highway a lot today so I've made up for yesterdays laziness. This isn't gonna be a long one. Of course the plan for the weekend is tron the sequel I have been waiting damn near 20 years to see. I will link to Geektyrant's website so you can see that in house CGI special ending to Yogi Bear it was comical and unexpected, but I'm still going to go see tron.

I hope everyone is staying warm, comfy and safe and I'll catch up with you all later either here, twitter, facebook or wordpress

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another snoozer

Today was another laid back day in the world of Mr. Data. I ran into some new malware/spyware something that basically ate someones camera system. Funny thing is this one won't allow me to scan it, the scan keeps breaking down, I've tried to run a scan on it 3 times now, next option is the portable cd-rom drive after that WIPEOLA, yup it's late the scan itself would have taken anyway from 7-14 hours(depends on how I set it up), but since it has now crashed 3 straight times a reload will take about 2(if the boss approves). I mean I see ALL the data that is supposed to be there already on the puter, it's probably got a secondary hard drive so I could erase probably the main hard drives worth of info and move the guys data over. Again this is a talk to the boss moment if the scan doesn't work it already seems like this thing wants to get extra as far as the fighting is concerned.

My baby bro just got his new phone so he is running around checking it's features and being mildly annoying, but who cares a new toy is a new toy, we all act somewhat childish once we get our grubby little fingers on our new gadget. On black ops(yeah yeah blog STILL to be completed but hell now I have more info) I have hit PRESTIGE 1, which means I can now run through and re level up and re earn all my goodies, which is kind of annoying but then again I skipped it last game why not try it this one, I'll earn a little more dough but a few more items and them run out and do what I do, granted once I do it a few things will be lost:My beloved crossbow(sniff sniff), my nova gas, my beloved aug, and my shotgun.  Granted of all the things I am losing(the rest of the stuff can be bought back once I get the money for it) the shotgun I think is like 5 or 6 levels in so it ain that terrible. It's just the principle of not having my favorite customs anymore.

Oh well off to cleaning and to editing the blog I did while walking

Monday, November 29, 2010

And just when it looks like a dull and dreary day

The sky opens up and says "whatcha got for me". And it was an off and on rain, one of those "I've stopped whoops nope caught you out in the middle of the street with no umbrella" type showers that get you sick.

I got wrapped up in work so I really couldn't do this blog like I wanted to earlier. It was just one of those days, starts out slow and I'm not doing anything ends in a rush. We're just leaving the smoke shop now, so its a late night for me, no I'm not fond of late nights because I still get stuck with early mornings. Blows Donkey balls, but hey I'm grown I gotta do what I gotta do.

Still a wet night luckily its monday not friday not in a movie mood so I won't get soaked. I can take the caddy to wally word later for wifey so that her playonline is okay. I want to get into Final Fantasy XIV but I'd need a new PC. Desktop laptop don't matter, either way I want something THIS generation PC wise. Call me a gaming snob, but why be on the sucky computer if you don't have to be?

But that's something far off, I know I started rambling but hey I said from the start I'm rambly. So its not like I didn't warn you, and from my bounce rate I see many of you have decided to jump off quickly, whoops this guy is a loon let me get up out of here. (I mean some of yall bug out in less than 10 seconds that's a miracle, I never leave without reading a page or two unless its a gay/femdom porn site then its "aw hell naw" *click*)

For those who have stay around and enjoy my craziness thank you from the bottom of my heart 700 hits last month and damn near 2000 over. Google analytics may not count all of you but if you are here you are welcome(until you piss me off)

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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