Showing posts with label quick shot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quick shot. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another lull

I could blame my lack of production blogwise on the heat, a heavy work load, even getting lost in the keys, it's no excuse though. Even with my new laptop unlike before when I would sit up and write until I fell asleep(or watch porn, it was a toss up  but writing usually got done too) I have not gotten myself fully back into that habit yet. It's sad but especially as of late I won't say I have commitment issues I will say my stick to  it tiveness is at an all time low.  I mean yes I have followed through on some things and yes, I am sure if I check I am well over 120 posts to this here blog. I also know that a good portion of those 120 posts came in may when I was a blogging fool(it happens when it happens), part of it inspired by the fact that thanks to that Tornado/severe thunderstorm that rolled through we had no power so the only thing I could do was blog to clear my head. No power meant no video games, no facebook, the barest of human interaction because in essence I was cut off from the digital world. 

Every little happenstance became a reason for me to write, cause for me to look back later and either laugh or shake my head. Hell I even have stopped writing my movie reviews(mainly because I am so far behind), I have seen Green Lantern, X-men:First class, Transformers, and Captain America now(I didn't get a chance to peep HP7 pt2 yet, but I will) done a few trailers posts for them, but as far as reviews go NADA. I actually have this long one written for X-men that I want to break up into a smaller piece but well at the moment my brain just isn't fitting the pieces together in a way that I'm liking.  While in the book I read a few weeks ago it mentions how "talking politics on a blog was a death knell", I happen to like talking about politics sometimes and personally the best thing about a blog or website that you produce the content for: You can do it your way. So yes my political views may scare some folks off but hey, if you disagree be brave enough to say it with your keyboard. I may moderate you out of here if you are off topic(my content is diverse enough that you could probably find SOMETHING that you can speak on without hijacking a post) too much but I'm not so heartless as to say "You disagree with me so you have to go".

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 straight long days

I know I've been absent but getting off at 11 pm every night is a beast, 12-14 hour days drain the hell out of you. I've been trying to get my work outs in even though I have been getting home so late we will see if there has been any progress, as it's been low impact without a lot of cardio the pounds won't be melting off but as the muscles have been working they are starting to feel tighter.

This will be a quick quick shot, just saying "hello, no I'm not dead, nor have I forgotten about my blog" as the saying goes Life happens(or in this case work) so I'm alive a little beat down but that has never stopped me before, and I do not plan for today to be the first time.

For those who continue to stop by thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the "weeping sword" and "I am number 4" blogs plenty of other reviews under the "Movie night" tag check them out. I didn't go to the movies last weekend because I was tired, I may go this weekend and check out "Drive Angry". Or an actual new release don't know yet, as this was not so much the case of the "lazy blogger" but more the case of, meh it's not one of the "Summer Blockbusters" that I was really looking forward to so why rush out.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It seems spring is "peeping" in early

You can always tell when the seasons are starting to change, the birds, insects and animals start coming back in full force and being more frisky. Now I'm no bird watcher so I dont know if this is a Starling, a Robin, or what I just know they spent a good 10 minutes chasing each other around the front yard.

I thought it was funny, after the snow storms, the cold weather and rain storms I see two birds. The cycle starting over again, Mother Nature just needs to catch up and stop with the Bi-polar/Schizophrenic thing and just come with the Median weather.

I took this yesterday and forgot to finish the blog so done enjoy "squirrel"(I never saw "Up" but I loved that part of the trailer)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sooo I have an Oovoo account now

3 guesses what the user name is(and the first two don't count). It means I had to find my camera's software(yes the picture still sucks looks like I need to shell out 40 bucks for a newer version of this POC, Piece of Crap for those who don't know with a mic), I'm still downloading the software to use the video chat part(yeesh I'm not even gonna use that I'm just gonna use yahoo or fb, or oovoo and crap).

I was gonna wait til I get a new laptop to start an oovoo account but as that is taking longer than usual(lots of miscellaneous bills keep popping up and I refuse to revisit the Acer fiasco, yes it was only $450 but dang only lasting 2 years not acceptable)I have a cam, that was attached to said fiasco and I can use that for now in all of it's grainy splendor, I swear if I could get tango to work on my backflip I MIGHT use that, than again no unlimited internet on the work phone, no tango like product on the crackberry.

Anyway this was just a quick shot(and probably should have been done on Word press, I keep not blogging there oh well I will get around to it, this one took a while to take off too but look at it now. well look at it most of the time) NO I do not accept random friend requests yes you can just send me a message, hey what do you know I have e-mails listed here you could just send me e-mails and say hello.  Please no spam, if it looks like spam I don't read it off my phone anyway, what you know I do most of my blogging through the phone now why are you acting so surprised that I read the majority of my e-mails there too.  Except for hotmail I have all but abandoned that account, I should probably check it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sitting at a gas station

And what do I see with my little eye? Why a rolling shoe carnival. Now whether these are knock offs, drop offs or what I have no clue. Like I said I was testing the ability to send photots and as that is kind of interesting *camera flash sound* and sending it in.
I didn't take a photo of the proprietor in his "KREW" hoody and his "VENOM" hat because I'm not mad at dude, no idea what his story is, and I'm not about to patronize his business. It was just a "wow, this is not something you see everyday". And since a cop just rolled by I guess it isn't completely illegal because they haven't bum rushed his spot, grabbed his merch, and gave him party bracelets.
Aiight back to writing my original friday morning blog entry(do I even have cell signal out this piece)
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, October 29, 2010

First moblog attempt via E-mail

Man this is a annoying day. I've picked up 3 PC's so far am waiting on a call back about the 4th, my phone is getting its normal crappy reception and I need to hit the ATM but my pockets are light.

Somedays it amazes me how I'm vocabularicly balleting through my normal thought processes to translate "me" speak to "ponder acceptable" speak. That whole floor routine up there you wouldn't believe what I was thinking as I typed. This is another post for 2 fold reasons. I wanna check how this blogging version works and I'm bored as hell sitting in a car with nothing to do and no one to harass.

Back to sitting and waiting I'll do another update soon, may need to hit the facilities soon just to drain my bladder
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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