Showing posts with label day dreaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label day dreaming. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2012

Afternoon Ponderers

Seems like I have been getting a nice amount of traffic lately and I want to thank all who are coming through. I know I disappeared again but lets just say I had other things on my mind besides blogging. I know I talk about whatever but some days you just want to keep it moving and not get too deep into the details. So that's what I did, let's see what I have noticed lately welp my Eagles are sucking right now, I'm talking Dyson sucking, 3 quarter Car Wash sucking. It would be okay if the offense was stalling a little since you know Mike Vick is out and all, but our defense has forgotten what the word meant. We let RG3 slice us up, a rookie I mean come on Rookies used to hate having to play Philadelphia because their main view was gonna be turf. I understand that yeah maybe Juan Castillo wasn't aggressive enough for some people but he's been gone for a couple of weeks now, whats the new guys excuse. This is Philly you want us to give you some breathing room:Blitz, Blitz some more, Blitz one more time and if the so happen to get the first down, Blitz them again. They have a mobile quatertback let's see how fast he really is. Let's see how accurate he can be after he has been sucking wind for a quarter trying to evade the blitz.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Afternoon malaise

I'm running a scan on 1 pc(which is gonna take all day, literally) and another I am doing some trial and error on to see exactly how deeps it's problems are and what I may have to recommend is the routes to fix them. welcome to all who have tripped through today as always you're welcome to leave comments, subscribe, and even contact me per le contact page(I'm too lazy to look up the actual french so yes I am doing a bad Pepe le pew right there). I hope all are having a good day. If you have any questions about some of the various crap I may be doing at the time(trust me I am captain road dog if it's interesting I'll probably head there with you, which means I have a ton of stories just never know which ones to type out at the time), I do a lot better with responding to folks then I do just rambling on, because if you have read a post or two once this stone gets rolling Look out below cause I'm heading to the ocean floor. Now of course I have mentioned on OTHER peoples blogs(yes if I read your blog and I think the topic is interesting I will respond to your blog, see my blog roll, can you smell it's eccentricity yup pure me right there I am a varied person) that the whole "Blog month Challenge" thingy isn't my bag it's just not.

I mean part of it is my random nature, probably part of the reason I love Deadpool and Spiderman so much is because like me their are so random, will talk a mile a minute(we do happen to get things done) but it's not really scripted or along a timeline. So to tell me YOU HAVE TO BLOG EVERYDAY, like thou art the voice of god man I would type some crap out and just not post it BECAUSE you wanted me to daily. Yes it's a little juvenile but part(s) of me do have a rather youthful nature. I never gave that up it's part of what makes me a great friend I have the Optimism of one 20 years my junior.

By the way I ORDERED Deadpool Corps Prelude and trade 1, grr it's hard cover and I prefer soft but meh I'll get to read the "Merc with the mouth's" advetures with his multiversal incarnations. It's been a while since I bought a comic because my tail is always busy. So PART of my weekend plans were done, gotta finish those blogs still but I did do a few blogs so see content production is humming along.

I think I will look at see if RED came out recently, the movie with the old CIA agents with targets on their heads, I love pretty much all the actors in the cast so I will sit through it. Plus it's based on a comic, I know I didn't go see predators or Expendables but that wasn't my fault that was schedule related. I am planning to pic up predators on DVD though A-team, The losers and probably Legion too. Like I said BUSY, but in a few weeks BLACK OPS hits shelves and I have my preorder and some of you little newbs are going down, can we say "Shots to the Face" yes boys and girls yes we can. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes that was me doing an #EVL laugh and yes I am going to be my evil self in a FPS, you do not play FPS' for the story my friends no it's to hear grown men and little children complain about your newbishness for lighting their HEINES on fire(and I don't mean the imported beer in the green bottle either) "I love the smell of C4 in the morning!"(and the afternoon, and evening, and midnight and dawn *holds back evil laugh*mu *cough cough* almost escaped).

Okay back to work this was just a quickie to update what I was doing because I hadn't posted yet today, maybe I should dash off and get me some subway or something too(what I might still goof off and, are you reading this blog right now instead of doing YOUR job, right thought so, so as you were)


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