Showing posts with label opinions welcomed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinions welcomed. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A complaint to or about me is not the same as stabbing me in the back

Can I get yall to gather a little closer for me, yeah don't violate anybody else's personal space but make sure you can hear me on this one. This is the land of free speech, if there is something on your mind get it off. Say what you have to say, be honest and open about your concerns it doesn't mean I(or the person you are talking to at the time if you ain speaking to me) will agree with you but at least there will be no hard feelings because I possible stepped on your toes or because something you said got back to me when we were standing right next to each other. See there is this "common wisdom" right now that if you complain to or about someone, that you are betraying them. Not at all, if there is a problem that I don't see but you do guess what? If you don't tell me it won't get fixed, or if it can't get fixed you won't know that unless you tell me so I can explain to you what this issue is with said item. Now understand, if it is a personal quirk of mine that you have an issue with it may not get fixed but at least I will know "okay this is something you don't want to ride with, I won't pick you up for this adventure", and guess what because you let me know up front NO HARD FEELINGS.

Now if all you do is talk bad about me behind my back, constantly sharpening knives and only getting ya tiger on when I turn my back as not to see who's throat I should be grabbing, THAT is stabbing me in the back, if you are sure about what you have to say then possibly give me you preliminary concerns and say "but let me get back to you because I may have been mistaken", I won't be mad something bothered you yet before you make to big a deal about it you wanna get more info, I completely respect that. I see you constantly talking until I walk into the room and then you get all busy and act like your eyes and my direction are the same magnetic charge and never the two shall meet, I understand you want drama, and this ain the daytime soaps. It seems to have become a habit of late that detraction is the cuisine dujuor. Why do the hard work of figuring out what is actually going on when you can resort to sensationalism, innuendo, loose association and inference to drum up "traffic".


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