Showing posts with label pre weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pre weekend. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

On the trail of "The MooseDog"

You see that big, annoying, overly energetic, playful, goofy looking piece of dog flesh right there. Yeah that huge black and tan monstrosity that has the leash stretched taut tryin to rip my arm off(anyone else in nesbit part yes that's me screaming "I hate you" every few minutes) uh huh the one with th "waggily tail" and Cerano nose, that's Brute.

He is holding me hostage on this long pointless trek(with plenty of pics we found the bike park a minute ago) this is the longest walk I have takrn him on in some time. And now I remember why he just keeps walking, if it were more fenced in I'd take the leash off and let him run to his "lil" hearts content, but I ain chasin him "over the river and through the woods".

Now if I find a huge gingerbread house back here me and moose dog gon have a long talk. To say we are lost as hell is an understatement. I know what trail we started on(red) but some how we got on the white one(I don't know why he keeps raising his leg he's been pissing dust for 20 minutes). If I thought I needed cardio today I have gotten it in spades I see houses so if nothing else we can just walk the tree line out of here.

Okay turning around I think we out walked the trail. Next time I bring supplies, we've been walking for at least 20 minutes easy. I'm not dripping or drenched but I feel myself perspiring. Big nose up there those like a rock, he wants to keep going hasn't slowed down at all. Now if I send off an instant message update that means we're screwed. I'm probably sucking wind, he escaped his harness and I'm too tired to chase him.
Wow I started this blog at 8:41 and its now 9:52, this dog has been dragging me along for over an hour. Hell I didn't think I still had hour long walks in me, so yay me. Of course since I have yet to reach the car we'll see just how much walk I really have in me. It gets filed under "only as old as you feel" though cause even I would have bet against me if you asked me that off top.

You may wonder why this is my most focused blog date its because big stinky dog has me bustin my hump. So my main focus is my tired feet and the cause of their condition. Need to get some wayer soon though last thing I need is to get dehydrated in the middle of the park(woo quit footed maneuver right there I almost tripped).

Uh oh we got turned around on these windy trails somewhere so the adventure continues. I see cars now we are near the road. Billy maher and saint elmos loop, yup never heard of them. Just found this weird warped bridge. Yup there is an even wilder story in here somewhere(no gingerbread house yet) and it seems me and the bru meister here are destined to find it.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

You know the one bad thing about wednsday premiers?

I have no clue what I'm gonna do tonight. Friday is usually movie night for me, so with this weeks movie already taken care of what shall I do(well we have an extra vehicle so maybe I will FINALLY get to check out some older flicks that I missed out on "RED").

I've never been a big shopper so no I'm not out engaging in black friday consumerism, not for any "high minded" reason just because I don't have any real need to go shopping. I don't have the discretionary cash right now to spend so why waste my time window shopping. I have nothing against window shopping but why do it on the shopaholics palm sunday. Folks are out there with spiked hammers, battle axes and full on plate armor out there, if you ain serious about a need to get something from the store today stay home.

Yes part of the issue is me working, but I COULD if I felt froggy hit a store, I just ain gone do it. If I feel I need something late tonight or tomorrow I will go but you super consumers can be my guest, I like life.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday's plan

Okay as I'm in one of the few areas where there wasn't a midnight Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows screening, I will be going tonight. Hopefully I like it as I said in last nights blog(that will be completed later and than posted in the timeline at its proper spot) the two movies to tell the whole story works.

I feel "Order" and "half blood Prince" could have benefitted from the two movie strategy. As could the Last Airbender (that and a different director) each book 2 movies to show the depths it took to get Ang past learning the element and for character development. A lot of the Harry Potter movies cut out vital scenes, characters, and events for expediency even though said events helped shape who the beloved characters would become.

Ron Weasley's courage when all hope seems lost

Hermione's slight touch of vanity which shows that she's more than just a wanna be authoritarian

Neville's pride

Dobby's resourcefulness

Kreachers deviousness

All of these characters played vital parts and roles in the books, Ron and Hermione of course are the Main characters, Dobby, Neville and Kreacher are second line characters who always seem to come through when needed. Even Kreacher(he may have come through 1st for the bad guys but as Olivander said "Great things, may have been terrible but great none the less"). Sometimes I think Hollywood forgets how we got here, how as long as you give us a good story we will sit and be amazed.

This ain a Hollywood critique blog though so let me cut that short, I could go on for hours on that subject. As far as today is concerned its work, pizza, movies, Black ops and a little bit of alcohol. Again nothing earth shattering, just me remarking on my day. Sometimes I'll wax poetic but most times its just me running my mouth.

Questions, queries, opinions you see the contact information drop me a line. I have no problem taking on subject matters, I just for the most part rarely start my day out with some outline of what's going on. Something catches my eye though and I can be off and running. Aiight had some subway and now I'm sitting behind the head shop about to go do some work. I hope everyone is ready for the weekend

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Another friday what shall I do

Man I wish I had remembered to eat breakfast this morning. My stomach is grumbling, okay just bummed a deuce off baby bro so I got a lemon pie and a Dr. Pepper. Yeah yeah what am I 5 (8 1/2 actually) its not the breakfast of champions but it will take care of the rumbling.

Didn't get paid yet so you know how that goes, besides baby bro gets rides to see his girlfriend, hits me up to take him to the movies(his attempt to bribe me with subway later let's me know he's got a whopper of a request coming up), take him to the gamestore, and gets me in trouble when he ditches work by staying at his girlfriends house instead of coming home(NOOOOT that being who I USED to be I have much room to talk. I've called out for the coitus illness before, hey finding a way to talk about sex without using the regular verbage should get points).

So I'm just sayin 2 bucks ain that big a deal plus knowing him it will be "come on buy my ticket or my concessions" time at the movies AGAIN. He can be captain cheapskate sometimes, I mean I know about being young and wanting to spend all ya free cash on your lady but dude, we both grown and you are a stingy and expensive date(what, he keeps a death grip on those damn reese's pieces and always has).
Speaking of movies(and video games we on a decent distance road trip and my presumed excuse to get to best buy: picking mom up from work was defeated !CURSES!) Don't know what came out today but I may try to sneak RED in again or else walk down the block to whatever new opening comes out.

I need to go buy scott pilgrim vs. The world on DVD. Loved it at the theatre NO IDEA if I did a blog about it(I'm not that Chris dude on AOTS, so I don't do a DVDuesday thing, I could I do tend to buy a lot of movies if something I liked came out) after watching it. It did come out about the time I was all flighty when it came to blogging. If not I may revisit it when I buy the DVD, well the bluray. I have resorted to buying movies on bluray because what do you know not that many people I know have bluray players thus movies don't walk out the door.

Ain that sad? You have to switch to the new medium so that you can always watch your favorite movies. I mean its no knock that the picture quality is awesome too, sound is pretty good as well its a waste that they don't put more extras on the disk though. Maybe as they go forward they will

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Friday, November 5, 2010


I wanna be like everybody else and have this super cheery disposition because in X amount of hours it's about to be on and poppin on the weekend front, but still in a blah mood like yesterday.  About to kick back and watch anime maybe that will get my mind in some semblance of order.

Baby bro asked for a lift to pick up his lady so I guess I'll hit the movies tomorrow if at all, I do want to see RED I think I've only seen one comic book movie this year I want to get a few more under my belt as well as catch any new previews(especially for next months Tron:Legacy) that may be up on the screen. I know most are probably expecting some extreme lament from me about all the terrible things that will happen to this country due to the election on Tuesday.

Look my side lost their side won, in the end we are all Americans rarely are we all going to agree on how things should be done or run. As such predicting APOCALYPTIC DOOM just because your side lost an election is a little low brow for me, I mean if I can find a funny(to me) joke to make about it I might but this is America we have these "bloodless coups" all the time, it is how we get fresh ideas in our system or bring older tried and true(possibly not effective before but maybe moreso this time, it's a bone take it enjoy it and get outta here) practices back to POSSIBLY stabilize a situation.

It's also Pizza night in my household so today we get the adventure of will they get our order right this time. I'm not gonna say the major chains name, they USUALLY get it right but during a recent promotion our local branch was so swamped that basically it was like playing mystical boxes because you never knew what was gonna be in there was it your pizza, was it your bread sticks, will it be the right crust yadda yadda yadda.

I also haven't talked about my Phillies losing in the NLCS, well hey 3 straight years of being amongst the top teams in baseball AND a WORLD SERIES TITLE, I'm just happy to be a Phillies fan. I may get into it later I may not, congrats to the San Francisco Giants though for winning, I know how gratifying it is to root for a team and see them win it after a long stretch(yeah yeah our 20 years wasn't that bad compared to others but hey I'm in my 30's it was most of my life okay) so congrats(you suck for beating us even with the rings), enjoy and see you next year.

I guess I can bed this one just because if I start addressing anything else this will be up for the most rambley award and I ain trying to do that this afternoon(wow it's the afternoon SURPRISE SURPRISE)


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