Showing posts with label Merc with a mouth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merc with a mouth. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Deadpool Wins! Friendship. 0_o Friendship?!

My local Comic Shoppe

Welp the order I placed monday has arrived. Two copies of the latest deadpool storyline the prelude and the actual first ark. The covers look amazing I may have to sock away 40 bucks and buy two that I'm NOT gonna open. Cause these two beauties(photos to be provided later) are soon to be defiled by these two hands right chere.

After checking my first moblog from e-mail source me likey. I'll still leave them in draft mode while that requires me to come back later and post them to my blog it also allows me to make adjustments, do final spell check and add the photos that I referenced above. So why deadpool? Because the "merc with the mouth" has only been around a good 15-20 years(I'm pissed I used to own the first appearance of Deadpool he had potential but never did I realize he would grow up so grand ; ; oooh how much that first would be worth now and when the movie comes out) {hmm that little aside will have to be shortened} But he is trying to match spidey pun to pun in half the time. And ladies and gentleman Wally Webs(sorry he called spidey that in shattered dimensions and it was epic) has 50 years worth of quippage under his belt and still counting. Deadpool boasts that he is the best there is at everything wolverine does(and truth be told he damn near is, hell has even disembowled the old Canuckle head a time or 20), has two razorsharp katana's, grenades, twin pistols, twin smg's, an M-16 with a laser scope(see itsjustsomerandomguy for any and all deadpool theme songs, hell I may adjust the url later to the song about said M-16).

Now you may be asking me exactly who is involved in these Deadpool corps, why I'm glad you asked that(not that I was actually listening to you but come on how often do I get a chance to use that set up, yeah yeah my blog like everyday SHUT IT) Well you have the original Merc with the mouth Deadpool, then you have Lady Deadpool( Boobs see prelude), Kid Deadpool(Tito), Dogpool(Cujo), and Headpool(Shorty no pockets) so far I have read the prelude and it's awesome.

Quick aside the reason why I love going to your local comic shop versus say wally world or even a big box book store to get your comic books is because in a big box store, the comics are there because they make money, but nobody knows diddly about them, at your local comic, cards and collectibles shop(most shops will call themselves that because you can usually find turn based card games as well as Merch there from various pop sources) usually the proprietor is himself a comic fan one of the more famous ones being some fat dude from New jersey(yeah yeah I've seen my gut actually I think Kev is awesome love most of his work) you can get your comics, some quick convo have them ordered and if you're REALLY NICE you might even score some acid free bags to store your comics in(if not just buy them or buy an extra set of your comic order and ask that they be placed in the bags probably be a buck or two more, but WORTH IT)

So my first official Deadpool comics, they appear awesome if you wonder why I am doing Mortal Kombat references for him look at this awesomeitsjustsomerandomguy video Aaaaaanyway enjoy my fellow true believers let me post this bad boy and get it over with

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