Showing posts with label Spoiler alert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoiler alert. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2010

My problem with the ending of "Skyline"

I said I would do this after a couple of weeks It's been 2 fridays(almost, it's been two movie openings Harry Potter and Faster) so lets get to it.

My problem with skyline is simple:the human race all dies except for 1 female(I guess), really the "hero" gets stuck into an alien body in "stills" you see the hero in his new alien body put the SMACKDOWN on a few alien creatures and run away with the girl. Umm really you've just shown basically a desolate planet earth, and we don't even know if her baby is gonna make it. how is she not only gonna survive 9 months on her own (even if dude is there in his alien body to protect her) but you know RUN THE WORLD. I mean think about it:

Everybody else is gone, bodies piled along the floors of alien ships. So there will be no power, or if there is some power still on the first time it breaks down, does she know how to fix it? Is it something she can fix on her own? How is she gonna grow her own food? I mean ladies and gentleman it's not like we are this Renaissance society a bunch of well rounded men and women nope we basically have folks who grow the food, folks who fix our infrastructure, folks who push paper, and people who do various other things and RARELY do our jobs intertwine past using what someone else provides for us.

I mean I thought MAYBE an ID4 would happen we escape to some underground bunker, you figure out how and why Jarrod is how he is you regroup, come back and kick alien butt. Nope the human race is gone pimpin, and the aliens they don't waste time they blow up your skull and use the brain to stick into a new "hive mind" friendly body. Due to multiple "broken" exposures Jarrod was the only human who still had a mind of his own. Oh wait before I forget yeah the aliens do this thing wear they get the brain perfectly away from the skull and use it to power the big uglies, flying uglies, whatever ugly is in front of you right now is powered by a brain, and if you kill that brain it will just take another one, yeah absorb that.

Now if him escaping is supposed to set up a sequel okay um HIS SKULL WAS DESTROYED. it's one big alien ugly versus however large the armada was, and it's not like he can get his body back so um whats the point of showing "alien jarrod" getting away? This ain like Avatar where at the end dude changes body and now has working legs again. There is a future and a sequel on Pandora(I mean potential sequel but come on as much dough as it made it's getting a sequel probably two sequels) how will humanity come back now that they have been kicked off world, possibly is there a way for a truce to be made(you blew up a sacred tree I'd say no, but I mean you could try it). Again the end of the movie was main character opening his eyes in his new body the end. He's alive though, and there are others like him that he can start to rebuild his new home world with. But in skyline um dude if this was to keep them from trying to force you or write a sequel with or without you it's Hollywood if a movie makes money they will figure out the sequel.

So yeah bad ending, thats what I didn't like you kill the hero and don't really leave much hope for the partner/sidekick/love interest going forward. I mean what is she supposed to repopulate the planet all by her lonesome? yeah poor planning

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Smallville 10th season Final villain

I missed the season opener so I didn't see how it all began with the season premier but I now know the climax:Darkseid(lol damn near said Apocalypse but that's marvel, their damn near the same character though). In "Abandoned" Granny Goodness and "her girls" showed up(no Barda though so that kinda sucked. They did have Lash and the Knife girl though).

They have also shown that Superman(not yet in name and no flapping cape yet but damn near) is not immune to his abilities. Superman and Darkseid always have knock down, drag out battles. Darkseid is the iron fisted God of(I'll look it up later, I think the planet is called Apocalypse in DC, nope its Apokolips just looked it up) and with his servants he often rains pain onto earths heroes.

Its the last season, who knows how many episodes left so I doubt they will get into as much depth with the characters as they could have if they decided to say go for 3 more seasons. I just finished the "Patriot" episode and saw them "create" Deathstroke(as I mentioned in the previous blog the character upon which Marvel Fan Favorite DeadPool was based) though from what they showed he looked more like cartoon networks Slade more than the classic comic book costume but you only get to see the riveted in eye patch on his left eye, and his shoulders. Of course since Smallville tends to use darker colored costumes so the deep/burnt orange and black leather probably works better than the spandex black and red.

So yeah as far as villains are concerned they have done damn near everyone one:Zod, MXYZPTLK, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Bizarro, Doomsday and I think they also did a few magical enemies as well. They've introduced a bunch of heroes Zatana, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Impulse(not yet the Flash), Cyborg, Supergirl, Jonn Jonz(martian manhunter), Hawkman, Dr. Fate, and a few low level heroes. We've seen Jimmy Olsen, Lana Lang, Perry White, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer(I don't know if Tess is supposed to be Lex's assistant/personal Bodyguard Mercy from the cartoon series). Over the course of the series though they have done a pretty good job of making sure any and all characters introduced not only fit in the storyline but for the most part made sense. A few looked a little out of sorts outta costume and the "wonder twins" were just a waste. If you are gonna use two characters EVERYBODY KNOWS just use them and don't worry about the silliness of their powers and who they are.

I like the way they are winding it down though can't wait to see how long before the Red and Blue is finally being Worn by Tom Welling.

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I'm going to give them a pass on the wonder twins(if you ever wonder why there is writing BELOW the sent via it's because I'm adding something I learned later not doing the original typing of the blog. I don't count spelling checks I admit I need to do in the blog or link addage to the blog as "new content") in like season 4 or 5 there were two bald headed mutated twins who 1 of the on screen baddies called "The Wonder twins" and like the ACTUAL wonder twins they had to touch together for their powers to work. But it seems Zan and Jayna the way I expected to see them made an appearance in season 9(I have to go catch up on my box sets) so again they get a pass on Zan and Jayna until I see the Wonder Twins as claimed to BE the Wonder Twins


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