Showing posts with label Super 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super 8. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Trailers for THOR

X-men First Class

The characters I know from their powers DEFINITIVELY

Charles Xavier-Professor X. The worlds greatest TELEPATH(I'm capping and bolding that because somebody else may be stronger all around but this is Charles claim to fame), the man who runs the school, the man who began the X-men.

Erik Magnus Lehnsherr-Magneto. The master of magnetism while he and Charles are great friends he sees the only path to the safe future for mutants coming from a different path.

Henry "Hank" Mccoy-Beast. Agility of an acrobat though surpising due to his huge size(though he seems a little smaller in this movie) Hank is one of the most intelligent men on the planet, especially in the realms of biology, physics and literature. Hank speaks many languages, is known to quote great authors at the drop of a hat and is a fierce fighter alongside his comrades

Emma Frost-The White Witch. While not shown YET in the trailer(nor in X-men origins-Wolverine) Emma is also a pretty good telepath in her own right. But for now we see her SECONDARY mutation the ability to become living diamond.

Sean Cassidy-Banshee. Banshee releases a sonic scream that can stun, incapacitate or physically harm his opponent. He can also use his ability to emit said scream to fly up to the speed of sound. He was an on again off again X-man and should be recognizable to most X-fans

Raven Darkholme-Mystique. The mutant shapeshifter mother of Kurt Wagner, "foster" mother of Rogue Mystique is known for espionage and deception. She is often seen as a companion of Magneto and normally in the X-world if somebody isn't acting how you expect expect her blue hide to shift in sooner or later.


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