Showing posts with label how I review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how I review. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Review still to come

If this is your first foray into the way I do movie reviews I will explain it really quickly(again since I know I explained it before but now I will tag it so you can look it up later):

I never do movie reviews the day I watch the movie. This is for two reasons 1 like most movie goers I am still wrapped up (hopefully) in the world the director and actors created, my question is how long is that world gonna last. 2 I want to convey to who ever might read this what stood out to me, whatever my mind felt were the brightest colors, as Morpheus asked Neo "Did you hear anything I said or did you just see the woman in the red dress?", well I want to know in my minds eye who or what was the woman in the red dress, now I may cheat a little and kick out some of the names(or at least previous roles for folks who's names I don't have a quick grasp on, like the superbad kid) into a basic outline of the review just so I can kinda remember who was what, but then again I might not screw it I'll remember what I remember and I'll weave the story to you as best I can.

I don't give out stars, Thumbs, eyes, ribbons, or any of that I tell you if I liked it or not and if I would recommend you going to see it. I give you what I liked and what I didn't like and if I know any background on the story or characters I give you that(see blogs I've done on Iron man, spiderman, speed racer, clash of the titans, the A-team, etc). While others may critique the special effects, and CGI I'll focus on the stories and characters.

I try as hard as I can not to give out any spoilers, with some movies thats kind of hard with others there is enough fill space that the blog isn't 2 or 3 words long and then out(you know a men on film "hated it" or "I loved it" and there are NO snaps in ANY direction, though I loved that bit as much as the next guy but it goes against my no arbitrary ratings policy). I don't pull punches if it sucked it sucked, if it was good it was good. I'm not gonna give something a pass because it was a "kids movie", animated, or a remake(hell I'm probably harder on the remakes).

I welcome any and all input if you disagree hit the comment box, if you agree or want to add something more be my guest. I hope this helps for those who come back to read or go through and read past reviews I have done.


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