Showing posts with label pet peeves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet peeves. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just because I held the door

Just because I held the door doesn't mean I'm expecting panties off and legs spread. That's silly, not only if I expected that but for you to think that. You could have asked me why instead of giving me attitude, was I trying to be charming and a gentleman yup. Because maybe me doing one, small, insignificant, inconsequential thing for you could send a little sunshine my way. A smile, a "thank you" something simple for something simple. Maybe me catching a door for you means my wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousins or friends could catch some good karma in return and have somebody do something nice for them.

I mean am I worth so little? Because you turned around and said "Thank you" or returned my "have a nice day" that now you can have my penis anytime. Did you ever think that it wasn't your attractiveness that got me to hold that door but possibly my fathers example, or my mothers love? I've often gotten into online philosophical confrontations over whether or not anyone(male or female) is owed a thank you for doing something nice. The answer is yes, a simple thank you would suffice and a smile with that thank you would be awesome.


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