Showing posts with label resistance bands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resistance bands. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

And another one bites the dust

That right there is the handle to my OLD braided resistance band, this now makes 3(okay technically 5 because I'm breaking the individual bands, not the handles) that I have broken. In one sense I get the good ol' "Hulk Smash" feeling because these bands are made to stretch and I'm popping them left and right(well a few months in), but on the other hand its annoying because well it screws up my workouts when I do.

I need to add some cardio to my workouts, I've improved my diet(for the most part today is pizza day, and I'm gonna put the smash on at least 5 pieces and some bread sticks) so I do have pics of a beer gut overhanging a slimming waist, I may post them later. I'll post pics of last nights dinner in a minute, I'm gonna have to figure out how many calories my "buffalo sauce" adds to meals. Its not the standard butter and hot sauce(actually I'll save the details for the blog on my dinner) buffalo sauce but still for caloric and fat reasons I need to figure it out. To slim down you actual abdomen you have to do situps and other bending exercises no two ways about it. Your overall shape may change with a regular workout and cardio but that midsection is a beast.

It picks up the fat quickly and don't want to let it go, I still have my love handles but like I said where my belt goes and my shorts tie that's slimming nicely. My face is starting to slim as well but my stomach, that's a whole different story, but it will get beat down. I will admit while this is not my first stint in a gym or time creating a workout plan it is a first time for me with actual weight to lose. Previously it was about definition or trying to gain muscle, granted the younger me was camera shy(okay camera aggressive, I hated taking pictures and save a few familial matriachs, would threaten camera holders) so there aren't that many photos of the slimmer or more defined me. But maybe this go round we can change that.

Okay that's pretty much all my thoughts on that I'll discuss my bufffalo sauce in my next blog and post pics
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