Friday, January 20, 2017

The Lost day

Let's just get it over with, Yes Donald Trump is being sworn in as president of the United States today. That means people will be unfollowing Potus on Twitter, as well as Flotus, that we go from Crazy uncle Joe to condescending Santa as Vice President and that pain is about to rain down from D.C. because finally the Foxes run the hen house, the wolves are in the sheep's pen, and the thieves have found your spare key. In case you can't guess no I didn't vote for Trump, in good conscience I couldn't allow myself too. Then again I pride myself on being a decent human being not a vulture or wolf, I may not like being begged but if I see that you need help I don't mind offering.

There has been a trend over the last 20 years that ADMITTING you need help, don't know or understand a situation, or acknowledging/respecting/and allowing someone else's experience whether it be positive or painful to stand without having to buttress or play understudy to our own. I know I wrote my "Brewster's Millions Theory" way back in the heyday of 09, and that a lot has changed since then(economically) unfortunately not socially. Well, let me rephrase that it has changed just not for the better we really really don't like each other.

We have for lack of a better phrase "really gotten a chance to see into each others souls, and we don't like what we see." Yes we have had the "World Wide Web" for over 20 years now(I'm counting since we all started getting inundated with AoL discs, had windows 95 or the apple equivalent, started to fight over when a family member picked up the phone, and had to make sure we checked for a LOCAL dial in number. When a CD-rom drive was a new fangled luxury and most of us still had a few dozen floppy disks laying around(save button). You had to install your own USB ports and drivers, "You've got mail!" was the happiest announcement ever.

To the millennials looking on in horror at that last passage, yes we had to dial in to connect to the internet. Having a 56k or faster modem in your computer was akin to holding Mjolnir, and if you weren't careful you could get charged BY THE MINUTE, and LONG DISTANCE for your internet usage. It's okay, it's okay, we aren't going back there I was just using it as a reference point.
We have come a long way since the beginning of the internet age. We have become more connected, not only do we have computers and laptops, we have cell phones, tablets, smart watches, touch screen everything with wifi connectivity. Smart TV's, Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers, Driers, HOMES and all kinds of bluetooth, RF, and infrared wireless devices. Everything is access and availability and yet we really don't seem to like each other. There are some who say Facebook is the devil, others that Twitter is for trolls, Social Media has removed the masks we like to wear everyday and has given people a chance to see into the real us. That kind little old lady, could really be a racist bat spewing invective's, disparaging people she barely knows because of her dearly held but barely researched beliefs. That "Dream Couple" she has a prescription bill habit and he couldn't keep it in his pants if his life depended on it. Folks will say and do anything for attention, even reveal themselves breaking a myriad of laws for the Vine, spending themselves into poverty faking it for the Gram, bullying, exposing, trolling, or scamming friends and family just for a little internet popularity. Oh yes exposure not knowledge is king(I do not miss the irony of a guy who is writing a blog railing about popularity and exposure).

So, why do I call this the lost day? I am not optimistic, we all have a history and UNTIL we prove otherwise all folks can go on is our history. I can not be fond of Tom Brady all day, but unless Eli Manning is in the Super Bowl barring a miracle he is most likely going to get another ring? Why because Tom Brady is pretty much Money come the playoffs and Super Bowl unless he is facing off against a Manning, especially Eli. Ask me NFL QB's who are undefeated vs. Brady in the playoffs with more than one meeting? One guy Eli. If Lebron James is on your team and HEALTHY you are pretty much guaranteed to make the Eastern Conference finals in the NBA, maybe even the NBA finals. Why do I say that, because if you look at his career while Lebron has not won a championship every year he has been in the league or almost(only one guys has ever done that Bill Russel played 13 years 11 titles), he has always made his team a contender. So if a guy has had a bankruptcy on average every 7 years, has run every business except the business of selling himself and his image as an awesome businessman into the ground, and has the temperament of a preschooler in a candy shop when it is time to go, UNTIL he shows me he ain that guy: HE'S THAT GUY!

I get it, George W. Bush was the guy you could have a beer with, and Trump is the guy who insults all the people who ARE better than you but has more money than them. Because let's be real the guy lives in a GOLD PLATED APARTMENT, he doesn't understand anything about the common man. He understands greed, opulence, getting his way, and stepping on the little guy. He has been privileged his whole life, even when he screws up he doesn't have to do a lot to clean up his own messes. And yes I said people who are better than you, because to associate with a man who HAPPILY pervs on his own daughter(it's one thing to say your cousin is cute, "I'd be dating her?" that's a "dude eewww, WTF" moment), ADMITS to WALKING IN ON UNDERAGE GIRLS to *ahem* "Inspect the merchandise" and really doesn't seem to think anyone is deserving of his apology or contrition yeah you just hired a bully. You hired a bully because your life sucks and you want everyone else to be punished. I don't even know if I can fault the man for lieing anymore because if the people you are talking to don't care they just want the other person hurt, they want to see pain, they want the "Baby cut in half because I lost my child why should yours live" then were they even listening to you?

Republicans have the House(with a commanding majority), the Senate(with a meager yet sufficient majority), and the presidency with the Tangerine Terror at the helm. While I am sure there will be some disagreements, as he has fully admitted "If you say nice things about me, I will accept them. And if we can make a deal, and it works for me we'll deal." IE offer him and anyone else in his tax bracket or who own businesses as large as his a tax cut and you can kiss your entitlements goodbye. Even though half of the people who voted for him USE: Medicare, Medicaid, are about to be eligible for Social Security, and while they hate admitting it FINALLY were able to get semi affordable health care. I don't care about the fake stories about "oh my health care premiums went up after Obama care was passed" ahem, they have gone up every year regardless, it is a FOR PROFIT SYSTEM, the PEOPLERATIONS(I know I just made that word up, there is a blog rules post around here somewhere) have only one duty:To make a profit. Which means if there was a way they could charge you more, there are allowed to, the ONLY thing that could possibly keep their prices in check is YOU decided not to buy their service, which you can do UNTIL YOU GET SICK or else some family member has a MEDICAL EMERGENCY. And then you can either go bankrupt because you didn't have insurance or go bankrupt because you HAVE INSURANCE but they REFUSE TO COVER your: Treatment, Medication, Tests, Equipment, or some other thing that without you will die.

I get it, this isn't 50 years ago the ACTUAL "sweat of your brow" isn't worth as much as the Metaphorical "sweat" since a lot of what we do now is MIND power or SERVICE oriented. Now, I fully understand that service work isn't easy I have worked in quite a few service industries: Bulging Disks, Pinched Nerves, Carpal Tunnel, Plantar Fasciitis, bad knees, hips, elbows, migraines, and a host of other illnesses caused by trying to feed your family. I also can do math, initially when a lot of these prices were raised gas was up around 4 bucks a gallon for us REGULAR folks and like 5 bucks for some diesel. Gas is under 3 for both(unless you bougie and need premium gas then it might be right around or above 3 bucks), and yet most prices haven't dropped to PRE 4 dollar a gallon levels. Because that was NEVER the cause for the price increase it was the excuse, all prices are based on what the market will bear and once you get used to paying the new price you think longingly of the old price but don't demand it. You also don't remember to ARGUE FOR THE MONEY TO BUY IT, nope you just complain about the next person who gets the help they need to feed their families because I job has gone from being "nothing but work" to "a daily occurrence that doesn't even meet the minimum requirements of providing sustenance for the family." Most people are struggling and not because we are lazy or don't want to do anything, productivity is at record highs. No, people at the top have too much and just like absolute power ridiculous amounts of money makes you want even more ridiculous amounts of money.

This is getting wordy, I'm going to break this into a two parter. Yes I am on a roll, no you probably aren't going to read it doesn't matter I said it because it is how I feel. Honestly how I feel, if I am wrong I will happily admit it. Thing is, if I am right Will you?

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