Showing posts with label inside my thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inside my thoughts. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Primal's rules to writing

Save on this blog I have absolutely none, and the only one on this blog is "Dear Primal do not curse in a post," if I so chose I could curse in the commentary but I have yet to actually have anyone come through who deserves said ire. I mean it's not like I have never had disagreeable people come through before(well technically not on this blog), unfortunately for me unless it's a really poignant(I swear I always want to add an extra N to that word, I guess I could have used Topical or Insightful) I probably pay you no mind. I write for the most part as I speak, so yes I really am this random, I do tend to bring up movies, TV, or music a lot, and you may have to go back and reread because you may find that the scenic route I took you was the actual route I was trying to take to the subject.

The route was colorful, sometimes comical or sharp, and always exactly how I meant to say it, if I said it at all. It's kind of the reason why any throwback post you see isn't edited though commentary may be added later. Writing is a process even for me, and just like on social media, "if you see what I deleted because I either thought it was too much or else didn't think it efficiently got the point across you might be scared of exactly how much I thought about said subject." I don't like to be misunderstood, which is why I probably say way too much, typos/misspellings/my issue with homonyms I can get around. Being misunderstood though, it's damn near a nervous tick I don't just like being heard, I like for the person/people who hear me to actually understand where I am coming from.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Lost day pt. 2

I am sure that there are plenty of folks who are going to see this as someone being a sore loser, that is absolutely possible. I can be looking at my 35 years of CONSCIOUS observation of the world all wrong, I do wear glasses(glasses that need to be replaced, they are old and broken), and I can absolutely read a situation wrong. I may like to read comic books but I possess none of the clairvoyance that appear in their pages, nor that on the movie screen, I don't know the ancient art of scrying, am in  possession of no magics besides that of imagination, and have no skill whatsoever in divination. I observe people, situations, and I play the odds accordingly.

This is also not a "money is the root of all evil" kick, I honestly think evil needs no help it just needs opportunity. The previous post and this one are looking at how we have changed, and what those changes especially socially have caused to develop and fester in us. People with money are still people, their motivations are similar to ours sometimes the consequences just differ. Again I am not saying rich people are inherently evil, whether they scratched fought, and clawed their way to the top or else by luck of DNA were born into. Not even if by luck of DNA, Networking, and circumstance you MARRIED in to it honestly congratulations.

The Lost day

Let's just get it over with, Yes Donald Trump is being sworn in as president of the United States today. That means people will be unfollowing Potus on Twitter, as well as Flotus, that we go from Crazy uncle Joe to condescending Santa as Vice President and that pain is about to rain down from D.C. because finally the Foxes run the hen house, the wolves are in the sheep's pen, and the thieves have found your spare key. In case you can't guess no I didn't vote for Trump, in good conscience I couldn't allow myself too. Then again I pride myself on being a decent human being not a vulture or wolf, I may not like being begged but if I see that you need help I don't mind offering.

There has been a trend over the last 20 years that ADMITTING you need help, don't know or understand a situation, or acknowledging/respecting/and allowing someone else's experience whether it be positive or painful to stand without having to buttress or play understudy to our own. I know I wrote my "Brewster's Millions Theory" way back in the heyday of 09, and that a lot has changed since then(economically) unfortunately not socially. Well, let me rephrase that it has changed just not for the better we really really don't like each other.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My thoughts on "Great Americans" Day

Yesterday was the day we officially honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy as a leader of the civil rights movement. In most places we just call it "The King Holiday" not King as in Ruler, or as in Holy Savior but King as in the man's surname as well as the Hopes and Aspirations that he did not get to see come to fruition, also the ones that have yet to come to pass. In what can only be considered a cosmic coincidence the Confederate General Robert E. Lee was also born in the third week of January, Dr. King on the 15 (roughly 60 years after the Confederates death) and General Lee on the 19th. Not that it is hard to understand people are born every day, people who will make marks on history are no different, and it can not be denied that BOTH of these men made marks on history with similarities in the adversary even if not so much in the desired outcome of their causes.

I am going to be honest, yes I am black, yes I have particular feelings on the Confederacy and how I view it, it was a traitorous act and they lost, period. I don't really care about Lincoln's part in this(he has his own birthday celebration), or Grant's(who of course in honored in Presidents day) because I don't have to like someone you feel is a hero or did something who was heroic. Can I respect that a man fought for what he believed in even if I do not agree with what he believes in, yes. And as such I am going to examine the PROBLEM with calling it Great American's day.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

It's a few days late

As the trailer blog came through on Sunday I guess its to be expected that everything else would be late. Excuses i could make plenty, Memorial day weekend, trying to hit  2nd prestige in Call of Duty:Black Ops III, manning the grill Monday, or even just enjoying the long weekend. All of which are things that I did, but it's done now so *happy dance happy dance*.  One of the issues is that since I was on a blogging hiatus when First Class and Days of Future Past came out I couldn't compare the Movies to the story arcs/graphic novels the titles came from. So of course mentally I tried to do that first so I had to revamp that blog, then I had just spent like an hour an a half writing out that one so after editing it and deciding to break that thought process into 3 pieces. I had to go back and write a review for JUST Apocalypse not the entire soft reboot.

So yeah, I finished it up last night so it will pop sometime this afternoon because meh why the hell not. Also June 6th is almost upon on so it's "Spoiler Review" time, that will probably be on the press. Mainly because I do want to gush about how great a movie civil war was and not have to watch my language. So as always thanks for stopping by, reading, and enjoying my random offerings, pull up a chair, have a cuppa, and gone ahead and speak up, I d't bite much.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Trailers for Kung Fu Panda 2 (5/28/11)

As this is Memorial Day weekend and the movie industry is trying to get more bang for it's buck there are two releases this weekend, this is my first movie of the weekend(and since Lank has a habit of flaking I will probably do the review for KFP2 tonight and walk to The Hangover 2 tomorrow) I missed most of the first trailer but meh, it wasn't really a movie I want to see anyway. Looks like because this was an animated movie they decided to do all the "kiddie/family" trailers on it oh well, you go see an animated movie you take that risk, well away we go to the trailers from Kung Fu Panda 2:the search for more Kung Fu AWESOMENESS

Judy Moody and the not Bummer Summer

A movie along the lines of Superfudge(and something else that slips my eclectic memory, I swear when this wave crescendos in I'm gonna be pissed) young precocious kid, annoying sibling, wacky hijinx either during the school year or during the summer. It seems Judy's parents are going on some trip out of town and Judy has this "summer of thrills" things planned with the other girls in her school. Problem is she's been stuck with Stink(her little brother, I don't know what it is with giving younger siblings messed up nick names, stops talking before I incriminate myself) and has very few "Thrill coins" stocked up so she is waaay behind. Enter Aunt Opal, untamed curls, somewhat distant ding batty look to her eyes and the fun begins. Yes when I was younger movies like this would have appealed to me my sense of wanting to escape from the apartment and go out and explore the world, but now I'm good this is too kiddie even for a walk down memory lane.

*The Adventures of * Tin Tin

The loveable English children's character with the little white Scottish Terrier is back, I mean I know he got an HBO children's series a while back and you know while his action, adventure, mystery, and suspense them is right up my alley, meh never got into Tin Tin. Hell I knew exactly what the movie was about half way through the trailer and somehow mentally tuned it out. Tin Tin is on some adventure, to find some thing, over seas, air, dessert(why is he always crossing a damn dessert) and running through this city and that, hiding in back alleys, eavesdropping on shady people. If you are a Tin Tin fan and feel I am giving him a bad rap, I freely open up the comments for you to state his case, and it has nothing to do with him being British. I love C.S. Lewis characters, Robin Hood, King Arthur, as well as the Harry Potter books, and The Chronicles of Prydain series.


Another one of my trailer blogs, I know a new Kung fu Panda movie came out I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't see the first one in theaters, I did go watch the second one, it was kind of fun. The third one though meh. Who knows maybe I will regret not seeing it in theaters, but it was two weeks before Deadpool and that was my focus. This year is about to be the Battle of the Titans. DC and Marvel have multiple movies coming out this year, Technically Marvel has 3 coming out because Fox released Deadpool, but there are two Marvel proper movies Captain America:Civil War and Doctor Strange vs two DC movies Batman v Superman:Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad.

Hilariously the only group putting pressure on Marvel is Marvel, I mean with who knows how many Billion dollar or just under Billion Dollar movies under its belt the House that Prints Money(formerly the house that Stan built) only has to keep up the good work, and Civil War seems to be another hit in the making. Nothing but a few stills and Cumberbatch in the suit for Doc Strange though, which is kind of smart. Why fight with Deadpool and Civil War it would get buried. As for Suicide Squad it may turn out to be a runaway hit like Guardians of the Galaxy, but B v S Dawn of Justice is in a tough spot, it is DC's answer to the runaway hit that is the Avengers movies, no pressure right. Marvel just had a two year 6 movie head start(and no I don't count Nolan's Batman movies because what do you know that ain Bale and that ain Bale's world). I'm going to watch it when it comes out in a few weeks and while I hope it is good, everything in my heart screams raggedy mess.

While DC isn't Marvel, a rushed story is a rushed story, and as I said in my EWwGL post rushing things rarely turns out well. To introduce 4 new characters (RIGHT) would take like 3 1/2 hours. Especially characters of this magnitude, Wonder Woman? Batman? Flash? Aquaman? These guys are the pillars of DC's comic empire(I said COMIC not MOVIE), most times that you see an animated representation of DC's wares 2 or more of those characters are involved. The only time Aquaman did not play a huge part in a major DC cartoon was Justice League, and that had Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawk Girl, and Martian Manhunter. And when that show went unlimited(Justice League Unlimited that is) guess who's scaly butt showed up, that's right Aquaman.

Anyway enough this is a throwback post so I hope you guys get a laugh out of it

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hee hee hee, I almost forgot to title this thing, welp this will do it

Enjoying the great outdoors, okay no I'm not. I'm just outside the shed goofing off while allowing electronics to not be annoying. It's Friday, it's going to be a LOOOONG Friday. Me and the highways are going to get familiar again today, why cause life said so(I almost want to make that polysyllabic so that I could get a little "cause STONE COLD said so" going on, cause that used to be hilarious). This Friday isn't as major as last Friday, no immediate birthdays, no HUGE superhero movie openings. You hear that Deadpool has mad so much money people now have to consider what that means for the Comic Superhero Movie Genre.

No seriously, Deadpool has damn near quadrupled it's budget, they got 58 million to make it, blew past that by Friday evening. You know that Friday when the mean people made us wait an extra two hours to enjoy the extreme opposite of Fantastisuck, literally like there is an Ultimate comics joke, that invented a word, that perfectly described the last Fox fantastic 4 movie. And will they learn the right lesson, get COMIC FANS, who are talented, in the writing and directing field, GIVE THEM MONEY, leave them alone, AND RAKE IN STACKS AND STACKS OF DOUGH. And also Marvel, if  we could get a viral Spidey marketing campaign SIMILAR to Deadpool, no no fourth wall breaking but lots of: Spidey pops up, wise cracks at some annoying figure(bringing back DB Sweeney would be nice, hell put him in the Farmers commercial that would rock), mysteriously webs them up.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A letter to conversatives

Hi, how are you. Seems you just lost an election, badly, I know you probably don't want to hear from me because I didn't vote for your side. Thing is there is a reason I didn't vote for your side, but I am getting ahead of myself I should do an Introduction.

I'm Tommy, a 37(soon to be 38) year old black male. I was born in this country(in the north east to be exact, pretty much right in the path of Hurricane Sandy), and have lived here the entirety of my life. In that life I have gone to school, worked a few jobs, graduated, gotten a drivers license, registered to vote, and voted in 4 presidential elections. I don't always hit the mid terms, but thanks to 2010 yeah I will be paying more attention to them too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Raw postings lately

Some of the raw posts you see popping up from me as of late are because I was doing it from my phone with no net access or power. Others are because I want it at least up first just in case there is an issue I'll fix it later.

Now for those wondering what I mean by "raw" is basically as is when created. Photos all clumped up at the top, no links, possibly no labels, no further info than what was in my head while I was tapping my keypad. I "borrowed" the term from the anime sites I'm known to visit. When an anime is first uploaded and no subtitles have been added the anime is posted with the caption *Raw*, that's a warning that if you don't speak Japanese or the native language of the show you just gonna have to wait. You can watch to see the action but you'll have no clue as to why things are popping off.


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