Monday, October 19, 2009

The Brewster's Millions theory

Now I'm sure most people have seen the movie Brewster's Millions starring Richard pryor and John candy. This is the story of Montgomery Brewster(I had to look it up on imdb I knew his name just not the order) a minor league baseball player with dreams of playing in the bigs. His dream was to play a game against the yankees. One day he is about to lose his minor league job as a pitcher(brewster is getting old) and he gets a mysterious visitor. Brewster thinking he is getting called up to the majors is gleeful, but it is going to be the strangest meeting of his life.  Brewster is shown a film an old man(old white man) tells him that he is his last living heir, and that as his last living heir he has inherited his entire fortune, but there is a catch. In hopes of teaching brewster a lesson so that he does not blow his new fortune he has to spend 30 million dollars in 30 days so that he may inherit 300 million. The analogy given, "my father caught me smoking one of his cigars in the closet one day and to break me out of the habit he made me sit there and smoke a box of cigars until I couldn't stand the taste of them".

Okay so now you know the movie to which I named this theory so what is my theory? I lot of people in these united states make decisions personally and politically against their best interest because in their minds tomorrow their ship is going to come in. They are gonna have an old uncle/aunt/long lost grandfather /whomever die and give them a fortune. This is especially apparent in people who espouse being conservatives or republicans. Because they know they are gonna be rich soon, they do not want to allow anything that will adversely affect their rich selves in the future. So they will allow themselves to be abused, belittled, hell they will sign up to be completely forgotten all because when their ship comes in ooooh are they gonna live the good life then. The thing is it's unrealistic, mainly because in the movie brewster's long lost uncle outlived all the people waiting around to get a taste of his money. And most of these people have large living families which means unlike brewster even if there was something passed down it would probably be split so many ways that unless the person was leaving millions upon millions they probably wouldn't notice it. I mean if you were like the nephew of say Bill Gates(which would have to suck since he seems to be planning to give most of his money to charitable concerns, not faulting him good man but for those 2nd and 3rd cousins they got to hate that) yeah through trickle down economics you might get some money but it might not be more then a few thousand.

Or if the relative was eccentric it might go to a cherished pet(laugh but look it up, how many pooches, kitties, and various other vermin have become multimillionaires because of a crazed owner) so for you to actually strike it rich because a long lost unbeknownst relative pops up out of the blue? Please you have better odds winning the lottery, which some people also plot their entire lives around, which is also silly. Do I have some things mapped out if I were to win the lottery yes, but I still work everyday with multiple other plans on how I might give my family a better chance going forward. I guess you could say I never like to rely on one plant or basket of eggs to feed me. I want options I want to be able to look and say hmm didn't work, didn't work, partially worked, broke even, worked and then reassess from there.

Dreams are not the problem, hell they aren't even a bad thing waiting around for those dreams is, not being flexible enough to look for more then one path to your dream thats an issue. I find it funny that especially in this online forum where most of us work our tails off to do a 9-5 conservatives talk about people wanting a hand out like only they work, when some of us are their neighbors, and coworkers. We all are out trying to give ourselves a better life and yet they deign to speak of your desire for a hand out. Even when some of the people they look up too are taking hand outs everyday. I mean no matter your station in life most folks specialize in double talk, it's bad if you get it but hey if it's given to me you know what I earned this, I busted my tail(or an ancestor, parent, luck of the draw, a fly farted) so I should get this. All the while discounting your bloody, blistered, and cracked fingers your buckling knees, your matted brow.

It isn't because you haven't worked hard enough, it's because in reality no matter where you are most folks don't want to share, I mean whats so special about being a millionaire if everyone is a millionaire? Or a billionaire? There are people who love belonging to exclusive clubs just because they know you want to get in. maybe there are some benefits but the main benefit is seeing the envious and lustful look on your face.

The road to success is a simple one, it's starts with understanding what is success to you. Then it proceeds by figuring out what you are willing to do, sacrifice or wait for to get it, it requires understanding that sometimes you will be hit with a delay, you will be stalled, but that if your truly want it you must be willing to get up regroup and push harder. Now just like brewster you will have people conspiring against you, they too want to be the envied one they just might not want to work or sacrifice for it. If they see you working or sacrificing for it, well that just won't do I mean what if you make it? Then how will they explain how you could do it but they can't man it would be horrible, it would be ego shattering if you found a way to climb out of your gloomy existence to live your dream no no they have to try and hold you back. But that is a blessing, because if you really want it then you will take that opportunity to pull away, to dig deeper and push harder. You will not let them or anyone else stop you. Which is the most important thing on the road to success you got to be willing to regroup even on the darkest and gloomiest day, see that next obstacle as an opportunity to prove to yourself what you have learned, take stock of what you have accomplished and figure out what you need to work on.

Failure is not always a bad thing it gives you the opportunity to try again with more information than you had before your failure, you now know what isn't going to work, so that you can look at the problem from a new angle with more determination.

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