Showing posts with label Blog milestone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog milestone. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Mighty 500

This post is 8 years in the making. It has taken me 4 moves, a separation, a divorce, and 4 gaming consoles to get here. It has seen me play hours of games, watch days worth of movies and TV, buy a TV or two, damn near lose an Eye, break a tooth, and get contacts a few times. I have joined, left, and forgotten who knows how many social media sites in the last 8 years, to which INITIALLY I was going to make this post about that journey.

But then, This blog was here for that journey. I mean you can go back and see all the Essays, bad poems, reviews, opinions, rants, anecdotes, ups and downs. I was about to spend a lot of time basically repeating myself when I could just thank everyone who has come by FOR coming by. I will admit it has not always been easy to write, and no it has nothing to do with the state of my relationship. I enjoy interaction so at times when no one responds my mind wanders elsewhere, not because I have nothing to say but because while I don't mind being somebody who is on their own side in a conversation I prefer it to be a conversation not speech prep if you know what I mean.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Whoa, look what snuck up on me

For those reading (if any of you are left) this is my 499th post on THIS blog. I remember when I did my hundredth on wordpress and of course I did something silly(but it was worth it) because it allowed me to get it out of the way without too much fanfare but 500 is different, 500 is special it has taken me YEARS to get here. Mainly because I keep taking long hiatuses. Which I will try not to do to commemorate this occasion. I mean 500 should somehow someway reflect my "Journey as a Blogger " right, I mean anybody who has written off and on long enough to accumulate 500 posts in one place HAS to be different now then he was before right? I would hope so. I doubt it will get done tomorrow though, because I have a long trip ahead of me and my mind isn't going to be in it. So when I get back we will start planning the 500th post. It's hilarious it was almost a movie review(that I still owe) which would have been awkward because then I couldn't have done this warning post if I would have  noticed it. Lucky I guess that I looked at my posts today.

As we all know, blogging is a rhythm thing for me. I get in a mindset, my fingers hit the keys and out pops who knows what. Hilarity, insanity, mundanity, and yes I just started rhyming out of nowhere but I was running with it like a Vogon with a form that needs stamping. It's crazy I usually make a big deal about views(which I haven't paid attention to lately. Mainly cause I miss all the awesome numbers. 50,000 is coming up soon, I think), I would make a big deal about comments but there would have to be some. Maybe because I don't really say anything TOO controversial over here, I think, folks either just say "you crazy primal" and move on or maybe I didn't leave too much room on the subject for commentary except for those few random posts. And commenters I appreciate all of you.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Slowly sneaking up on 500 posts

In the 8 year journey that has been the creation, maintenance and writing of Primal's Ponderings I don't know if I ever expected to reach this point. I mean 8 years is a long time and this isn't my first nor my only blog. I have had blogs on Yahoo360(now gone), Multiply(also gone), of course Wordpress is still around, and this one, I have a presence on G+(though not the one attached to this page, IJS), and of course if you have read any of my gaming posts here or on the press know that I have a PSN and an XBL name as well. I don't own a wii or wiiu(the wii I had is with the ex), so no I am not on whatever Nintendo calls it's online gaming network(if they even have one) who knows if I will get a Switch(later blog) but this has been a long and interesting ride.

I have written essays, movie reviews, books reviews, rants(lots and lots of rants), and I have had quite a bit of fun with it, yes I would love a little more interaction but I am willing to wait and work for it. I always have, because if I am going to have a conversation I want it to be organic, I want you to really be engaged and care about whatever the subject matter is. Counting this one I will be at 460, there are also some throwbacks scheduled so I should be somewhere near 470 by the time Friday rolls around which gives me a good 30 blogs to get to the big 500. That's a nice milestone no where near one a day, not even one a day for the lifetime on the blog but for one person writing by themselves and trying to stay inspired I think it's pretty good, I'm sure others are like lazy, hey do what you do, I'll do what I do.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ding dong the random Element is dead

Look at my blog my dear bloggers notice anythig missing. Come on look closely now, hmm don't know where to look? How about under the blog name? Still no

That phantom non working, non registering "Search Box" that has been up there for months has finally been axed, at first I was afraid to do anything to it, I mean what if I screwed up, what if I went to cut it out and destroyed the wrong code. That was really my fear, trying to snip out that useless search box that only returned error messages and killing something I actually wanted on the page. But I've taken the plunge, snipped a little code here and there a viola, search box gone. Now I just have to go through and complete some more blogs for this month(this one not included, this is fluff nada). I hope all those fathers involved in their children's lives had a great fathers day, I am not amongst your numbers but I appreciate the hard work many of you do and the backlash you take due to the ones who could care less. As usual you can't complain to the one who doesn't show up so you take it out on the one who does.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Working on the Pirates blog

I started it, hey it's Sunday night Monday morning I usually don't start the blog until sometime Monday night but I decided to get a jump on it so that later on I can just start inserting links decide where my "break from the story" will be and my opinion will begun, bring up the actors and parts they play and then send it off to you fine readers out there in bloggy land.If you looking at the dial yes it is almost 4 am central which means I'm about to hit the sheets, I could stay up later but I was typing up/editing some things over on Wordpress and didn't really get a chance to come back here and work on Pirates anymore. Now if ANYBODY has the AUDACITY to come over here and talk about UNPROFESSIONAL, or LACKADAISICAL, I'm gonna laugh you right off of my blog, this ISN'T a pro blog, it's mine I'm enjoying myself and NOBODY is forcing you to read. I thank you for reading but this ain school and it ain required reading.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I almost forgot

Yaaay my blog has recently gotten 1000 visitors, while I still do have a rather high bounce rate(basically people who find the blog realize how crazy I am and run away screaming) but people are coming, people are reading, they aren't commenting but meh it's all good. When you find something on the site that you like you will come through read and comment. I may add other crap to the site later, maybe time consuming things to keep you around a little bit longer but for now the content I want you either paying attention to or decide no it's not your cup of tea is the blog.

So thanks again for stopping by and reading, and I hope everyone had a great weekend


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