Showing posts with label blog updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog updates. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

For the THIRD weekend in a row I have gone to the movies

And yet, no reviews(semi haven't been feeling them), No trailer blogs, Nothing. I will ATTEMPT to rectify that today as tomorrow is a holiday. You can hold me to it, I just might let you down. In case you are wondering, I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story. Yes the movie about everybody's favorite blaster packing scoundrel, with the Giant Furball co-pilot, and the Quirky ship we all want to fly. Wasn't that many trailers, but then again Unlike say MARVEL Studios they don't have another movie til most likely NEXT year.

But yeah I am going to attempt to do a trailer Mash up post and see how far I get through it. If I get done it will post sometime tomorrow most likely while I am on the grill. If I don't welp it will just be another quiet day now won't it. Writing slumps are hard to break, especially when you don't even touch the keyboard for anything besides Youtube or Googling who was in what. It has been a bad year for writing as far as my moods have been concerned, even this is typcrastining. I'm typing out this thoughts but avoiding really saying or doing anything. So yeah IF I can get through it, I will make some type of TRAILER post or 2. If not, WELP can't miss what ya wasn't looking for now can you.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I decided to do a little reorganizing

If you noticed I put some tabs up top, unfortunately I am now going to have to edit everything so that first the tabs fit better, and second I am going to have to go back through a whole lot of posts and figure out what I want to call everything. I do some housekeeping every once in a while anyway but I think this little bit of navigational reorganization will help folks find what they are looking for when they come by. Yes those tabs used to be on the side, but since I was adding so many of them I decided to move it up top like pretty much everyone else.

Mainly because they look better up there. You want to put two or three things on the side fine but once you get above 3 drag it to the top boyo. I'm not guaranteeing that the current names will always be the names, some of them are already making me feel some kind of way but the tabs WILL be up there for the foreseeable future. some of you are probably cheering I don't know why I didn't do this before but now yeah I want to go ahead and add these sections. The funny thing is I already had labels on MOST of the posts(the editing will be to go back and add them to the posts that will help to organize them where I think they belong), just not all. Sometimes I do a post and forget to add the labels, not maliciously(though it does feel like it when I have to go back through a few hundred posts to clean up after myself) just because at the time I might not have known WHAT I wanted to add as a label yet.

Monday, January 23, 2012

12,550+ hits wow where have I been

I know usually I commemorate every 1000 hits to the ponderings but as is known to happen I got a little tied up, a little busy, a little bored with writing and I hadn't been paying attention. So as I look through my published posts I noticed that hey the last one I recognized was the CLIMB up to 8,000, now I don't know about you but I remember the first few months and years if I got a hit or two a week I was happy. So to go from September having just under 8,000 to here in January(yes near the end but still impressive) have over 12,000 thats a little over 1,000 hits a month. Now to be fair a lot of these hits have come when I really wasn't creating any content people have pretty much been reading a lot of my old offerings, which is fine. I mean the fact that you see something I wrote in the last 3 months and decide, "hmmm I want to see what he was talking about 6 months ago, or what else has he tagged with this label" I personally find that awesome. I mean I do this as a hobby, for fun just to get random

Monday, August 8, 2011

Still no reviews

I know I know, what happened to the movie reviews. I dunno I just haven't been able to wrap my mind around writing them lately so I haven't anyway I decided to start adding the actual trailers to the blogs about the movie trailers I go see. I don't know if that will remain a constant I guess it depends on whether or not I feel it slows the site down too much. If I feel it's too much of a burden I will just switch out to links of the trailers.

Saw Cowboys and Aliens last night, I liked it I know I'm a good week behind on all of my movies but hey as I get to there I get there. Once November gets here there is no more walking to the movies. They are closing the Raleigh Springs Malco 12, its been a slow process as they close down theaters, take out games and cut down movie times. I'm just glad that for the most part it has gotten a majority of the movies I have wanted to see. Now that Summer Movie season is starting to wind down while I still want to go to the movies I will probably hit them less since well time is neither on my side nor will it be in my favor. It doesn't surprise me that they are closing the theater after the big summer blockbuster season but before the start of fall and winter breaks, get your last big hurrah of cash out of the site and then close it before it becomes difficult to close. Once the theater closes I have no clue what I will do for entertainment, I guess I can start walking to the comic shop which is only a little bit further down the street. It's about the same expenditure of cash and it's actually something I can walk home with. So one vice for another I guess, it has been a fun summer even if I wasn't able to keep up the blogging.

This is at the moment at best a hobby, and like any other hobby it requires time, sometimes I can make time for it others my time is best used elsewhere as I continue though to blog more hopefully it will become even more second nature so that the amount of time it requires to think up what I wish to put in a post takes less time. I haven't gotten to the "ooh I have to outline every thought before I go off on a tangent phase yet", but I may be near the "hmm lets write down a few things I definitely want to touch on". I think I am still fighting against such rigid constraints because at least for a while blogging would stop being fun and would require some work, mentally not there yet. I think I am getting better, could probably stand to proof read a little more than I do, but just like drawing the more you write the easier it is to write. So writing I am, even if it's fluff updates like this.

You can contact me on twitter, tumblr, or hell hit me up on google plus (button stage left) as soon as I find a contact widget I will gladly add it in if there are any questions one doesn't want to leave in a post but wishes to ask me directly. I get enough spam as it is not to want to release my e-mail address because who wants spam.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New "series" on the ponderings:Sequels vs Remakes or Reboots

Near the tail end of May beginning of June I was trying to write a blog on my phone about Sequels, Remakes and Reboots as I was looking forwarding into the "Summer Movies Season". As we had a new "The Fast and the Furious" movie out (Fast Five), a new Xmen movie coming (X-men:First Class), another Transformers sequel(Dark of the Moon), and another Captain America reboot(Captain America:First Avenger) lightning struck in my mind. Why not talk about said differences between the types of movies as well as give my opinions on each, as well as whether I like said previous installment, attempt or incarnation. This of course was an immense undertaking filled with phone crashes(and thus lots of key strokes being lost), work stoppages due to my actual 9 to whenever, and the same basic malaise that has cause my reviews of X-men and Green Lantern to STILL be delayed(yes I know I should be Fonged).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 straight long days

I know I've been absent but getting off at 11 pm every night is a beast, 12-14 hour days drain the hell out of you. I've been trying to get my work outs in even though I have been getting home so late we will see if there has been any progress, as it's been low impact without a lot of cardio the pounds won't be melting off but as the muscles have been working they are starting to feel tighter.

This will be a quick quick shot, just saying "hello, no I'm not dead, nor have I forgotten about my blog" as the saying goes Life happens(or in this case work) so I'm alive a little beat down but that has never stopped me before, and I do not plan for today to be the first time.

For those who continue to stop by thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the "weeping sword" and "I am number 4" blogs plenty of other reviews under the "Movie night" tag check them out. I didn't go to the movies last weekend because I was tired, I may go this weekend and check out "Drive Angry". Or an actual new release don't know yet, as this was not so much the case of the "lazy blogger" but more the case of, meh it's not one of the "Summer Blockbusters" that I was really looking forward to so why rush out.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I almost forgot

Yaaay my blog has recently gotten 1000 visitors, while I still do have a rather high bounce rate(basically people who find the blog realize how crazy I am and run away screaming) but people are coming, people are reading, they aren't commenting but meh it's all good. When you find something on the site that you like you will come through read and comment. I may add other crap to the site later, maybe time consuming things to keep you around a little bit longer but for now the content I want you either paying attention to or decide no it's not your cup of tea is the blog.

So thanks again for stopping by and reading, and I hope everyone had a great weekend

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Yeah Yeah it's a little egomaniacal

But for at least today this is my new blog background me in my timberland hoody with a light scary green glow infront of a fleshy background. I decided to do some photoshop tutorials today since I haven't don them in years I had put a few up on blogs(hell I even have on as my twitter background which I am about to change) but I had given them a break for a while and now I couldn't redo half that stuff if my life depended on it, and they were fun at first. So in my free time along with blogging you may see me pop one or two up here or there, maybe trade out a background or two. I'll try to leave the reading areas visible but I may get a little funky with things here or there.

I hope everyone had a good halloween, that your kids got good candy(what kid is gonna read this blog, big kids maybe and then you probably went to an adult themed party not trick or treating) nothing was poisoned or tainted and that innocence was preserved for one more year. Never got why people poisoned candy in the past, I mean just turn your light off? meh light one I may do another I may not


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