Showing posts with label Drinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drinks. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mack's Birthday

Loud music, smokey rooms, and plastic cups filled with some concoction by the mad scientist(in this case me, but I've known plenty of other Mixologists in my day) this is what parties always were when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I can still feel those carpeted speakers, wobbly crates, and suffocating dance floors. Elbow room always at a premium, ladies either pretty by nature or by the sixth drink, fellas throwing money at the bar like confetti, and my dog Breeze  on the 1's and 2's controlling the flow.

Last night was cuzzo's 27th birthday party, whether child or adult hosting ones birthday bash during the week tends to be a logistical nightmare. I will say that social networking did its part though, while all but his brother and sister in law were fashionably late(bows head in shame, yes including the bartender) we were there and it was a nice party. The DJ in this case was a dvd player with a few of the speakers placed strategically to send sounds throughout the house. Now the party goers bristled slighty at the music he chose to begin the party: Johnny Taylor, Frankie Beverly and Maze, Parliament and quite a few other old school classics played as the first bottles were opened the sound of rolled over bubble wrap in the air.


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