Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mack's Birthday

Loud music, smokey rooms, and plastic cups filled with some concoction by the mad scientist(in this case me, but I've known plenty of other Mixologists in my day) this is what parties always were when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I can still feel those carpeted speakers, wobbly crates, and suffocating dance floors. Elbow room always at a premium, ladies either pretty by nature or by the sixth drink, fellas throwing money at the bar like confetti, and my dog Breeze  on the 1's and 2's controlling the flow.

Last night was cuzzo's 27th birthday party, whether child or adult hosting ones birthday bash during the week tends to be a logistical nightmare. I will say that social networking did its part though, while all but his brother and sister in law were fashionably late(bows head in shame, yes including the bartender) we were there and it was a nice party. The DJ in this case was a dvd player with a few of the speakers placed strategically to send sounds throughout the house. Now the party goers bristled slighty at the music he chose to begin the party: Johnny Taylor, Frankie Beverly and Maze, Parliament and quite a few other old school classics played as the first bottles were opened the sound of rolled over bubble wrap in the air.

For most, my services are required for a Tequila Sunrise:
Tequila sunrise
  1. 2 parts Tequila
  2. Fill glass with pineapple juice(its usually orange juice, but their color is equal and the pineapple more flavorful).
  3. A splash of grenadine

I'm actually doing my cousins guests a disservice the way the red burst at the bottom of a clear glass, the sun awakening the world, is quite a site. Unfortunately I never remember to buy him clear glasses so that he can see it. My schedule(and the schedule to which I try to write these blogs) usually keeps me scrambling, so I will remember a hobbyist mixologists essentials:a shaker, a few liquers, and usually either my bartenders handbook or my trusty drink app(LOVE the age of smart phones) and my behind. My Amaretto sour isn't half bad either:
Amaretto Sour 
  1. 2 parts Amaretto
  2. 1 part Sour Mix, 
  3. Shake over ice 
  4. serve. 

This time though I also brought along some Gin and a bottle of Triple Sec. The doors this opened up was amazing(though to be fair I should have bought a larger bottle of Gin), if ever you have a chance stand you ingredients in front of you and either use your drink app, or my favorite drink site, and type in the ingredients you have.

The new favorite, discovered completely by accident(and doesn't stumbling sometimes not only add the most thunderous of laughs but also yield great discoveries) the Italian Sunset, now yes it suffers from the same problem as the Tequila, no clear cup, but its quite delicious.

Italian Sunset
  1. 2 parts Amaretto
  2. Fill with pineapple juice 
  3. A splash of Grenadine 

The big 5 Tequila, Vodka, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey all have this one thing in common(as well as brandy but at least in my circle brandy isn't as popular) the sharp, strong bite that warns your body "we are going to need to be careful with this", that initial chin shot makes you slow down a little and pace yourself. But liquers they have a more subtle softer flavor, the slowly caress the tongue with a feathery touch that says, "don't fear me, I just want to sit back and relax with you" that is until you stand up. A new favorite for the guys was the "Bronx"
  1.  Add 1 1/4 Gin 
  2. 1/4 Dry Vermouth 
  3. 1/4 Sweet Vermouth
  4. 1 oz OJ(though I substituted pineapple juice)    
  5. Shake over ice  and serve
From the reactions the Bronx is probably a little bitter, where as the  "Sun" drinks are sweeter and sneak up on you faster. Now a little word of warning NEVER ask a bartender to give you something that will make you sweat, no matter what you see in front of you there are plenty of combinations of just straight liquor drinks that a bartender can serve you to put you down(memory serves of a "Smooth Operator" can't remember the ingredients just the effects NEVER drink this where you wake up will be a mystery). So after I made this one party goer a Gin Martini:
Basic Gin Martini
  1. 2 Parts Gin
  2. 1/2 Dry Vermouth
  3. Shaken over ice, serve in a cocktail glass
Let's just say I never had to worry about the gentleman for the rest of the night, I don't think he ever finished it(though that did finish off the gin, thus why I said I should have purchased a larger bottle) though dude to the Gin being gone(And why is the Gin gone? Ahem Pop culture reference Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean, anyone, anyone, Beuhler?) I was asked for something similar, I've got vermouth and only Tequila left(because at that moment in time we were out of Pineapple juice, that was my fault 2 usually gets us to the end of the night, who knew the Sunset's would be so popular) soo yeah pimping got a Tequila Martini. Don't look at me like that, he asked, I warned him basically 2 shots of straight tequila and vermouth just to bind it together if it has an official name fine I just wasn't looking for it because Mike Tyson right crosses should NOT be searched out recklessly. Everybody loved it though so, *shrug* hey who am I to complain. He had switched to some more uptempo music after the cards were done, and the second batch of Pineapple juice came back so basically folks started filing out around 2:30, including the bartender. I may owe a Trailer post of Kung Fu Panda 2(which I will get to directly) but from all the smiles it was a great night.


  1. Hey! Thanks for sharing the recipe as well. It is my nephew’s birthday next week and I was thinking of surprising him with some dish or cake made by me. I can even try the one you have mentioned here. My sister has booked a beautiful venue NYC for his birthday celebration.

    1. enjoy the recipes, but as I posted way back then most of the ones I found were on don't know if it still exists but it was a great resource back in the day.



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