Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's enough to piss off a goat

Me and the bredren(I may add a picture to this later if I can talk my mother into making them stand for a photo Muahahahahahaha, yes I will use my mother to further my blog. I'm the oldest that is only mildly EVIL) want to go see Thor tomorrow, Kitsune has yet to set up an e-mail so he can't complain on this blog about being forced to take a picture now that he's all anti social, now me and Lank(celebrating his 24th year last week) have never been to Imax before and were hoping to catch one of the Summer blockbusters on Imax. And with the way the trailer looked we hoped it MIGHT(y) be THOR(yeah yeah, marvel homerism in effect), but unfortunately DENIED, now maybe it will be brought to Imax later but for the sake of this blog I want to see it opening weekend(even if the review is still a day or two late. What I'm human) so we will probably hit the Paradiso tomorrow, unless Lank flakes and then I will have to try and hit The Malco 12 at the Raleigh Springs Mall for the last showing(at 7 something, seriously somebody needs to talk to them about that) Kitsune might join me he's a pretty good movie buddy, even if more mercurial than myself(and that is saying a LOT).

But Thor will happen tomorrow,  I mean I guess it sad really and being the oldest some of the blame could fall on me for us NEVER going to an Imax showing, I mean I don't really know where the Pink Palace Museum is and the regular theater was always so much closer especially for us tended to procrastinate souls. But I guess as a bonding moment we wish to experience the GLORY that is a 300 ft screen(I just want to say if I ever make it OBSCENELY rich, I'm renting it out for a few days to watch the full Star Wars saga and possibly Lord of the Rings, yes the rest of the tickets will be given to some of the local area schools so the kids can watch too if the teachers allow it, but I want to see booty kicked that tall). I don't really have a bucket list in life simply because meh I'm too random I trip over crap I want to do anyway, I've gone deep see fishing, been to Disney World a few times, been to Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Philly, NY, etc. I mean I guess I'm so used to just ending up places that I don't plan for it I just let it come to me. But this would be a good one, so hopefully one of the summer block busters this year(hmm maybe Harry Potter since it's the last and it has been epic) and to share it with my brothers would also be good.

So anybody out there been to an IMAX viewing, how was it? Any tips on how NOT to get a crick in my naked staring at such a huge screen

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