Monday, May 23, 2011

Working on the Pirates blog

I started it, hey it's Sunday night Monday morning I usually don't start the blog until sometime Monday night but I decided to get a jump on it so that later on I can just start inserting links decide where my "break from the story" will be and my opinion will begun, bring up the actors and parts they play and then send it off to you fine readers out there in bloggy land.If you looking at the dial yes it is almost 4 am central which means I'm about to hit the sheets, I could stay up later but I was typing up/editing some things over on Wordpress and didn't really get a chance to come back here and work on Pirates anymore. Now if ANYBODY has the AUDACITY to come over here and talk about UNPROFESSIONAL, or LACKADAISICAL, I'm gonna laugh you right off of my blog, this ISN'T a pro blog, it's mine I'm enjoying myself and NOBODY is forcing you to read. I thank you for reading but this ain school and it ain required reading.

As it's so late this will probably be a quick shot if not I'll add a break where's its necessary and go from there. I had a nice relaxing weekend, nothing too strenuous just had to work on a couple of laptops so it was movies and rest for me this weekend. Something I really needed, I mean I still need to take a vacation but there is like a list of stuff I need to do. I mean looking down after 5 years it is time to replace my trusty viao I said 5 but hell it's 2011 it's 6 if not 7 years old(I'll take pics later and add them in), this thing has been through some wars with me, gone to Atlanta and come back, hell moved around Memphis with me a few times. It's family but I need something bigger, stronger and faster. Now unfortunately all of those things in a NEW Vaio is not possible because Sony stopped making them(or at least it looked like they did I will check again soon) wait let me be clear by Vaio I mean Vaio Desktop, they still make Vaio laptops, some pretty good ones too. But I miss the desktops they always were top of the line.

As for my week ahead I have no clue what the week ahead will bring me, if I am not mistaken Kung Fu Panda 2 starts this Friday so once again I will be at the Theater to experience the further adventures of Po and the 5 masters. Yeah yeah it's animated, when has that stopped me before, have you read some of the OTHER movie reviews on this blog? Megamind is in there and something else too maybe possibly, Rio would have been in there but I kept getting side tracked. I have been about my summer movie hog killing though(local term and I have adopted it) every week I have hit the movie theaters, and next week is Green Lantern(which I really hope DOESN'T SUCK, I like superman and batman but I want to see more characters than that from DC/WB) so I don't really see a breaking point, THOUGH I don't know what comes in the week after Green Lantern I'm thinking that every week between now and September has something but off the top of my head the movie doesn't come to mind. If you remember what comes out the weekend of the 13th/12th/10th whatever that day is drop me a comment it's probably something I either want to see or I'm penciling in as a high maybe just to keep the "streak" going. It might be X-men first class but I think that had a -teen in it so I'll just have to see later(I could go to Malco's site and check but I'm being lazy right now, plus its 4am quit bustin my balls).

Man for it being 4 am I typed out a whole lot huh, yeah oh by the way I'm nearing 4,000 hits which for some folks I know is chump change but for me hey I feel thats a momentus occasion so I want to thank everyone who has come by. I'm glad you enjoy my somewhat quirky take on the world, would still love some feed back, but the fact that you are reading at all gives me the warm fuzzies. Yes I really talk like this I'm a walking pop culture reference guide, read some of the older blog posts if you don't believe me, go on, go on then. I hope in this journey you have seen my writing slightly improve, hopefully my grammar and sentence structure(though if you find any of my teachers they will tell you I've always typed, written and droned on like this too much on the brain they say) looks a little better then my first few posts. and to think it took me well over a year to get my first 1000 hits and now not long after the 2 year mark I'm almost at 4k yeah yeah part of that is the increase in content creation which is cool. I type and post more you come by more I know the rules of the blogging game, but like anything else knowing the rules and playing by them are two different things. So do keep coming back, do keep reading, follow whether it be by feed, google connect, or blogger dashboard(publicly or privately I'd love it either way) and comment if you see something that touches your fancy. Dig through the archives no telling what other craziness I might have said that brings the feline closer to demise, this has been a fun ride for me(especially since I'm driving the car and control the speed, direction and frequency of rest stops) and I hope for those who continue to visit too.

You know what I think I will make this my first SCHEDULED ponderings update too, just because it's quarter after four and I've never done a scheduled post before. Today at 8 am, nice early time nothing particularly special about it, just to see another little trick I might make use of later.


  1.  Congrats on 4000 visitors.  I'm about to downlo- I mean, go to the theater to pay for a ticket to see the new "Pirates" movie. 

    I thought a Captain America movie was coming out soon?  

  2. Cap is either coming out in june or July I don't know if you have checked out it's just some random guy's youtube channel he does some of the best parodies of the comic movies. He mention green lantern going up against 2 more marvels this year, and I have seen a few Cap trailers in the theater(as if on cue there was a trailer for X-men, green lantern and THEN Captain America so yeah Hal Jordan has his work cut out for him). From what I have seen so far let's just say I'm not gonna jinx it. Caps costume got the daredevil treatment(leather instead of spandex) and there is a shield through moment in the trailer so we shall see



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