Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Welfare Queen" Thou art Loosed

Just to get this out of my head so it's not rattling around all day, there is an article flying around from Psychology Today(in this case is was yesterday ;) but I digress) piling on black women and while I know my sisters are rightly enraged, I'm hoping it doesn't burn out too fast because this is just the begininng. See that article, it was a job application. Wait, a job application? Yup see in hard economic times(for the masses, not the mighty) while it would be more beneficial to make things better for the masses so that all could live better it's far cheaper and expedient to create or recycle some mythical boogie who's name and face everybody knows(or vaguely remembers) so that when you bring it up poor memory but "not wanting to seem uninformed" will buttress your non existent argument. Somebody is going to have to give those arguments some validity so they can't just be chalked up to hatred and bigotry, it always sounds more official when a learned person chimes in and agrees with your that or somebody who likes like who you are talking about in a less than polite manner.

People are hurting right now and for many it isn't their fault it's just that they got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe they did miss a few signs that could have helped them prepare a little bit better but they don't want to hear that, they want to know who to blame. They want to know who's fault it is they can't feed their families, and why all this time they put it "doing it the right way" isn't being rewarded like they had been hearing about since they were a little kid in school. And of course you already  had this GREAT patsy lined up too but all the sudden out of no where he opened his shirt and exposed that "S" on his chest and your reeling.

See we have a black man as president of the United States, and at the moment this man has been raining 3's like his name is Larry Bird and snatching out hearts like Jordan and it's Game 5 in Cleveland. You work stereotypes for a reason, the reason is simple most times the people who fall for the stereotypes are in such a mind state that either they have no or bad experiences(even if the bad was minor: I stepped on your foot, I legitimately defeated your argument but you just felt I was intimidating you, etc) with the folks with whom you are talking about and constant bombardment of negative images have settled into your brain. Thing is that Black guy has just pulled of a Check mate on you in 3 strokes first he allowed you to "rough him up" in front of everybody about something silly (where he was born) and when he needed silence gave you the proof that he always had sitting there(his long form birth certificate), then when you figured "oh this is just a temporary set back let's dig up the next meme we have him painted as this cowardly paper tiger" he takes out the face of evil. Osama Bin Laden wasn't just some "Muslim Radical" talking about "die infidels", and saying how much "America sucks and the west shall bow before me", no he's the guy who left a big gaping hole in every American's heart a decade ago. He's the one who became the face of "You can't protect your children, your wife, your husband, father, mother, aunt uncle nobody is beyond my reach".

Now yes, you COULD have taken him out a while ago but why waste a great VILLAIN. I mean think about it, you build him up so that he is "mighty enough" to bite you in the ass one day even better you have him be this "former Ally" who you NEVER could expect to turn on you(thus you get sympathy "look how great I was to him, we were brothers in the struggle against THIS former enemy"). And when you are in trouble and need somebody to drag people to your cause you wave his face around and remind folks "we are the only ones who can keep THIS at bay", tell people of all the nasty and evil things he did to "us" in the past and let the terror ride you on to whatever victory you were seeking. Noriega, Hussein, Bin Laden, The Ayatollah all people whom we've had dealings with in the past that either we could have used the carrot to possibly influence them in a positive way or else could poke them with the stick until they developed into a Big Bad and attempted to swat back at us. Thing is after being "Hide and Seek Champion of the World" for better part of a decade, as usual when we WANT to get somebody even as the Germans warned back in the day "You stir up America, come hell or high water they will get you". What can I say, we don't have too many L's in the loss column and it doesn't matter how large your forces are look at our history we have always beaten the biggest and the baddest and made them say uncle. Unfortunately this Black Guy just ended that for you, "OBL who? Oh yea mean that dead guy resting in Davey Jone's locker, yeah President Obama sent special forces in to ice that guy" ain nothing like the real thing. So now all the sudden all the black guy stereotypes you want to use don't seem to fit him anymore, he wasn't flashy about taking out Bin Laden before the team struck so the whole "Loud and self aggrandizing" meme is out. You can't say he's unqualified because hey that is what he said he was gonna do, and he used the right tools to do it only a qualified guy would know what tools to use and the right way to use them. On top of that he didn't make it a victory lap but more of a "the job is done right" handshake and then went back about his daily tasks, because there is more work to do. Let other people Laud his accomplishment people still need jobs.

So yeah all that 'Bama Bashing you've been doing lately is starting to fizzle out, then again there is more than one Black Person in the white house, and better yet when the black guy talks about his MAMA she looks like one of us. So your target becomes Black women AGAIN, another FORMER ALLY(remember when the black women were the hard working backbones of their family but it was the SHIFTLESS black men sucking up the resources so they had to go to keep getting the public assistance) who when she seemed to be gaining ground and standing on firm footing stopped being this hard working ally and started becoming the over privileged, aggressive, combative, loud mouth who was living ROYALLY on the public dole. You get her out in public and She's "Black Man Lite", twice as loud but less capable(hopefully) of kicking your tail up and down the street. You think it's a coincidence you see all these LOUD, ARROGANT, OVER THE TOP, OUT OF CONTROL black women on "reality" TV? Hell no, this is what you have been selling to the majority for years. And then to make sure that your women don't remember the history between white men and black women, you attack their looks "Aww she's ugly baby, now how about I go take you to the plastic surgeon so you can get fuller lips", "nah baby that huge ass oh it's disgusting, how about you get some ribs removed so you look more curvy". We have a 2 minute Tv delay on sports broadcasts because a Black Nipple Broach was exposed on national TV, how many boob jokes do we make regulary on TV? How many "excessive cleavage shots" are there on TV and in the movies on a regular basis. We saw a nipple broach and we're scarred for life pffft,  is National Geographic still on the air and going to Africa, yeah okay I see your hypocrisy and I raise you stupidity. This isn't our first dance with the whole "we gonna pretend we hate it even though every time you turn around we are obsessing over it" dance that is done every time a hot minority hits the scene. But insecurity and fear are great political tools, they really don't cost much because most of the work is done in your mind. So you see a black woman with a bunch of kids out at the store, doesn't matter if she is busting tail working 2 jobs to pay for her children nope she's on welfare because they all are. Doesn't matter if there are also white women on welfare, nope just talk about the black ones "IE, leave my problems alone make them seem evil".

The Big Bad approach RARELY fails, and in this case if you can force the president to start talking about black women instead of fixing the economy, ending the wars, closing Guantanamo Bay, and slowly righting the ship of the economy see that's a fight you can win. You can't win where your weak at, unless you do the exact opposite of what we all pledged back in grade school "ONE nation under God INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for ALL"(yeah yeah I know the I pledge allegiance, to the flag part but it's not relevant to my point BUT IF YOU NEED IT, speak up and I will recite it just like I did way back in Lindenwold #4 everyday with my hand over my heart). Why say it if you don't mean it? Aren't most of all born here? Aren't the ones who weren't born here but fought to get here a tribute to "How great we are as a country" that everyone still wants to come here even in hard economic times? So why are we treating this people coming here like many of our forefathers for a better life like garbage? Where is that in the Constitution or the Declaration? When did we allow the fear of something new to freeze our hearts and present our backs to those who just want a chance to live the same dream we do?  Oh yeah "they look different then me", so they must be evil. We share many commonalities: we want the best for our families, we work hard, we understand the need to sacrifice, but you don't look like me so your evil.

Laziness doesn't have a skin tone it's a mind set, pointing fingers only means whatever is behind your back is "really embarrassing so please direct your attention over there". This is the "Banana in the Tail Pipe", this is when as we strive together to dig ourselves out of this mess SOME will try to drive a wedge between us because a few people motivated by fear and a sense of entitlement are a lot easier to control then a mass of people working towards a common goal. No the masses aren't intelligent, the "grapevine" theory is still in full effect, the more people the information has to pass through the more likely it is that by the time it gets to the last person your message will look nothing like it was originally intended.

And before you say "What about mass text messaging/e-mailing", yeah thats all good for all the people who get that FIRST E-mail, but what about the folks who get it forwarded from someone else are you positive nobody is gonna edit it for Comedic value? You want to bet on that, I could use a few extra bucks, I've gotten the same e-mail from multiple people, even when it's a joke there are always SUBTLE changes here and there. Stand together or crumble apart, MOST women are beautiful yes there are unattractive ones out there, has nothing to do with their skin tone. Maybe it's the face, maybe their body isn't shaped like you want or prefer, hell maybe their personality sucks, but see that's an individual call right there based on your personal desires not some indisputable fact based on genetics. And if you want to know the truth about A person get to know them, am I saying they are gonna be the greatest person in the world nope, but you will at least know them. We all have bad experiences with different folks who may have some outside similarities to someone else, that doesn't make them all that person, doesn't even make them related.

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