Showing posts with label sorry for the spam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sorry for the spam. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

And once again SPAAAAAAAM

I swear every time I take these Hiatuses, I always come back to people leaving spam comments, I guess that means I need to head to wordpress and clean THAT out. I mean yes I get it, the blog/web admin ain been there in a while so IF you so happen to get a few hits off of someone else's site why not right? Except WHEN I come look, if I see you putting a bunch of link comments on my blog REMOVED. I am not even checking them, if you didn't ASK could you put a link in my comment I am gonna treat you as spam. I can link in my comments and some of my friends can link in my comments. Randos "thas a NO" folks be killing me with that.

Anyway, I can't say this is the strart to a new writing kick because I am mainly here killing time til the squad pops on. Things I NEED to get off my duff and learn: How better to manage my time, how to set up more commands on my various livestreams, how to better use my Discord(which due to the fact that I just HAVE a discord I don't properly USE my discord I ain dropping it here), to be more diligent about uploading game footage to my Youtube channel, and possibly to blog more. Work and a general malaise has kept me from tapping the keys but that happens, it's just how it goes sometimes.

Once again Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Surf as it were

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

An Apology is owed

If you have come by my blog the last few days you may have seen an odd, out of place ad. It used to be my "Social Media Bar" where you could share things to reddit, google+, facebook, and a bunch of other sites well now it was a bunch of Porn ads. Livejasmin, some kind of cute blondes ad, date hot chicks ad or something. Every once in a while in this blogging game the widgets or apps you use either expire, go old, or just get hacked. I had one expire(that was my Shelfari app) and the social media widget up there was either expired or hacked. So what did I do, I just got rid of them it appears that BOTH of those apps have been turned into redirects.

Redirects to where: one seemed to constantly send you to porn. Which I have no problem with porn, but if it is a porn redirect there is probably a virus attached. Again, I have no issue with porn but if you weren't actually searching for porn and got sent there unexpectedly you would be pretty upset right? Yeah me too, and as I try to keep THIS blog PG-13 for somebody to redirect folks to porn apps from here kind of slaps the rules in the face. Plus you are in essence STEALING TRAFFIC. It would be one thing if people clicked on the add to get to the porn, but since it was an automatic redirect that ended up hiding in a widget that I innocently left up because it still appeared to work you weren't giving folks a choice. And no I don't get any credit for those redirects hell they count as bounces IE people leaving my site because they don't like what they see. So if I am looking at the numbers for the night I might think you didn't like my layout, or you weren't interested in the articles this month when really somebody was stealing traffic most likely to get themselves ad money.


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