For those of us who grew up with that fond, PBS offering of people interacting with life size puppers(muppets actually I forget where Jim Henson got the name muppet from but we all know what they are) the show always began with the sing song
"Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet, can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street"

terrain vehicles, extra clips and pets. The skies opened up yesterday and decided "Memphis!! You need an external enema". It went from kinda cloudy, to drizzly, to GREAT FLOOD, to super soaker, to water gun, to dollar store squirt pistol. That rainstorm was so schizophrenic that while it did get my cloth timberland jacket and the bottom of my pants soaked(it seems it also took a few lives and knocked out the power) my day was more inconvenienced by people not answering their phones during the day than I was the water.
Lank(my little brother he's filled out since his younger long and lanky days, but its still one of his nick names) informed me that I missed the mini black out(to which I showed him that picture in traffic where you could barely see the car in front of you), I told him about all the terrified people in Walmart. I'm not claiming to be a "Tornado whisperer" but I've noticed if the rain is coming down hard and heavy your okay. When you just get the sound and the thunder and the rain seems to slow up artificially, worry.
Now this is not to say I was uninconvenienced by the rain, our internet appeared jacked for most of the night. Thus why this blog is being finished today, not last night.
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