Thursday, February 25, 2016

The trailers for X-men:First class(6/5/12)

I caught the 10:10 Showing of X-me:First Class last night, theater was packed even for that late showing, granted I was at the Paradiso it tends to get a lot of traffic anyway. So here's what popped up when the lights went down

Spy Kids All the time in the World

Jessica Alba as a retired spy


This will be a double post, because I think I started this and somehow it double saved so I have the one with the Link in it and the one without. I guess I never did the trailer blog for first class

The trailers for X-men:First class(6/5/12)

I caught the 10:10 Showing of X-me:First Class last night, theater was packed even for that late showing, granted I was at the Paradiso it tends to get a lot of traffic anyway. So here's what popped up when the lights went down

Spy Kids All the time in the World


Yeah this is the other one, I have no clue how I got two of them but I did, and somehow here they are.

I don't even remember what the other movies were that played. I could find the text I sent myself but again as is

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Well at least I'll be clean

I know, it looks like I'm OCD right(then again, they aren't really symmetrical are they) but while I was taking my sister to Rite Aid I remember, "Damn I'm out of body wash" so I roll in and what do you know, bogo don't know about you but two for one is right up my alley. What I didn't know was my sister was gonna be nice and buy me some as well, so now I have soap for who knows how long. My preferences are the outside ones, but hey free soap is free soap. I'm all about a clean booty and I hope you are too.

So now I am the king of body wash, I knew I wanted a bottle didn't realize I was gonna end up with four. Anyway this is a throw away blog, if you like Irish Spring body wash, and you live near a rite aid, and have a rite aid plenti card I say stock up. They have quite a few Buy one Get one free items. Otherwise I will create a real blog later. I don't know if I want to share my concerns about the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie(which yes I have quite a few, I know I wrote that I wanted to see a justice league movie but I have concerns), I also know that I put up a TT blog about Green Lantern(yeah the one that got erased) and I actually want to go into what was wrong with that movie, because the whole movie wasn't terrible, Like Daredevil it had a lot of good going on with it, it's just some of the delivery that fell short. For Daredevil it still made quite a bit of money, for Green Lantern it was just a terrible taste in peoples mouths. I also want to get into my hopes for the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, how I feel about DC picking a second Flash for their movies(and them not making it Wally West, that way you could tie the two universes together or hell make one Earth 2), my hopes for the Suicide Squad movie and what I think of the supposed Harley Quinn controversy.

Like I said this was just a "Hey cool deal going on til Saturday" type blog but I'll get to the real ones shortly.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's beginning to feel a lot like springtime

Which if the weather man is to be believed is a lie, because it's about to get cold again. I'm out here on the road and have a free minute waiting for someone to get done with a long line. I am a little groggy, a little tired, but I'll be alright. A little butterfly told me that "Race" was pretty good(The Jesse Owens story), so IF I can muster up the energy later I will go and check it out. I think another big comic book movie is coming up soon as well(no not May/august soon That's Civil War and Batman v Superman) I will have to check, thanks to Deadpool the bar for 2016 has been set reasonably high, which is awesome. To have a movie break 190 million, when A it was so unbelievably screwed up the first time you saw it on the big screen, B was in development hell for so long, and C given a shoe string budget to work with just wow.


The day turned out to be longer than a giraffes neck so I may put the movies off til tomorrow(don't you love when out of nowhere I just change directions), but my day is over (Yaaaay, *kermit the frog hands*) and I'll probably kick back with some fallout or rainbow six siege(or both). Hope everyone is having a great Saturday and that you find a way to get out like I probably won't

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hee hee hee, I almost forgot to title this thing, welp this will do it

Enjoying the great outdoors, okay no I'm not. I'm just outside the shed goofing off while allowing electronics to not be annoying. It's Friday, it's going to be a LOOOONG Friday. Me and the highways are going to get familiar again today, why cause life said so(I almost want to make that polysyllabic so that I could get a little "cause STONE COLD said so" going on, cause that used to be hilarious). This Friday isn't as major as last Friday, no immediate birthdays, no HUGE superhero movie openings. You hear that Deadpool has mad so much money people now have to consider what that means for the Comic Superhero Movie Genre.

No seriously, Deadpool has damn near quadrupled it's budget, they got 58 million to make it, blew past that by Friday evening. You know that Friday when the mean people made us wait an extra two hours to enjoy the extreme opposite of Fantastisuck, literally like there is an Ultimate comics joke, that invented a word, that perfectly described the last Fox fantastic 4 movie. And will they learn the right lesson, get COMIC FANS, who are talented, in the writing and directing field, GIVE THEM MONEY, leave them alone, AND RAKE IN STACKS AND STACKS OF DOUGH. And also Marvel, if  we could get a viral Spidey marketing campaign SIMILAR to Deadpool, no no fourth wall breaking but lots of: Spidey pops up, wise cracks at some annoying figure(bringing back DB Sweeney would be nice, hell put him in the Farmers commercial that would rock), mysteriously webs them up.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Comic Book movies I want to see made DC: Wonder Woman(2013, I forgot to copy down the date on this one) Throwback Thursday

Yes, I want to see the Themysciran on the big screen by her lonesome. Wonder Woman is one of the few female lead characters to have her own book and not require a male lead of similar or the exact same powers to take charge. Batgirl is an off shoot from Batman, Mary Marvel is Captain Marvel/Shazaam's , Supergirl is Superman's cousin most of them have the same weaknesses(though some were given such extremely lame weaknesses that calling it sexist is being generous) as their male counterparts but Wonder Woman has no XY peer in DC ville. Now especially in her current iteration(she has had a few reboots) her main peers are real heavy weights, she has strength, speed, and flight abilities similar to Superman, and her mind has been put on the level with Batman. Yes the paragons of the DC brand Batman's brains, Superman's strength and all within a curvy and yet steel willed body.

Depending on which Wonder Woman you were first introduced to she has gone from the JLA secretary(I will cite this later on in the blog put the knives and arrows away, I myself was surprised), to a pretty smile with some damn good reflexes and great lasso skills(Super Friends). Then you have the Justice League era(if there was one between it I will do more research and amend this in the piece either in this first overview or in the second my reasons why) Wonder Woman where she was the Ambassador for Paradise Island the Amazon homeland, skilled warrior, power house, with a pro female mindset. I don't want to call it hyper feminist or feminist because in a sense where she was from it's as normal as our patriarchal societal view, women were always in charge, they handled the majority of business, defense, and learning, men were around but for the most part they were for breeding. Now I am not forgetting about things that have been raised in the DC new 52(I understand that I probably need to update my former Justice League piece since the New 52 had just started and I had kind of gotten lost in it. I want to catch up and then give more details) but I will address that with other things like the Linda Carter live action TV series from the late 70's. While there are Marvel Female characters that she is similar to(strength, speed, flight) she is a lot like Captain America in the fact that a lot of her back story was heavily based in WWII. Add into that her attachment to Greek Mythology(it's still Greek Mythology even in the New 52, I wondered if they would switch it to Roman but I like that much of the adherence to her pre New 52 past). I am also fond of the new direction they have taken with Wonder Girl, and possibly Donna Troy/Troai though Donna has not shown up as of yet, but as I got through different books there are hints at a previous Teen Titans so she may be a part of that.

Knock Knock, is this thing on?(4/8/13) Throwback Thursday

I looked in the mirror and I am not liking what I see lately. And no it isn't that my weight has yo yoed up and down again, pfft I ate those pastries, drank that soda, coffee, and parked my ass in the drive thru at those fast food restaurants. That I can deal with, what I can't is that I have had a few things too say over the last few weeks and you know what you have gotten out of me? A big fat nothing.

Now yes, this weekend I have a valid excuse: The flu, so even last nights erased offering still falls under that purview but I only had the flu for 4 to 5 days(actually may still have it but dammit I'm tired of being confined to my room, walking around staring at the four walls and the sun coming through the blinds) not 4 to 5 months. Life is an active thing, until it is over for you it is constantly in motion life never stops you do. Even if I were to sit here in this chair all day, not voluntarily moving a single muscle I would still notice programs changing on the TV, time would pass, the fire behind me would either spark back up(making me happy) or it will continue to smolder, smoke and piss me off(Grrrr).

The why, really don't know probably just being human. I get in, I'm tired, I sit down and while my mind is unwinding instead of opening up my blog I just sit there letting the ideas brew but never adjusting the heat of the pot or pouring a cup. There are a few things I really want to talk about, Like Manti Te'o seriously people why are we letting the media and ourselves pretend what happened to him is NEW, ODD or even SURPRISING? Hello, are you forgetting about the girl who was Cyber Bullied by the mom of one of her classmates. How about the old joke that 90% of all women on the internet are really men? Let us not forget about multi user ID'd trolls. It's the internet a good half of the people who are on the internet are pretending to be someone they are not, but I will get into that later(I hope). The Wayne Lap(really don't care how his name is spelled) rant screaming for attention realizing that his gun manufacturing buddies are going to get a cut in the profit margin. I have nothing against profit, but ladies and gents if criminals aren't having a hard time getting their hands on


Obviously I have often had issues with take long hiatuses from blogging, As this throwback shows it is a constant fight I endure. Like anyone else if a malaise hits, I may just not sign in. Not that I have nothing to say, but I may not be in the mood to put the effort in to say it. 

I mean seriously, who hasn't taken a day or three and just said to hell with it. Well with me it can be weeks, months or years. As just like I am a "strike when the iron is hot" kind of guy, I am also a "don't force it to fit" type of guy. I hate drudging through anything just to say "I did it." If I don't want to, then I won't and we all will be better for it. Hell on my wordpress blog I had actually finished a story and just needed to edit it but completely forgot about it in draft. It's actually gotten a few views, warning It's adult content little kiddies need not read it, at all.

I'm not kidding, that really is nothing short of raunchy and it was just sitting there languishing because welp I just didn't get around to it. Somedays I just type the story out, how ever the words come out, and then PLAN to go back later and whip it in to some type of legible state. Punctuation, paragraph structure(which I really do suck at, but I at least make an attempt), grammar, colloquialism, dialect and even pacing if a story is just pouring out of me I will go back and add them later. I have a few friends who come through and help me out. Tell me if my spelling is off(me and homonyms ain friends, nor are me and spelling sometimes. And my typos yeeesh), give a grammar critique here and there and for that I truly appreciate them. Some even help me to re-edit or re-imagine endings that I feel are tortured. Because sometimes a hard stop sucks, but a soft skid is amazing.

Anyway I actually have a few more throwback posts to get ready but this one I think is definitely relevant.


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