Showing posts with label 2 years in the making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2 years in the making. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Well what do you know

Primal's Ponderings is about to celebrate it's second birthday *bradadadaaaaaaaa*, I just so happened to check a few moments ago in a moment of fancy to see "hmm I wonder how long I really had been doing this blog right here" and what do you know the first post ever written was on 4/4/09. Which just happens to be monday, now for the record I think Ponderings was my 4th or 5th blog. I had the one on yahoo 360, then I had the one on myspace, then I had the one onnnnnnn black planet, then I had the one on multiply, then I think I started this one, a few more also started after this but as you notice this one has being going strongest in place of the yahoo 360 blog. Which is odd considering how much I swore on 360.

But Yaaaay, I can actually attempt to celebrate a blogs birthday for once. Maybe I should actually claim it for the week on all of my various social networking sites saying "primal's ponderings 2 years old today" leave it up for a week and then delete it. Yeah thats what I will do, I will claim it and then delete the post next monday, you see it you see it, you don't oh well.

Again you looking for old primal just google primaldata(ahem adding my name in another post will of course allow it to be googled for primaldata BRILLIANT) and you will find me somewhere doing what it is I do best, rambling on lol.

So Happy birthday to my blog, hopefully many more posts to come


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