Showing posts with label The Primal Files. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Primal Files. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Primal's rules to writing

Save on this blog I have absolutely none, and the only one on this blog is "Dear Primal do not curse in a post," if I so chose I could curse in the commentary but I have yet to actually have anyone come through who deserves said ire. I mean it's not like I have never had disagreeable people come through before(well technically not on this blog), unfortunately for me unless it's a really poignant(I swear I always want to add an extra N to that word, I guess I could have used Topical or Insightful) I probably pay you no mind. I write for the most part as I speak, so yes I really am this random, I do tend to bring up movies, TV, or music a lot, and you may have to go back and reread because you may find that the scenic route I took you was the actual route I was trying to take to the subject.

The route was colorful, sometimes comical or sharp, and always exactly how I meant to say it, if I said it at all. It's kind of the reason why any throwback post you see isn't edited though commentary may be added later. Writing is a process even for me, and just like on social media, "if you see what I deleted because I either thought it was too much or else didn't think it efficiently got the point across you might be scared of exactly how much I thought about said subject." I don't like to be misunderstood, which is why I probably say way too much, typos/misspellings/my issue with homonyms I can get around. Being misunderstood though, it's damn near a nervous tick I don't just like being heard, I like for the person/people who hear me to actually understand where I am coming from.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Classic Primal Rant

I was going back through some of the posts over on my word press blog and I came to this GEM, let me just say in my defense, their is sick, there is tasteless and then there is handing someone a splooge covered laptop that they don't find out about the splooge until they open it up. And no I am not exaggerating, I even included a picture of said laptop. I don't care about what kind of porn you have on your computer, seriously I am not anti porn, I am not anti masturbation, seriously we all have to release some stress sometimes.

I am anti Love juices on something that I have to touch when the love juices do not belong to me. Would you hand that to your local Best Buy tech(and if you would I hope they IMMEDIATELY hand it back to you and ban you from the store, you're just sick)? Again while I could PROBABLY get away with the picture here what I had to say about the picture nah pimpin thats all Wonderful World right there. It was actually a short post, don't ask me how I divined that down so far and quickly, it just felt good to get that off my chest. Especially how man never mind just the thoughts that went through my head when I had to work on it, when I wrote the blog and even now, just WOW. I swear next time you get the Hazmat  charge if I get something like that

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Primal Files-Tech Tales:You fool no one but yourself

We've all done it, attempted to pinch a penny, cut a corner, recycle parts from something old into something new. Now while when it comes to electronics you USUALLY can do that, if the problem is a hard drive that is about to die, 9 times out of 10 you're better buying a brand new hard drive. This lovely screen belongs to a customer's computer I was trying to reload Thursday night going into Friday morning. I had two computers to work on a Gateway desktop that had mystically decided that it didn't want to recognize Windows XP anymore and a Toshiba Laptop that the owner promised he had put a new, non dieing hard drive in. To be fair the real dagger in my heart was the Gateway, as I would find later it would require at least 7 hours to load windows 7 on that computer. 7 hours, a despicable task because usually I can get a computer reloaded within 2 hours, regardless of the operating system so the fact that I started at 8 o'clock and finished around 2:30 am did not sit well. To make matters worse, I still had to load drivers for it's Surveillance system card, which added ANOTHER 2 hours to my total, to say I was exhausted is an understatement.

The Toshiba I treated like a rotisserie chicken I set it and forget it, came back in about an hour and 30 minutes and I got a nasty gram "Windows 7 could not be loaded on to this computer, all changes that have been made have not been saved". Excuse me, I just wasted a good hour waiting on you while I was running back and forth with Captain Molasses who might as well be visiting Nanoock in his home(Nanoock of the North, joke my mother used to use when we left the door open in the winter back in Jersey). So of course I restart windows on the Toshiba and begin the load again only to get a little orange message that leads to that pop up box. Why me? The customer and I had just had a DETAILED conversation as to why he needed a different hard drive, about the importantance of using a good drive(didn't have to be new new, it just had to be WORKING). I almost wanted to call him and ask if he had taken the surname Flecher and had his cousin 'Dung been in for a visit, it didn't matter where he got the drive it just needed to work.


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