Showing posts with label X-men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X-men. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's movie day Bub

Yes you read that right, movie DAY. Eikichi obviously has a hot date tomorrow so he asked that we go to the movies today, and Smooth is trying to jam everything into his Saturday possible.  So we are headed to go see Logan for the 4:30 show, like literally the second this posts I am headed out the door to get Eikichi. In the age old parental tradition of dumping your child off on the grands so you could get a moments piece the Moose(my nephew) is out with his grammy most likely terrorizing both his grandmother and aunt. He is a ball of energy, and that is probably an understatement.

Anyway I'll probably do an in/at the theater post if not you know movie trailers will be up tomorrow and the movie review SHOULD be up Tuesday. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mutant and proud (6/18/11)

X-men First class is a break from the previous X-men movies, yes there were explosions, yes there were special effects but no it wasn't this polished old soldier against old soldier slugging it out in the trenches type of movie. In actuality First class even with all the "line up" changes was like watching an Xmen comic brought to life. While Charles Xavier is the most powerful Psychic mutant first and foremost he is a TEACHER, he wants to help mutants learn to harness their powers and become not only masters of themselves but also positive members of society. All the other movies there may have been a classroom here or there thrown in, but the lessons seemed unimportant. It was as if they were treating them like you treat schools in other movies, the boring part just thrown in so that the kids can relate. While yes sometimes the mutant kids got bored with their regular school assignments Professor X wouldn't allow them to not equate one with the other. You actually get to see him taking each mutant past his fears to a more positive center.

Eric Lennshur is a complicated man, he was at the concentration camps in Warsaw. One of initial manifestations of his powers was seeing his parents taken away from him when they were separating the parents from their children. I think as far as raw emotion is concerned the scene at the beginning of X-men 1 where you see young Eric grasp the iron gate with his fledgling mutant abilities and be immovable by 8 Nazi soldiers before being knocked unconsciously was epic. So the fact that for X-men:First Class they revisited that scene and went in depth as to "What happens next". You wonder why Magneto hates humans(Thoooooough technically Shaw isn't human more on that later), how would you feel if just to see you special abilities again somewhere hurt a relative? I mean in X-men you just assumed the Nazi's killed his parents and while he didn't see how it happened it was enough to be angry. In First Class it no longer is a guesstimation you see how and why, you see his "Virgin Vader Moment"(yes I mean the scene at the end of  Revenge of the Sith NOOOOOO! scream) and exactly how much power his anger releases. You see the beginning of his quest for vengeance and his distrust of homo sapiens sans superior(marvel has been known to call mutants Homo Sapiens Superior) due to his dealings with the Nazis as a young Jew.
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I forgot I didn't finish this blog, I really did like First Class, no it wasn't perfect but it focused on more than just the relationship of 3 characters. It showed you that while powerful these people are still fragile, that their decisions aren't just straight, direct, and without doubt. I also like how they continued it in Days of future past, I don't remember Mystique being so prominent between Charles and Eric but they really are two brothers fighting for a cause in different ways. One looking at a more peaceful, steady, progression into a harmonies future while the other does not wish to wait. HE wants your action right now, he believes the slow way allows too much pain and if his choice is for the pain of HIS people or the pain of YOURS, yours can suffer until hell freezes over(which depending on if he has somebody mind controlling Bobby Drake may or may not happen quickly).

I love how they showcased Hanks intelligence, I don't think they really did Alex justice but it's hard to explain somebody's motivation when you didn't introduce it. Alex Summers is an orphan, to his knowledge a lone orphan and when his powers manifest he meets his older brother who is already this awesome super hero. Alex and Scott summers are one of the best Sibling Rivalry stories out there but since there is no Scott there really can't be a full Alex. This movie's Angel was a push, Darwin was a semi let down. Seriously the dudes powers are that he can evolve to survive anything, as a matter of fact if the Hulk is coming he evolves teleportation powers and gets outta Dodge. The bad guy played by Kevin Bacon was perfect, I liked their Emma Frost even if somehow she becomes a member of Magneto's Brotherhood instead of the leader of the Hellfire club.

Anyway rules are rules I still have fond memories of this movie and I might revisit the series once Apocalypse drops

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Comic book movies I want to see made Marvel: X-men Pt. 2

The Why:

Everybody takes their bumps and bruises in the hero game, X-men actually takes the time to try and train the NEXT generation. They show young kids having to go through school, dealing with normal kid behavior, while sometimes enjoying throwing their powers around. One of the oft repeated panels are various games of baseball, where in the rules it's supposed to be POWER FREE and yet somehow somebody always catches a snowball, a shock, sometimes a psychic flutter. You also get to see the X-men being normal without having to wonder which one is the mask. I mean Cyclops wears red sunglasses when he doesn't have his visor on but no matter what he is Scott Summers he has a code name but he always has his powers, Wolverine/Logan/James Howlett III always has that adamantium skeleton and healing factor. Kurt Wagner is always blue with a tail, I know in one of the shows they gave him a holographic projector(and yes he has had one from time to time built by Forge the mutant with a power that lets him invent almost anything he puts his mind to) but around the team he is who he is tail and all, hell wolverine calls him a blue Elf half the time(which is hilarious since wolverine is shorter than Nightcrawler when he stands to full height instead of doing his demonic/gargoyle crouch). You also see that for the most part the Mutants at Xavier's school for Gifted Children accept each other for who they are, disembodied brains, blue furred beasts, demonic looking priests, Bugs, lizards, whatever if you are a mutant all are welcome and if somebody dares tease a fellow mutant for their mutation somebody comes to their aid.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Comic book movies I want to see made Marvel: X-men

I know somebody is gonna say but they made an X-men movie, they made 4 of them. No they made ONE First Class, but that isn't the X-team we marvel fans Know and Love. As for the Crap Brian Singer put out, yes it was nice to see SOME of my favorite mutants on the screen but he constantly Pooched everybodies abilities. Storm was a flier and so was Jean Grey, always having them on the ground when they were teachers at the school was an insult. If you wanted them to be just learning how to use their powers you should have reduced their ages to teenagers. Bobby Drake could "Ice Up" since he was about 12 years old, depending on which continuity you listen too Bobby Drake/Iceman is an omega level mutant who's powers manifested pretty damn early. So for him to ONLY Ice Up one time in the last movie for a 2 minute fight(which versus Pyro was 1:30 secs too damn long) was not only a waste but an insult. Hell he didn't even freeze anybody and HE WAS ON AN ISLAND. Bobby Drake can draw the water out of a fellow human being to create his ice, on an Island Bobby Drake is surrounded on all sides by water, you are pretty much fighting a God right about them he has all the ammo he needs. Hell it was one of the reasons why I couldn't stand X-2.


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