Showing posts with label Doh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doh. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Oops did I do that(5/17/11)

Looking at my "Networked Blogs" page I noticed a huge goof. As I was going back through some of my recent "raw blogs" I noticed how HUMONGOUS some of the pictures had come out, messing up the whole flow of the page. Granted these were raw, I knew they were raw, many of them came from days when I had no electricity so that I didn't have access to puter or internet to resize them. Thing is that isn't the "goof", the goof was that after I edited said blogs I forgot to check the "post preferences" at the bottom.

What's "post preferences"(which understand if that ain the right name it will be edited out and I'll floating text said changed) you may ask, it allows me to choose the date and time a post will appear INCLUDING leaving a post to be added in to a previous months register. This is good if you just wish to edit typos and aren't doing a whole new blog. Now I have to go back and re edit posts and HOPE I can remember what days they were originally posted. Some were within the last few days so its going to be annoying but not impossible(especially since most of my posts DON'T have comments), but certain ones(like the warriors way blog) I know the exact date of (12/5/10 had to go back to that date too many times to answer responses on it, which was AWESOME).

Another thing YAY I'm losing mass, yes the numbers on the scale are dropping too but just like when trying to build muscle when your skinny the scale usually takes the longest to change. Your body though it starts change pretty steadily. I took pics of my belt, the same belt I bought last year sometime after mold old one broke. My belt was kinda tight when I bought it, there was just enough left over to go through a couple belt loops, a couple. Now, whew its actually pulled all the way around to almost the middle of my back. Which is cool, what's not cool is trying to capture a picture of said amazingness. As you can see the third one shows you how much extra belt I have(second one is pretty useless) and the first shows my back and front pockets as well as part of the belt.

Now no this does not mean my beer(well really little debby, chocolate, bbq, and cheesesteak gut but beer is so much quicker to say) is gone its still fighting for dear health, buttressed by the fact that I seem to be allergic to sit ups lately. My waist though is shrinking, probably need to go pants shopping soon, to get smaller pants that no longer have a 4 in the front would be nice. I think that being in my 30's(yeah yeah late 30's I know) having a waist size in that same range is pretty respectable. Im probably a good 3 or 4 inches away from that, not that I have the measuring tape at the ready. But as the tops of my pants start to pleat and I continue to pull my belt another notch or two tighter the conclusion is easily reached.

PLUS me and a certain sibling have switched places in the "who's heavier" department *fist pump* while I may not be at my "target weight" I am seeing significant progress. Now I can just get close to or catch the other sibling(and not look anorexic or monstrous) I'll be happy.
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Now this bad boy says published, and yet it is in my drafts section, oh well. It's extra funny because that belt(you know the one in the pictures) died a few weeks ago and I had to buy a new one. So this is actually an homage to my good old belt, may you rest in piece thanks for keep my butt covered

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I'm getting extra cardio today I got so wrapped up in thumbing in my trailers blog for "Skyline" that I forgot to stop by the bank. Oh well spin around head back then walk on home.

I was making time too I was about to hit the home stretch when *face palm* bank clicked in my mind. Ah well a few more people live for a few more seconds on black ops whoop dee. The fact that I've made this hike and I ain winded yet is making me jump for joy. I haven't been hitting my resistance bands as religiously as usual so I'm not burning calories like I want. So to be able to jump down, turn around and spin it back is damn good in my eyes.

I ain running but walking it out has its benefits the change in terrain in the natural world is unmatched so the benefits my body is reaping from this mental slip is like whoa. And its not a bad thing that the rain is gone either I'd be sick as a dog tomorrow if it was raining(whoops misstep mayne I love these unsprainable ankles) well almost at the bank so tata and back to the trailers blog

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