Showing posts with label afternoon edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label afternoon edition. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Oops did I do that(5/17/11)

Looking at my "Networked Blogs" page I noticed a huge goof. As I was going back through some of my recent "raw blogs" I noticed how HUMONGOUS some of the pictures had come out, messing up the whole flow of the page. Granted these were raw, I knew they were raw, many of them came from days when I had no electricity so that I didn't have access to puter or internet to resize them. Thing is that isn't the "goof", the goof was that after I edited said blogs I forgot to check the "post preferences" at the bottom.

What's "post preferences"(which understand if that ain the right name it will be edited out and I'll floating text said changed) you may ask, it allows me to choose the date and time a post will appear INCLUDING leaving a post to be added in to a previous months register. This is good if you just wish to edit typos and aren't doing a whole new blog. Now I have to go back and re edit posts and HOPE I can remember what days they were originally posted. Some were within the last few days so its going to be annoying but not impossible(especially since most of my posts DON'T have comments), but certain ones(like the warriors way blog) I know the exact date of (12/5/10 had to go back to that date too many times to answer responses on it, which was AWESOME).

Another thing YAY I'm losing mass, yes the numbers on the scale are dropping too but just like when trying to build muscle when your skinny the scale usually takes the longest to change. Your body though it starts change pretty steadily. I took pics of my belt, the same belt I bought last year sometime after mold old one broke. My belt was kinda tight when I bought it, there was just enough left over to go through a couple belt loops, a couple. Now, whew its actually pulled all the way around to almost the middle of my back. Which is cool, what's not cool is trying to capture a picture of said amazingness. As you can see the third one shows you how much extra belt I have(second one is pretty useless) and the first shows my back and front pockets as well as part of the belt.

Now no this does not mean my beer(well really little debby, chocolate, bbq, and cheesesteak gut but beer is so much quicker to say) is gone its still fighting for dear health, buttressed by the fact that I seem to be allergic to sit ups lately. My waist though is shrinking, probably need to go pants shopping soon, to get smaller pants that no longer have a 4 in the front would be nice. I think that being in my 30's(yeah yeah late 30's I know) having a waist size in that same range is pretty respectable. Im probably a good 3 or 4 inches away from that, not that I have the measuring tape at the ready. But as the tops of my pants start to pleat and I continue to pull my belt another notch or two tighter the conclusion is easily reached.

PLUS me and a certain sibling have switched places in the "who's heavier" department *fist pump* while I may not be at my "target weight" I am seeing significant progress. Now I can just get close to or catch the other sibling(and not look anorexic or monstrous) I'll be happy.
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Now this bad boy says published, and yet it is in my drafts section, oh well. It's extra funny because that belt(you know the one in the pictures) died a few weeks ago and I had to buy a new one. So this is actually an homage to my good old belt, may you rest in piece thanks for keep my butt covered

Friday, September 2, 2011

Doing a little profit taking

It's been a while since I decided to blog about my ups and downs in the stock market and since I decided to sell a few shares of one of my stocks I figured hell why not. Now I know normally people(including me) say don't look at your portfolio when you have a need because most times you will be selling something before it has a chance to reach your markers for it. And I agree with this premise it is very true, thus when I was buying this laptop I am now typing on I acted like my portfolio didn't exist. This is for a less selfish reason and I knew the money was just sitting there plus as of yet I hadn't locked in any of my Sirius profits so I figured kill two birds with one stone. And yes I said profits now that I have finally sold some shares of a "winning" stock I can say I made a profit, and yes I will be paying Capital Gains on said profits next year, thankfully they are long term capital gains as I have owned said stock for going on 2 years now.  I'm not going to focus on stocks I no longer hold any shares in, they're sold I either made or lost money on them and it is time to move on.

 This is simply my OPINION on stocks that I OWN, this is in no way, shape or form a recommendation for said stocks, nor is discussion of their past gains or losses an indication of future events

Sirius Xm Satellite Radio( SIRI :Nasdaq) part of me wants to rail because the last time I looked at Sirius it was well over 2 bucks a share, but as I didn't decide to jump in and sell any shares then and thus lock in that extremely high amount of profit I should really pipe down. Been there, done that, and I DEFINITELY know better. But again I started off at $ 0.13  a share(yes that says THIRTEEN CENTS a share) so *ahem* complaint about a profit of 1.61 per is technically looking the grand slam in the mouth and I will not. For those who do not know Sirius XM is of course the satellite radio company who provides you with that coast to coast non stop radio programming from the skies above. I think the current hit is just because of the overall economic slow down and not indicative of anything being wrong with the company(and hell even if there was anytime you hit 10 times your entrance point shut up and enjoy it, yes talking to myself too).

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just a little help for those stumbling onto my page looking for a famous black personality

It's TAVIS Smiley, not Tagus, you got the Cornell West part right but the man's name is Tavis, hell let me help you out further and provide some appropriate links(no I am not a big Tavis Smiley fan, while sometimes his heart appears to be in the right place he also has a huge ego, but this ain about me)

One of his Websites
his PBS page
the Wiki Dedicated to him
his all Tavis all the time radio show
His Twitter
Huff Po Article
The Intersection of Madness and Reality article about them(yes rippa's site is awesome)
the Charlie Rose Interview with him and Cornell West

Now if this ain the Tavis Smiley you are looking for, I can't help ya. Yes I am a kind enough person to attempt to help send you on the right path whether I like the establishment you are trying to reach or not, it ain always got to be about my likes or dislikes sometimes it can just be about helping out your fellow HUMAN. I'm sure you can find quite a few articles about first Mr. Smiley(and I don't mean Rickey, this time), and Professor West if you go to this Google Page which is where I found the rest of this stuff. I know he has a weird name, I used to think way back in the day that his name was TRavis Smiley and that somebody was just mispronouncing and spelling it but hey normally you go for a name you are used too(and I knew quite a few Travis' at the time) instead of something new and different, I guess it's similar to Brendan Fazier(Fayzyour) going as Brendan Frazier for so long because he didn't want to argue with people screwing up his name.

Hope this helps

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hey Ponderers, I'm tired as hell today another late night in a series of late nights. I have found the "tag/script of my dreams" on wordpress, its a little bit of code that allows me to basically let me turn long blog posts into book form. I know some would prefer that my more enormous blogs could be cut down a little into more bite-sized offerings, you know let you get to the bottom of the page and feel a sense of progress before you continue on with one of my rambles.

Unfortunately as of yet that doesn't help me here, I'm sure that there has to be some html code out there to "paginate" a non wordpress blog and I am going to find it. I don't know when or where but I am now determined. I know some would say "doesn't that just give you an excuse to be wordy?" Well yes, but you won't suffer because of my wordiness now will you, okay maybe slightly, mentally, and chronologically(because if it takes a minute to write it takes a minute to read).

Anyway this is just a quick, "write what is on your mind to keep the juices flowing" post especially tailored to my "barely keeping one eye open" state of mind right now.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

*Pssst* Hey this ain sports whats with all the drafts

Argh, I'm doing it again I'm becoming a draft machine. I start posts but get busy so I can't finish them and than they LANGUISH in the ether just waiting for me to come back, my brand new puppy sitting at the door, looking forlorn, waiting for me to walk in and play with him. This is of course not on purpose, long work days and unfocused nights. I mean it's almost the end of June and I don't even have half a months worth of posts done. I should be ashamed, how could I neglect two blogs like this(won't even talk about multiply, though to be fair most of my connects seem to be gone from there anyway) and there is no satisfactory answer. These introspective pieces, while they technically count as blogging, are just me tapping on the keys as a mental place holder, me saying "see I did write something today" but not really putting in the mental effort to actually follow a topic to its finale.

I went to the library yesterday, now while this isn't some "OMG you went to a library" moment I did something I haven't done going on a good 15 years, hell maybe 20, I signed up for a library card and actually checked out a few books. I had been a bookstore whore for a while running in to buy the latest Harry Potter, Jason Bourne, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, et al release but then times got hard and my personal life got crazy. Yes I will still buy a book here or there but not like I used too, it used to be an almost every pay period addiction, I don't even buy comic books like I used to my momentary escapes from reality so I can set my mind free. I forgot my old friend the library those well worn and tattered tomes for those of us with active imaginations and bigger literary appetites that we had money in our pockets or space for on our shelves. Now my trip to the library wasn't perfect, the main book I was looking for wasn't there, "29 writing mistakes", it was something I found on a trip to the library a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Humpday, hmm did I forget something last night?

Yeah last night I was supposed to do the "Priest" review, I got a little side tracked so I'll do it today. I'm on my way oy to Turrel, Ar so I'll have some keypad tapping time, not a lot but some.

Okay break in my blogging buffering

Turrell is done, so we're headed back to Memphis it didn't take too long, but its still the boonies. May eat lunch ain sure yet, the sunrise omelet from subway was pretty good. Yeah have to do priest, may start it as a draft in Blogger-droid then finish it on my desktop. This is random and discombobulated I know but its a quick shot. More to come

Monday, May 16, 2011

Contemplating on a quiet day

As is customary I haven't typed word one on my "Priest" review, no not even the title(though I will admit it will be a little cliched) doesn't mean I won't do it tonight I just haven't as of 4:45 central. Today was a lite day for me all I've done is dig up some crap in the shed, slap a card in a puter and let it run. We've just gotten a new "shop" computer, haven't transfered any data over to it yet but its just a matter of time.

I've done a little bit of "house cleaning" on my blog adding jump breaks to some of my screen eaters(and thus cutting down some of my feed sizes) and hopefully making my blog more reader friendly. I apologize like I said I kind of stumbled into this, yes 6 years ago I started my blog on 360 but even then I was catch as catch can inspiration as it came to me. I'm thinking of looking up the GN/Manga for priest to see what they cut out for the movie. Theirs was a slightly different take on vamps, not unpleasant some of the basic vampire abilities and weaknesses were still there just different. This isn't the review so I'll get indepth there.

Trying to keep this as a quick shot I've gotten a lot of views the last few weeks so thanks for stopping by.

Oh I've found my first "issue" with the "Official Blogger App" no drafting.  If I post it its posted, no pauses for HTML edits, picture placement, nada so it seems blogger droid still has its uses. If its a quick shot il do it here, if I feel wordy blogger droid til they update this one just glad it posts to my blog 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More clouds, more rain really. "You Suck"

Yeah this one is just a little something to clear my head as I look out at the skies emptying its bladder on us again. Taking a quick look at the paper it seems that some of folks have had to clear out of some spots in the midsouth.

As I've mentioned(but forgot to photograph) the "Muddy Mississippi" has been rather high since the storm that tore through and wiped out the power. Especially since said storm continued to bring more rain with it(Hell I think I'll blog last Sundays photos, especially of the cars and driveway) and while there were complaints previously of droughts and water shortages I don't think we needed it all back in like a month.

The areas around me are okay, but as future pictures will show anyday you can walk out to see a lake on the front lawn. And there really is only one face you can make when looking at Lake "But that's my Car" a cheerful smirk. Cause you ain going nowhere til that water recedes. As a matter of fact let me do that blog now, so stay tuned.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The morning after

You've seen me post pictures of the surrounding area around my house before. Its a normal neighborhood, just people who live in close proximity to each other going about their daily lives. As happens from time to time rain falls and slightly messes up the scenery. Well last night there was nothing slightly about it

About 10:15 the storm hit, hit hard and fast at first the lights just flickered off momentarily, which has happened before hell in my previous weeks blog(the one where I have all the rain pictures) I told you about the mini blackout that I missed. This time I didn't miss anything first there was the flash of light and then there was the boom the knocked all the lights out. It seems that during the commotion a power pole and powerline were both snapped. A transformer must have blow somewhere too because too many spots have no lights for it to be a single line doing all this damage. I would like to think that in our modern age we don't have all our eggs in one basket like that.

Its kind of funny I had a late night anyway due to a failing hard drive in byhalia and had only been home for a good 20 minutes before the power went out. Now understand I am an admitted digital junky, I have these two phones, I have a desktop, when I surf I tend to have at minimum 5 windows up at all times and said 5 window always have at least 2 tabs open on them. So while yes I do eventually sleep I am the king of digital overload

I had plans to do lots of stuff on facebook, possibly finish up a few blogs, tumblr a few things, watch the latest smallville episode that I missed, watch bleach(latest episode would have been posted this morning) and prepare for a normal workday. Now I'm stuck trying to charge my phones using car charges and watch the daylight vanish to return me to darkness. Which being the gremlin that I am, I love the darkness, I just don't love the quiet, I have become partial to the humms, buzzes, shifting and settling of our digital companions. It used to be the street noises, but I have long since gotten over my dependance on them for a good nights sleep.

At least in this iteration the blackberry bold whoops the motorola backflip when it comes to battery life, at like 75% with me talking on it for hours last night and texting for hours today the blackberry didn't run out of juice for over 12 hours. Sitting there with me just deleting a few items off of it the backflip barely lasted 3. Battery life has always been my issue with this phone, I love the features and the abilities im trying to figure out why its been so glitchy since the firmware update, but for the most part it had always been serviceable save battery life. And never had its lack of battery life been so apparent as it was last night.

I've loaded my android with a handy flashlight app(that came in very handy during the storms aftermath), and it has a little battery life digital indicator on it as it quickly ticked down last night it reminded my how dependant we have become on our digital devices. Mainly because they keep gettint lost I don't have a "normal" flashlight in the sense of that big battery operated single beam of

Well I'll be gosh darned after already being washed back into the stone age what is this I hear above my head? Why its the patter of more ran drops, if anybody says the universe doesn't have a sense of humor I wish to point you to this day. As I have no desktop I will post this "raw" now and adjust the photos and add any html linkage that I feel appropriate when power is restored.

Ol' Primal is still here and plunkin away, I just can't make use of all my toys(at the moment)
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It seems spring is "peeping" in early

You can always tell when the seasons are starting to change, the birds, insects and animals start coming back in full force and being more frisky. Now I'm no bird watcher so I dont know if this is a Starling, a Robin, or what I just know they spent a good 10 minutes chasing each other around the front yard.

I thought it was funny, after the snow storms, the cold weather and rain storms I see two birds. The cycle starting over again, Mother Nature just needs to catch up and stop with the Bi-polar/Schizophrenic thing and just come with the Median weather.

I took this yesterday and forgot to finish the blog so done enjoy "squirrel"(I never saw "Up" but I loved that part of the trailer)
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowy day in memphis

What can I say, they promised snow and they were right. And its a nice few inches too unlike the "Christmas Day dusting", of course some folks would have preferred clearer less treachorous weather. That ain what we got for the moment I am sitting around don't know how work is gonna go today if at all but im washed and dressed two layers of socks on(doesn't feel like enough though).

Okay I've joined tumblr another in a long series of joins to be able to keep up with and talk with friends, especially some of my 360 crew. After some deep think I decided to make it an NSFW tumblr. A few times I'm gonnsa say or show some off the wall things and I want the freedom to do so, so if you stumble upon it dont be surprised if you see my hairy sack(because I actually do have a post involving my currently hairy sack I'm going to shave them later) it may just be up there.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wow who knew

Tom's(no relation) BBQ

Hmm I've ridden past this place a million times when me and my dog gotti used to work for Fedex  (actually it was Fedex Trade Networks to be exact) and he was staying off tula. I'm looking at the posters with Guy Fieri on it like wow now I still haven't eaten here(the boss waited til AFTER I ate lunch to tell me I was coming here, Thanks Dad) but I guess this wraps into more famous places I've only gone to because I'm working.

Its sad really I'm probably living a few tourists dreams hitting all these famous Memphis eateries and rarely am I there to get a plate or have I tried a single dish. I mean the Mesquite chop house I'm always there (just rarely when they are open so nope have tried a dish), Papa Pia's(good pizza, I wanna try the calzone though), Pig on Beale(great BBQ there I had some before they won memphis in May), Kings palace(never ate there), Rum Boogie(great chicken), Handy Park(always working I ain even heard a note played there).I've also done some of the bars between King's Palace and Rum boogie(never been in those "after hours" either, if I ever get bored I'm gonna start taking photos in these various memphis hot spots downtown.)

I MAY buy dinner from Tom's BBQ since I have to go back, hopefully I can leave it in the fridge without it being attacked(I know who my siblings are a fridge play is fair game regardless of what you write on it). Like I said I just ate so my stomach is full, not super full but enough that I'd just feel bloated if I ate anything else.

Tomorrow is Tron:Legacy day, yes it will be epic yes its in the run up to my birthday it is Disney Marvel's present to me, not YOU ME(hey sometimes you gotta claim stuff as your own when there's no party). So I'm going to enjoy myself baby bro MAY walk with me we shall see. I'm wondering who will be a trailer for TRON (I'm hoping since Marvel is now disney's that I get some Marvel trailers you know Thor, maybe Cap) can't wait til I see it that blog will be epic.

I wonder if Disney is running Tron on the the Disney channel today, I gotta check that out. Hmm oh well quick update "how's it hangin" style

Catch ya later on tonight

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Semi bored so I'm sitting here writing and I'm bored blog. I'm back at the site we were working at yesterday but we had some power issues so now we're trying to resolve them.

Its drizzling today so no outside work is going to get done PLUS I have to go to Marianna again so I will be out of signal range(yaaaaay me). But hopefully it will be a quick run and back. We have to drop off a monitor in Hughes(which is on the way) pick up some mail at the old PO box and come back. We've got 10 out of 13 cameras working and have to find a missing 3 from before.  I got the other 3 up and working it was a bad plug up front, couldn't get his puter on the internet but I'm gonna let the other tech handle that

Mom's birthday is in 3 days and she should just be getting back in town. Now what should I get her for her B-day hmm I happen to like my budding blu ray collection so that's out(what, they get grippy with the movies they like), Baby bro wants to get her this collectors edition scrabble set which sounds cool(not that we've played scrabble in like ever I'm captain typo and lord of bad spelling scrabble ain my bag). Now as for Christmas I have no clue what I am getting anybody

Maaan this shawty is so lucky I ain have my phone out to take a picture of her crack headed self. Who out of nowhere just starts SCREAMING "Purple Rain" and ain wearing head phones. And ONLY "purple Rain" no other words. I ain gonna say its an advance stage of crackishness, but it is crackish and I wish I could have documented it. Oh well my day is like that sometimes I come to these weird off the wall places and see crazy things.

Two stops down, mostly successful trips and one to go. "Go Team Tech" okay technically there is not "Tech Team" its two people baby bro is along for the ride because rarely to me and the other tech roll together to a site. I let bay bro do all the work on this one it was just plugging up a monitor and doing a site evaluation. He's got a bad camera, we unplugged it, we'll order him a new one and bring it back.

Now I'm trying to go so we can hit Marianna and come back, but not him nooooo, bay bro takin his sweet ole time. And with no signal I can give him the ol "ey make it snappy". Saiight it was a pretty quick trip
Marianna quick, clean no fuss. A quick stop for lunch those double XXL chalupas are okay messy not as filling as one would think with all that puffy bread. We're back in Memphis now hit Aldi's for some cheese(pepper jack and provolone), and walmart for some more steaks(walmart has this great value brand cause they were out of steakumms, what I'm from philly/south jersey) and some cheddar cheese. Oh and two things of wheat hoagie rolls. Hey sometimes you want a taste of home and nothing says philly/south jersey like a cheese steak.

So about to make the steaks, saute the onions crack the rolls and do the damn thing. I hope everyone had a great day

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Yea Yea I know where's the monday update blog

Yall are all dieing to see what happened to me this weekend, or how my morning is going, or what glorious bit of minutia is going on in my life.

Thats it, I got nathan. I haven't blogged yet because nothing blog worthy has happened. I dropped my baby brother off in south haven, came back reloaded a friends computer, I'm scanning another computer and as of right now, I'm bored. Sometimes it goes like this, yes I may be a little cranky that my damn Christmas to New Years plans fell through AND?

Actually I'm not that cranky, I'm just still groggy from last night. My wife is kicking tail in her Fantasy Football pool(so YAAAY muffin), my team lost, by 1 mistake alone, and I played black ops as usual. It was kind of uneventful, I guess I could have gone to the theater to see tangled I mean I've reviewed shrek(I think) I did megamind, I just didn't realize tangled had come out. I don't mind good NEW retellings of age old fairy tales. Hell Shrek was a breath of fresh air, the hero isn't always perfect, the damsel isn't always in "Distress" and sometimes love takes funny turns.

This weekend though it will probably all be about "The Warrior's Way" that movie looks like it has Awesome Sauce poured all over it. Ninja's, cowboys, big explosions, martial arts yes if this movie sucks I will be heart broken but I will be there ANYWAY because I may like it(Like I did MACHETE') even if the critics don't(besides usually critics hate good movies anyway, I don't know why movie will have made billions but get lousy NON paid reviews.

So okay monday blog is up and out the way, like any other blogger interaction helps so a little feed back, another fine link to "delete this site", hell a quit blogging you suck would be nice every once in a while(what I love trolls as much as the next guy I'm the site administrator I can abuse you then bounce you) I hope every one had a great weekend and is having a good monday(yeah like any monday is a good monday you USUALLY have to go back to work which SUCKS)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pretty laid back saturday

Really not doing much of anything right now, I had to make a few deliveries a site that I was supposed to be putting some finishing touches on got postponed so as of right now I'm pretty much just sitting back relaxing. Need to eat something though my stomach is growling.

Nothing really on my mind right now which is kind of a good thing. Yes I have my new wordpress blog which I doubt even with me deciding that I was gonna put an "X" rating on it that I will be over there much it will take me a minute to get in that frame of mind. I mean possibly dirty thoughts and topics might get more interaction then I get here but hey, life is life play the cards you're dealt and get ready for the next hand.

If I find something at the theater that I really want to watch I may head that way tonight since I have longer distance transportation, but I doubt it one movie a week is usually more than enough for me. Still have that Black ops blog sitting in draft status and I haven't added a word to it MAYBE I'll try to flesh that out today, part of the problem is black ops, as I get ready to start typing about it now that I'm at lvl 46 or 67(I don't remember I just hit it the other day, or was it last night) I'm running around shooting people. I do need to be a little more disciplined and finish that blog since I did say I was gonna do it, but lets be real as a gamer would you prefer to TYPE about a game or PLAY it. Right it's not my JO it's just something I wanted to do so I want to shoot some of you in the head(foot, arm, or balls) more.

Hope everybody is having a great Post Thanksgiving weekend, for those who it's just another day in the neighborhood for hell I just hope you're having a great weekend. I might post later but til then lunch then more black ops

Friday, November 26, 2010

You know the one bad thing about wednsday premiers?

I have no clue what I'm gonna do tonight. Friday is usually movie night for me, so with this weeks movie already taken care of what shall I do(well we have an extra vehicle so maybe I will FINALLY get to check out some older flicks that I missed out on "RED").

I've never been a big shopper so no I'm not out engaging in black friday consumerism, not for any "high minded" reason just because I don't have any real need to go shopping. I don't have the discretionary cash right now to spend so why waste my time window shopping. I have nothing against window shopping but why do it on the shopaholics palm sunday. Folks are out there with spiked hammers, battle axes and full on plate armor out there, if you ain serious about a need to get something from the store today stay home.

Yes part of the issue is me working, but I COULD if I felt froggy hit a store, I just ain gone do it. If I feel I need something late tonight or tomorrow I will go but you super consumers can be my guest, I like life.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Been playing gopher for most of the day

And I was working on a blog about Smallville(which I'll add the links to later) thus why this blog is being kicked out so late. It was a pretty ho hum night, shot a few people, watched some anime, watched some porn, washed my clothes and hit the sack.

Mundanity in my life looks like that, yes I usually get dropped into hilarious situations due to my current occupation, as well as hit some off the wall locales but when its boring its boring. I tend to see some of the weirdest things and here some of the lamest excuses. It seems in these hard times not only are more people resorting to larcenous acts(if it ain a word it is now keep up) but senseless violence is also up. A guy begging for money got shot in the back at a site I'm banned from.

I'm banned from a site? Yup, why no clue don't ask me what dude thinks I said or did to him, but I don't give a damn if you're not man enough to speak to me when there is a potential misunderstanding I don't have time for your petulant outbursts. Banning me from your store is usually a bad idea as I'm the tech, there are only 2 of us. And 95% of the time if it all goes south at your store I'm the one who does the incident CD's.

Now as I know who I am at work(as long as you don't try to act like I'm dumb or piss on me and try to pretend its raining) thus my professionalism in MOST CASES is undeniable. Especially between me and him, I've never said a sideways word to him. I guess he thought he heard, he said/she said, who knows what and I don't care. You wanna wait wait, that is fully your right and choice but don't get mad when you are low man on the Totem pole.

I have no clue how the rest of this day is gonna play out and as thanksgiving is in two days I seriously need burn calories before I stuff my face. I hope everyone has a great holiday and that your loved ones arrive safely to good food and better memories

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Its monday *grumble* pass the grande, nonfat, 2 hit, blah blah blah

Okay I'm teasing I'm not a coffee person so I really have NO CLUE how that order really foes. I'm a Tea or Hot chocolate kinda guy, coffee is just too bitter for me and always has been.

Two prime time games in a row, against dividion opponents and we kicked butt. 3 great QB's in a row and we still come out on top(Donovan Mcnabb is a great QB, he doesn't get his due because for some even though he had inferior recievers for MOST of his career no superbowl no respect) our defense bent, didn't break and we played some damn good exciting football.

I have no clue how today is going to go, I'm thinking of going to see "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson. Baby Bro has been going in on The Rock because of:"The Gameplan"(the green Leotard hurt his soul), "The Toothfairy"(yeah a "freakishly large" human being in a TuTu is a NO NO) and "Race to Witch Mountain"(I guess he didn't like the original) but I'm gonna say one thing on that YOU CAN'T BEAT DISNEY MONEY $$$ cha ching.

I'm saying when's the last time you hurt Kurt Russel having money problems, Jodey Foster, or Julie Andrews(Mary Poppins)? Exactly Disney money never runs out(which is a good thing for Marvel Comics, please get the DeadPool movie right).

Speaking of DeadPool the character who was the inspiration for the merc with the mouth Slade Wilson was on Smallville Friday so I can't wait to watch the episode online tomorrow. Yes I am a Smallville fan it now has to rank as the best superhero TV show it has outlasted "The Flash", "Heroes", that mutant show on fox, "birds of prey", "The Mantis", "The Incredible Hulk", "Spiderman", "Doctor Strange" and I believe the original Adam West and Burt Ward Batman Series(of course I will have to check on that and will adjust this comment accordingly). Now some have mentioned they don't like it because the "symbolism" is off. Every Superhero has a trademark(or 3) spiderman has the Red spider, the mask with the white eyes and black outline, the webs; Batman has the bat, the cape and cowl, the batarangs(which are usually bat shaped but are still seperate items). Superman has the Spit curl(which you know Tom Welling has yet to sport), the blue and red tights, the red and yellow "S" on his chest, red and yellow cape. And as I have mentioned before I felt it was short sighted for the creators to say in the first season you wouldn't see Tom Welling running around in Blue and Red tights.

Um Hello! Sooner or later IF the show is a success and goes on for more than say 4 seasons(Smallville starts With Clark Kent in high school) he is going to BE the hero. And I know how comic fans could be, the statement was made I'm sure to make it seem like it wasn't going to be a cheap costume show where it was all about drawing in comic fans seeing the symbols while not paying attention to the story. Thing is sooner or later he has to fly and he has to become superman. Now they have cheated Clark Kent as "the Blur" is running around in the Black and Silver Kryptonian costume from right after the "Death of Superman" , but it wasn't red and blue tights.

Anyway back to slade wilson he was on the show friday, supposedly Slade Wilson is a character named Death Stroke(again will be checking this, I mean I could just tweet Rob Liefeld, DeadPool's creator he is awesome and responds to you most of the time, but I can just google it) I forget how he starts out but I think their origins are similar so I can't wait to see how he translated.

I haven't caught the new Bleach episode, or the latest Naruto Shippuuden(Hurricane Chronicles) so I need to catch up on that today. I might go ahead and pick up another anime, I just have to find some place that has all the episodes and can play them without any hiccups. You have any suggestions feel free to leave them.
Aiight bedding this one I hope everyone has a great monday

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Hey you find out something new everyday Slade from the Teen Titans (successful Teen Titans I should say) Cartoon network show was actually DEATHSTROKE I guess the name DeathStroke was a little strong for a kiddie show so they just called him slade, hell I didn't even think to place the costume.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My plans for the day

It's Sunday(I have the date tucked away up top so I'm not gonna post the date in blog) I was planning to watch football, do the Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows blog, and play black ops but it seems we have the night game so I guess I'll play black ops and do the potter blog first. No biggie at least I know I will be able to watch the game since it's sunday night football and as it's for the division lead it's a pleasant surprise from where I expected us to be.

Not to poach from the potter review but I liked the movie, I appreciate that they are FINALLY giving the story the time it needs to properly develop. A lot of the previous LONGER Potter books kind of got truncated in hopes of fitting the "directors vision" and supposedly fitting in to the audiences attention span. People have watched long movies before, if they like the subject matter and how you treated it they will sit their butts down and watch the movie. Hollywood needs to remember this, we watch long presentations all the time, the important thing is to keep up entertained. That's Hollywood's sole job and many times a job it is clearly deficient at.

Anyway off to play black ops, I got myself in a bit of trouble last night because I went a little crazy with the cross bow, okay a lot crazy I think I had like 15 or 20 sticky's last night, I had one sequence where I killed almost the entire team with bolts. Needless to say sometimes you have to be aware of your surroundings and if you see the guy next to you die, MIGHT wanna turn you head and see if somebody is about to rape you from the back.  I thought it was funny so I uploaded the sequence.

Now it was a COINCIDENCE that the last two shots were but shots, no offense but if I'm firing a crossbow bolt the main thing I want to connect with is somewhere it will stick. So anywhere along your back is fair game, my brothers have been joking that my last 10 game heat map has a lot of crotch shots in it, hey I stay crouched down and sometimes people fun into leaden death. Crossbow bolts usually catch your leg though as I fire them. Now if I EVER decide to break out my sniper rifle my head shots will go up It's just hard to catch a head shot with an automatic rifle sometimes small target lots of kick. Even when your ADS(Aiming down the site) bullets can go astray.

Hit me up on twitter or respond here I will get back to you between matches

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meh previous title was too melodramatic

I was gonna title this "Ooooh Nooo! The world is gonna end primal didn't do a morning post" but the ham on me is either sleeping (lucky bastard) or else just wasn't feeling it.

Favorite thing about loading a computer:

When having mismatched memory installed causes your board to go AS(haywire use your imagination). It keeps getting later and later in the day. Today has been pretty boring, I've trained troops in Evony Age II, in kingdoms of Camelot, have ignored my fish on tagged, and have had a nice conversation with a good friend about the stupidity of shaming a young to preteen girl into having a child. (By the way anybody who is legal and gets somebody underage pregnant deserves to be under the jail)

So yeah goofing off wise this has been a pretty productive day, work wise not so much. I've even drained my cell battery down to two bars(about to run and plug it in now). Really don't have my mind wrapped around much right now. Thinking of going to make lunch, possibly more of my delicious buffalo strips(you wish you could taste this sauce perfect bite to it with just a hint of *this information has been stricken as it is proprietary information*). Think we have a couple of wraps left if not guess I could make a salad.

Its mid season so thursday night football starts. That's about it just popped in my head really ain thought much about this pre pre weekend edition. Like I said was goofin off hadn't blogged yet and want to kinda keep the flow going just in case later on tonight I'm not in a blogging mood. I mean looking at how much and what I've blogged about its doubtful but as we know capricorns are mercurial by nature and if we know anything about me I AM a Capricorn (CAPS ROCK) so somedays just gotta head of my natural tendencies.

Aiight putting another one to bed holla back lata

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