Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Hurry up and wait

Did I use this title before? I think I used this title before. Everyone Remembers the FIRST Boondocks Christmas Episode right. Riley Vs Santa, right. That is what I am thinking about Eikichi right damn now.
 Dear Eikichi, where the hell you at? If I can get up at the BUTTCRACK of DAWN after having a decent night Gaming playing Sea of Thieves where the hell are you. Whats the lie you told LAST TIME, just get here you can sleep in the car? BRUH, BRUUUUUUUUH why you playing with my emotions KICHI!?!?!?! it's a damn 3 hour drive I don't want to go either but lets make this money and get home DAAAAAMN
Nah seriously, DUDE if your balls require an hour and a half of scrubbing you don't need a bath you need a surgeon. I don't care, I don't you got me sitting in the car for over a damn hour.

Yes, Prime does get Aggy if you make him wait for now damn reason. Nah, really he rushed me last week. I did the majority of the driving THERE, AND I got in the damn ceiling. If you ain want to go SAY SO grrrrrrr. like all you go to do is sit in the STFU seat(passenger) or the Don't touch the damn Radio(ANY back) seat and go to sleep. yup, my first post in FO EV AAAAAH is me complaining that my youngest brother was adopted from a family of constipated SNAILS...... 

Oh let's not to mention I get a comment on my last post, About my Beloved Eagles winning the Superbowl AND it's spam. Like if you want to leave a spam comment, hit a big website those moderators don't care unless you get reported enough time. So yeah Annoyed Blogger NEWS at 11

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