Showing posts with label hump day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hump day. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Humpday, hmm did I forget something last night?

Yeah last night I was supposed to do the "Priest" review, I got a little side tracked so I'll do it today. I'm on my way oy to Turrel, Ar so I'll have some keypad tapping time, not a lot but some.

Okay break in my blogging buffering

Turrell is done, so we're headed back to Memphis it didn't take too long, but its still the boonies. May eat lunch ain sure yet, the sunrise omelet from subway was pretty good. Yeah have to do priest, may start it as a draft in Blogger-droid then finish it on my desktop. This is random and discombobulated I know but its a quick shot. More to come

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The morning after

You've seen me post pictures of the surrounding area around my house before. Its a normal neighborhood, just people who live in close proximity to each other going about their daily lives. As happens from time to time rain falls and slightly messes up the scenery. Well last night there was nothing slightly about it

About 10:15 the storm hit, hit hard and fast at first the lights just flickered off momentarily, which has happened before hell in my previous weeks blog(the one where I have all the rain pictures) I told you about the mini blackout that I missed. This time I didn't miss anything first there was the flash of light and then there was the boom the knocked all the lights out. It seems that during the commotion a power pole and powerline were both snapped. A transformer must have blow somewhere too because too many spots have no lights for it to be a single line doing all this damage. I would like to think that in our modern age we don't have all our eggs in one basket like that.

Its kind of funny I had a late night anyway due to a failing hard drive in byhalia and had only been home for a good 20 minutes before the power went out. Now understand I am an admitted digital junky, I have these two phones, I have a desktop, when I surf I tend to have at minimum 5 windows up at all times and said 5 window always have at least 2 tabs open on them. So while yes I do eventually sleep I am the king of digital overload

I had plans to do lots of stuff on facebook, possibly finish up a few blogs, tumblr a few things, watch the latest smallville episode that I missed, watch bleach(latest episode would have been posted this morning) and prepare for a normal workday. Now I'm stuck trying to charge my phones using car charges and watch the daylight vanish to return me to darkness. Which being the gremlin that I am, I love the darkness, I just don't love the quiet, I have become partial to the humms, buzzes, shifting and settling of our digital companions. It used to be the street noises, but I have long since gotten over my dependance on them for a good nights sleep.

At least in this iteration the blackberry bold whoops the motorola backflip when it comes to battery life, at like 75% with me talking on it for hours last night and texting for hours today the blackberry didn't run out of juice for over 12 hours. Sitting there with me just deleting a few items off of it the backflip barely lasted 3. Battery life has always been my issue with this phone, I love the features and the abilities im trying to figure out why its been so glitchy since the firmware update, but for the most part it had always been serviceable save battery life. And never had its lack of battery life been so apparent as it was last night.

I've loaded my android with a handy flashlight app(that came in very handy during the storms aftermath), and it has a little battery life digital indicator on it as it quickly ticked down last night it reminded my how dependant we have become on our digital devices. Mainly because they keep gettint lost I don't have a "normal" flashlight in the sense of that big battery operated single beam of

Well I'll be gosh darned after already being washed back into the stone age what is this I hear above my head? Why its the patter of more ran drops, if anybody says the universe doesn't have a sense of humor I wish to point you to this day. As I have no desktop I will post this "raw" now and adjust the photos and add any html linkage that I feel appropriate when power is restored.

Ol' Primal is still here and plunkin away, I just can't make use of all my toys(at the moment)
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