Showing posts with label pre pre weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pre pre weekend. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just had a JN moment

By JN I mean Jimmy Neutron(yes the cartoon character). Since this is "sequel, remake, reboot time" I think I'll start doing some blogs on:what would primal do.

Now some of these characters I'll be like "Duh" on, I'm a comic book geek but mainly a marvel comic book geek with a minor in some DC main stays. I've read some Dark Horse, Image, Milestone and one other but I'm not all super comic book geek. And I rarely read Manga's so I can't get all deep and in depth with manga characters(that would be baby bro, possibly would give him some manga chat time if I felt that folks wanted to discuss manga).

But yeah marvel, DC, TV I think as news comes out and stories are in the writing, green lit, pre or production phase and not yet release I'll say what I would do IF I was in charge. I mean what else is a blog good for if one doesn't opine right. So yeah the one I'm currently working on is about spiderman, hope to finish that by the end of the day(KNOWING I STILL have finished the black ops blog, tsk tsk tsk SLACKER).

Hope your having a great thursday as always feel free to chime in agree, disagree, leave a suggestion, I'm all ears

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meh previous title was too melodramatic

I was gonna title this "Ooooh Nooo! The world is gonna end primal didn't do a morning post" but the ham on me is either sleeping (lucky bastard) or else just wasn't feeling it.

Favorite thing about loading a computer:

When having mismatched memory installed causes your board to go AS(haywire use your imagination). It keeps getting later and later in the day. Today has been pretty boring, I've trained troops in Evony Age II, in kingdoms of Camelot, have ignored my fish on tagged, and have had a nice conversation with a good friend about the stupidity of shaming a young to preteen girl into having a child. (By the way anybody who is legal and gets somebody underage pregnant deserves to be under the jail)

So yeah goofing off wise this has been a pretty productive day, work wise not so much. I've even drained my cell battery down to two bars(about to run and plug it in now). Really don't have my mind wrapped around much right now. Thinking of going to make lunch, possibly more of my delicious buffalo strips(you wish you could taste this sauce perfect bite to it with just a hint of *this information has been stricken as it is proprietary information*). Think we have a couple of wraps left if not guess I could make a salad.

Its mid season so thursday night football starts. That's about it just popped in my head really ain thought much about this pre pre weekend edition. Like I said was goofin off hadn't blogged yet and want to kinda keep the flow going just in case later on tonight I'm not in a blogging mood. I mean looking at how much and what I've blogged about its doubtful but as we know capricorns are mercurial by nature and if we know anything about me I AM a Capricorn (CAPS ROCK) so somedays just gotta head of my natural tendencies.

Aiight putting another one to bed holla back lata

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