Sunday, April 3, 2011

Well what do you know

Primal's Ponderings is about to celebrate it's second birthday *bradadadaaaaaaaa*, I just so happened to check a few moments ago in a moment of fancy to see "hmm I wonder how long I really had been doing this blog right here" and what do you know the first post ever written was on 4/4/09. Which just happens to be monday, now for the record I think Ponderings was my 4th or 5th blog. I had the one on yahoo 360, then I had the one on myspace, then I had the one onnnnnnn black planet, then I had the one on multiply, then I think I started this one, a few more also started after this but as you notice this one has being going strongest in place of the yahoo 360 blog. Which is odd considering how much I swore on 360.

But Yaaaay, I can actually attempt to celebrate a blogs birthday for once. Maybe I should actually claim it for the week on all of my various social networking sites saying "primal's ponderings 2 years old today" leave it up for a week and then delete it. Yeah thats what I will do, I will claim it and then delete the post next monday, you see it you see it, you don't oh well.

Again you looking for old primal just google primaldata(ahem adding my name in another post will of course allow it to be googled for primaldata BRILLIANT) and you will find me somewhere doing what it is I do best, rambling on lol.

So Happy birthday to my blog, hopefully many more posts to come

The Trailers for "Sucker Punch"

Conan the Barbarian

This was my first viewing for the Conan the Barbarian movie that has been the subject of much debate at as a matter of fact one of the to 3 articles about conan the barbarian on IMDB talking about the upcoming movie points to an article on so they must be getting a lot of eyes on the subject. It can't be a good thing that I am talking more about Geek Tyrant than I am about Conan, well the trailer was this "smokey" mess where you barely saw anything. You saw the Conan name some beastly looking things but really not alot of detail to sink your teeth into. This movie is starting to move further down my viewing chart.  I don't know if you have had folks panning you for MONTHS now and instead of wowing them with the greatness that is your movie you kind of hide behind smoke and shadow, meh that doesn't inspire confidence. Even green lantern with the CGI suit that many seemed to hate showed you the suit in full clear view so you could either love it or hate it but here we are.

So gig for Conan, face your detractors don't hide in the smoke and Mist

Fast 5

Now before you think this is some "flash corps" movie no this is the 5th installment of the fast and the furious. And everybody is together, Paul walker, Vin Diesel, Tyreese, Ludacris, and they have added the huge guns of  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. The movie looks awesome THOUGH you could gig them for Han being in it even though he died two movies ago(in fast and the furious tokyo drift) I mean if we are just bringing people to life why is Michele Rodriguez still dead hmm? The heist 100 million dollars out of a government installation. There will be cops, guns, police chases and to these guys "where's the problem". I mean this is an adrenaline junkies paradise from the looks of it, if you thought fast movies were over the top before whew they don't care about the potential "Jump the shark" factor in some of the premises of this movie. They are gonna take their fast cars, their insane modifications point them at your sense of "oh thats just to far" and leave it in the dust. Ol' Conan up there should take a lesson, doesn't matter what people say about you before they see you, what matters is that you take their breath away first chance you get.

X-men:First Class

*Disclaimer* I am a Marvellite, I have been a marvel fan for YEARS so forgive any UNSEEMLY amount of drooling over this picture.

Okay now that thats out the way !!Magneto rips a FREAKIN NUCLEAR SUB OUT OF THE WATER!! it's in the trailer, whether I like the "line up" of the first class or not you show exactly how big the Mutant Power Penis of one of the most powerful mutants around is exactly how much grousing can I do. It also seems to have removed itself from the "time stream" of the wolverine movie, as I believe that is Emma Frost diamonding up in the chair in the trailer for first class and she can't be a full grown woman back in the 60's and a kid in the 80's sorry just won't work. You will see Beast get his blue fur, you will see a young? Mystique(point of little known marvel fact, everytime Mystique shifts form it is almost like she is hitting the life "reset" button, because since her body changes age to that of whoever she is imitating{unless they have since recanted this}if she constantly goes back to whatever age she remembers herself being, well she would then be that age. So if she "remembers" being a hot looking 28 year old woman, she's 28 until they kill her off), Charles has his legs in this movies dunno if we will see magnus take them, Magnus gets his helmet(ahem charles continued use of his legs ain looking too go here folks), a full grown woman with Insect wings(I wondered if this was a POSSIBLE Wasp sighting, because wasp the avenger is actually a mutant as well).

I can geek about this movie forever so let me stop, my "Line up" issue is of course the first line up in the X-men comics was: Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Marvel Girl, and Iceman there have been many additions to the team over the years but to be honest that would be the first class at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children.

The Hangover part 2

This was a trailer in the minimalist sense of the word. It shows the 3 main characters from the last movie(and a monkey, looks like Ben Stillers from the night at the museum movies) waking up in a weird room, walking down the street and making a few comments to each other. The Dental surgeon now sports a Tyson face tattoo and Rain man has been shaved. And now they have a monkey, I guess you really can't beat having a Tiger in a car with you in the first movie, That is really kind of untoppable. The site has a different trailer but basically you know those 3 wake up in a room after a wild night, it really was a wild night. I may go see this one in theaters.


In the 1980's we americans were all introduced to Dudley Moore this British accented actor stole our hearts as this Drunken English GROWN spoiled rich brat to say this movie was funny is an understatement. As a matter of fact the movie was so funny there are quite a few homages to Moore's Arthur on many of todays more adult cartoon shows and in a few comedy acts. So when I heard they were remaking the movie as a fan of the original and not thinking anybody could match Dudley Moore I pretty much completely hated the idea and was like "it will suck, and they should burn in hell"(what there are days when my mouth runs before my brain can edit). Well now I have seen the trailer for Arthur, I slightly rescind my earlier statement Russel Brand MIGHT be able to pull it off. When I saw the poster for it, I was like Arthur? Wtf because just seeing him sitting there in a silly throne didn't spark any memories. But the trailer, the second I heard his name called and heard him speak in character the entire movie flew back in my head, and I smiled.

So Drunken English Fop, who is outrageously rich and has not done a THING in his life(and is extremely proud of it) but spend money, is given an ultimatum by his aging mother. He must marry some high society woman or else she will cut him off for every last dime. 950 million dollars(don't remember how much he was losing in the original movie but I'm sure they've upped the anti since you know a million isn't what it used to be) gone, poof , no more you will be a pauper. No more Boxing lessons with Evander Holyfield, no more music lessons with Yeezy(yes Kanye West), nothing not a dime. Arthur threatens to get a job(to which his mother rightfully laughs) and in the ensuing hijinx he bumps into a tour guide in Grand Central station and falls madly in love. Of course mom doesn't approve thus the story does he give it all up for his common love as well as his attempts to work in the real world(you ever wonder where Will Ferrel got it from in Elf it was Dudley Moore) or do what his mother says and marry miss high society and keep the almost 1 billion dollars(?) (Dollars? He's british shouldn't it be pounds? Maybe I miss heard still a 50 butt loads of dough).

Yup 5 trailers this week I got lucky(then again the trailer for Conan wasn't really a trailer yeah yeah they spoke but you couldn't really see nothing) Linkage is in and ready for your perusal say what your interested in seeing(even chastise me for being so hard on some of these movies or so soft), say what you think is going to be a flop, say why didn't I include the link to Lantern's new trailer instead of the lousy conan trailer. I don't mind the summer movie season is about to start and looks like it MIGHT be fun.

Monday, March 28, 2011

And then you look down

Aaaaaah, long drive on a chilly afternoon and you bladder asks for a pit stop. You're in a slight rush so you pull into the nearest Wally World, you whip out the equipment, and release that pent up liquid. Now as the two urinals were occupado, you decided to use the handicap stall(because while you may like sci fi, you really don't want to relive the trash compactor scene from new hope while TRYING TO PEE), so as you are about finish your business you glance down and what do you see

That's right an empty condom box, I know what you're saying "Bull Puckey, I mean who would do that leave a condom wrapper in the handicap stall. That's probably not even the stall." And I could understand your skepticism thus I took: a second picture

And as you see in the second picture, Le Commode. Now take that oh screamer of "Horse Hockey", seriously you can't make this stuff up. Now my first thought somebody didn't have thhe 5-7 bucks for a box of condoms, but they did want to practive safe sex. So you slip the box in your pocket, sneak into the bathroom, open it and viola: the box and the inventory control device hit the floor, condoms go in your pocket, and tonight you and Mr. Happy are "Ready for the SHOOOOW".

But, this is the age of "the wide stance" so two guys could have gotten it on in the mens room with PURCHASED condoms, but I figure if you paid why not toss the box outside in the trash. Hell why not open the fresh box in front of your date so she/he knows they are new. Cause ya triflin Ahh didn't pay for them(replace the H with S') thus you were making your quick getaway.

Oh well, people can suck sometimes
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By the way I thought of the "Trojan MAAAAN" label after I  posted  it from the droid, in this instance it TOTALLY fits, Comedic GOLD I  tell ya

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My new Crack

I want to thank the Wifey(my wife, you got a problem with the term it's yours she has the ring, had it for over a decade) for putting me on to these they are delicious and have good nutritional value. I can actually use these as a meal replacement and it will help me to get my vitamin and mineral count up. Bolthouse Farms I found these at Wally world tonight after originally trying the Chai tea and the Green Goodness on Thursday night. They're over 3 bucks a bottle each claims to hold 4 servings so divided by 4 thats equal a soda and way more healthy(lets say with tax here they were 3.50 a piece divide by 4 thats 87.5 cents). Only thing is as they don't make smaller versions it ain really something I can get easily as a junk drink replacement but hey it's a start.

I probably should have taken a picture of the backs as well(especially since the walmart shelves were so nicely spaced out so that I could take this lovely photo) that way I could show some of the nutritional information on the back. they claim to be Gluten free(which is good for a friend of mine, she and gluten are not BFF's), No Preservatives(which I like, just means I have to drink them quickly), No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, and No Genetically Modified Ingredients(I guess since we know the mutant foods and feeds are out there now this will start showing up more). In this instance tastes great and more filling is exactly what you want.

If you are looking for something tasty to drink thats healthier than soda, I think this MIGHT fit your bill.

Is it sad, sexist, or an oversight

While shopping at Walmart last night I happened to pass by the internal Mcdonalds(yes this Super Walmart housed a mcdonalds) on my way to get milk and yogurt(was a late night and why not be the good son/brother/employee and go the full long haul *sarcasm*) and I happened to notice these toys in the Happy Meal display case. As usual they break them up by the sexes so "masculine" action figures for the boys(my blog we are not having the dolls/action figure argument they're toys leave it at that) and more feminine fair for the girls.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Buffalo Chicken sauce recipe

Now I have a few variations on my Buffalo Sauce, and want to make a few more the version in this picture used:5 squirts of honey, half a bottle of 20 oz hot sauce, 6 squirts of asian chili paste, about 3 tablespoons of ginger orange wok sauce and about a teaspoon and a half of smart balance buttery spread.

Basically add butter to a medium saucepan allow to melt, add in hot sauce, chili paste, honey, and ginger orange wok sauce and stir slowly to combine. When all the ingredients have combined(you will no longer see clearish patches of honey and will only see mild flecks from the sweet and sour sauce or the ginger orange wok sauce) turn the stove down and let the sauce simmer continue to stir slowly so that the bottom doesn't burn.

If you would like a little extra pucker along with the heat a few splashes or either lemon juice or Rose's sweetened lime juice will add a little extra flavor. Now if people are complaining about the heat add 2 less ounces(should be like 3 squeezes instead of 5) of hot sauce and a squeeze and a half less of the chili sauce. Increase the honey by Two squeezes and an extra tablespoon of either sweet and sour sauce or in the case of the pot above ginger wok sauce. That still leaves room for a fair amount of heat, and opens up your sinuses but it will reduce the "you're trying to kill me", "oh my God my throat is melting", "*weeeze* *weeeze* *weeze* whew I'm burning up" claims(and if you don't have people THAT overly dramatic in your life be thankful).

Okay I will post another recipe blog when I get a chance to try making it with Sweet chili paste instead of the normal, enjoy

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A quick look at 2011

I don't know what I can say about pacing yet since in all of 2009 I had 37 blogs, and for the most part to start 2010 I had like 5, but 25 isn't bad for the first 3 months. It means I've been posting, I've even gotten a few responses.

My lack of vacation may have slightly added to me not blogging, but I plan to spend my wifes birthday with her(its a surprise, my google analytics doesn't show me any GA hits so she doesn't read my blogs at the moment). Her birthday is March 30th. So on the 30th I will try to do a "Happy Birthday" blog, with pictures(and then summarily be killed) of my lovely wife.

I'm not as bad a draft monster(so far) this year as last, it looks like save a blog here and there the use of my phones, in combo with my puter has helped me be really productive blog wise(as I lazily lay back in my chair). Say phones and realize I haven't done my phone blog yet, yeesh I'm behind, and yet ahead. Hopefully by mid year im around 70 blog posts. I'm at 25(soon to be 27) now so if march sees even a post every 2 days clip that's still 32 blogs. Maybe more I forgot to look at the "super moon" last night(sucks to be me) this will be the 3rd one I've missed(I'm 36 so one happened after I was born, one after my 18th and now this one) oh well if the pattern holds that means I get 18 more years so yaaay.

That was a joke, anyway this was just a random shot about my productivity. Those who have stopped through welcome, those who have run away screaming "y'all come back now, ya hear". Nah I'm playing I'm not everybodies cup of tea, so if ya don't like it fair enough. I'll think no less of ya, okay now to post this and finalize my previous
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