Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Hunt for Christmas Newbs

Merry Christmas to one and all

Okay, now that we have gotten THAT out of the way "Hey Everybody". Another year is coming to a close, it's Christmas so for me it means more gray hairs, the full completion of another revolution around the sun and since Christmas Eve was a Monday 3 straight days off in a row. The birthday tradition was completed with a FEW minor hangups as usual most pizza parlors were closed, and since the movie I wanted to see started at 1:20 I missed out on some pizza lunch specials but it still was a pretty good day.

Enough with the pleasantries it's been a while and for no major reason than I just haven't been bitten by the writing bug, but it's Christmas which means new gamers, new games, and lots of craziness.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

okay, it took a minute but I got the first attempt of a paginated marked up post fixed

I don't know where I screwed up, I don't know where I missed a piece of code. For whatever reason, you ONLY went to the first page of the post about the coffee when you clicked on the NEXT or number links. I haven't checked the number links at the button(nor have I figured out how to make them line up next to each other but meh it works lets just leave it that way) but finally if you hit the next button you go to page two, and then page three. I mean it's now 8 pm and I posted that bad boy at 10 am. Granted until I looked at the post I didn't realize that there was anything wrong. I wanted to see what would happen if I removed a page(because if I can remove a page, I can add a page) so looks like I am going to have to take my time and go through and thoroughly check a post which is a little more difficult without the option to "preview" said post.

Yes I am going to have to keep working at it, but that is now two posts paginated. We might have a pattern here, I can be wordy and talkative but now you don't have to see a giant wall of text. Huzzah we have walked through a whole new door

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Public retry of the first Pagination code attempt

It appears that I goofed, not kinda goofed completely goofed. It seems that if you want to correctly paginate using the code I had typed in before you had to first complete the post, then copy the post on top of the code and then after all that greatness was done, publish don't preview(which I hate, I would like to have a decent Idea of what it is I am working on and how it looks). The thing is, if I am trying some code out for the first time I would like to preview what the hell it looks like BEFORE I go ahead and use it. I will post links to the pages I found the information on later.

I said I goofed, what did I mean? Well it seems that if you PREVIEW the post it changes the code at the bottom to whatever the code for the preview page is(which sucks) of course that made me think the code didn't work(which technically isn't the codes fault it is mine) so of course I looked on to other code and then discovered my mistake, so what did I do? I reposted the ORIGINAL code and then published it, saw that it MOSTLY worked, took it back to draft no harm no foul right, yup. Which means now I need to retry that FIRST attempt again now that I realized the failure was all user error not code error.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

My thoughts on DLC pt.2

As often happens I started getting long in the tooth, anyway yes DLC is here, it's here to stay(as are micro transactions, different post entirely), and some of us accept it others hate it to their very cores. DLC has it's benefits, many of which I myself make use of but if the game sucked there is very little DLC can do to fix it(unless you completely revamp the game). So back to it..

I have talked about in previous blogs either on here or wordpress games I have played, the experiences I have had with said games. I think I ranted once about Magic Duels breaking the damn game with one of their updates(that was definitely on wordpress) because not all updates are good updates. Even if a company doesn't mean to all updates aren't created equal, I used to enjoy playing magic duels but do I really want to go back and remake EVERY deck because some how they glitched them all out? Nope but back to whether or not all downloaded content Paid DLC

Monday, May 16, 2011

Contemplating on a quiet day

As is customary I haven't typed word one on my "Priest" review, no not even the title(though I will admit it will be a little cliched) doesn't mean I won't do it tonight I just haven't as of 4:45 central. Today was a lite day for me all I've done is dig up some crap in the shed, slap a card in a puter and let it run. We've just gotten a new "shop" computer, haven't transfered any data over to it yet but its just a matter of time.

I've done a little bit of "house cleaning" on my blog adding jump breaks to some of my screen eaters(and thus cutting down some of my feed sizes) and hopefully making my blog more reader friendly. I apologize like I said I kind of stumbled into this, yes 6 years ago I started my blog on 360 but even then I was catch as catch can inspiration as it came to me. I'm thinking of looking up the GN/Manga for priest to see what they cut out for the movie. Theirs was a slightly different take on vamps, not unpleasant some of the basic vampire abilities and weaknesses were still there just different. This isn't the review so I'll get indepth there.

Trying to keep this as a quick shot I've gotten a lot of views the last few weeks so thanks for stopping by.

Oh I've found my first "issue" with the "Official Blogger App" no drafting.  If I post it its posted, no pauses for HTML edits, picture placement, nada so it seems blogger droid still has its uses. If its a quick shot il do it here, if I feel wordy blogger droid til they update this one just glad it posts to my blog 

Monday, March 28, 2011

And then you look down

Aaaaaah, long drive on a chilly afternoon and you bladder asks for a pit stop. You're in a slight rush so you pull into the nearest Wally World, you whip out the equipment, and release that pent up liquid. Now as the two urinals were occupado, you decided to use the handicap stall(because while you may like sci fi, you really don't want to relive the trash compactor scene from new hope while TRYING TO PEE), so as you are about finish your business you glance down and what do you see

That's right an empty condom box, I know what you're saying "Bull Puckey, I mean who would do that leave a condom wrapper in the handicap stall. That's probably not even the stall." And I could understand your skepticism thus I took: a second picture

And as you see in the second picture, Le Commode. Now take that oh screamer of "Horse Hockey", seriously you can't make this stuff up. Now my first thought somebody didn't have thhe 5-7 bucks for a box of condoms, but they did want to practive safe sex. So you slip the box in your pocket, sneak into the bathroom, open it and viola: the box and the inventory control device hit the floor, condoms go in your pocket, and tonight you and Mr. Happy are "Ready for the SHOOOOW".

But, this is the age of "the wide stance" so two guys could have gotten it on in the mens room with PURCHASED condoms, but I figure if you paid why not toss the box outside in the trash. Hell why not open the fresh box in front of your date so she/he knows they are new. Cause ya triflin Ahh didn't pay for them(replace the H with S') thus you were making your quick getaway.

Oh well, people can suck sometimes
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

By the way I thought of the "Trojan MAAAAN" label after I  posted  it from the droid, in this instance it TOTALLY fits, Comedic GOLD I  tell ya


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