Fighting Role Playing Games also differ from normal RPG's in the fact that your main goal is to get characters, items, and abilities to use in the actual tournament or P v P action outside the main story. You really don't have to play the Main story at all and can just fight with friends using the characters unlocked when you first open the box, there is also an online component. If you are going to play online though, I recommend you play out the story otherwise you will be catching a few Sasuke Uchiha Kirin, and Naruto Rasen Shurikens to the face. If you are a fan of the anime you will recognize some of the locales and the epic battles. In some of the fights there will be added "interactive sequences" where you can use button combinations and directional pad presses to attempt to earn stars. The faster you enter in the combinations the more stars you get(if you fail you will be sent back to the beginning of the sequence), you have the chance to earn what is called a secret factor. Which is usually a scene from the show itself or the Naruto anime in a kind of faded out 2D. It makes you want to fight harder and pay attention more, while it adds to the story it's unnecessary to go ahead and finish out the game. For those who have to have absolute 100 percent "gotta catch them all" completion of the game there is an option to go back and attempt to earn those stars later in a game. In the Hokage's(or Kazekage later in the game) office there is a ninja who will offer you the chance to go back and refight battles.
While the item gathering in this game is a little repetitive the fights are fun, I also like that you can decide to rearrange what bento you use before each fight, as well as heal any characters whom you might have forgotten to before the battle proper commences. Again this is not a ground breaking game, if you aren't a huge anime fan you probably won't like it anime based games get panned all the time because anime's tend to be over the top anyway so a game based on an anime is just asking for people to go "oh please, really this is so unrealistic and unbelievable how can you even play this?" because it's fun. You can button mash or you can actually try and kick out the individual combos they aren't really that intense the "B" and a few thumbstick moves to get off most combos, hit the "Y" in the right spot in some to finish off with ninjitsu, or just keep pounding it out with B, you can hit Y and X to throw chakra charged items at your open or use the directional pad to use battle items. Lots of options on how to make it through a fight without being overly complex. IF you happen to have support with you the top two buttons can control when you help comes into the fight. If you have one person LB or RB will bring the person into the fray to perform either an attack or a defensive manuever. Two people in support one is designated for the right button and one for the left. In the story mode you can increase your "friendship" level with the various characters and they will become more in tune with you and will sometimes come into the fight automatically(without draining their support gauge) to help you out either tossing in an extra hit or blocking some damage for you. There is also a team gauge that gets built up with each successive support attack/intervention if you get that built all the way up you can perform what is called an ULTIMATE TEAM JUTSU, which is a much stronger attack where you and your support work together to pound your opponent into the ground. For some characters the ultimate jutsu changes the further along you are in the story(say for Naruto and Sasuke) but others what you see is what you get.
Okay I just wanted to get this out of my head since I haven't posted anything in a few days. I may do some gaming memories later. I hope everyone is staying out of the heat and enjoying this wonderful weekend
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