Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my barbecue on 3/27/10

Why this blog has been languishing in draft for the last 16 months is beyond me. It's just a blog about a barbecue, with pictures to show you exactly how I roll when it comes to throwing meat on the grill and getting it that nice smokey flavor. I didn't even notice that I had turned my grill around(I do admit to sometimes missing out on subtle details). I haven't even really decided on pic placement yet because I started putting pictures in this blog and then just forgot about it. I'm human it happens, I may come back later and go ahead and place the rest of the pictures from that day in this blog, it will just have to be one of those I sneak in hurriedly dumb a blog and then sneak out.

Since I have barbecued a few times since then of course I have a lot of pictures to go through, I actually think I have gotten a lot better in that time. I'll post this as a current post instead of sneaking it into last years count because that just wrong and while SOMETIMES I have been known to do that in this case I will bite the bullet and say yup I goofed. So enjoy these few pictures and if you're ever in the neighborhood and smell some good food come on by and get a plate.


  1. This year I added maple and alittle oak wood to my grill and it made everything taste that much better. Try some chicken breast marinated in beer for a few hrs and splash a good bbq mix on them and WATCH OUT. I had folks damn near eating their plate to get more lol.

  2. Silly me replied to this on twitter, but yeah I use Cherry wood chips, Mesquite and hickory. Lets just say I RARELY get any of my own chicken with that set up. I usually use small foil wrapped packs(which if you have ever seen my twit stream or some of my picase/google photo pics of my other barbecues you will notice them. That spatula strainer and tupperware bowl set up is for the creation of wood chip packets.

    I like to soak my wood chips in either water or alcohol(tequila, vodka, rum and whiskey are great for that) for about ten minutes so that the chips burn slower. Depending on the size of your hands and how often you wish to add them to the fire, I usually recommend a handful or two into a medium sized square of foil. Fold it over on to itself to create a little pouch, poke a few holes in it to let the smoke out through the top(sometimes I poke holes in top and bottom but the top will suffice), and then toss it into the fire. Be careful for flame ups because once the wood dries up you have basically thrown wood into a fire. So the old country boy method(thats what my father calls it this is not a North South thing, my dad is from Arkansas) of keeping a cup of ice(crushed or cubed doesn't matter though crushed lets you add ice to spots and doesn't pool as much). Take them out and add them to you fire periodically and keep your lid closed, you don't want all that good smoke escaping before it can add flavor.



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