I just want to say that after watching Captain America:First Avenger I was so relieved. I'm 36, do you know how many HORRENDOUS Captain America movies they have made in my lifetime. I think as far as my most hated goes it has to be The Beach Ball shield, I may do a write up on that one for the Sequels vs Reboot/Remakes series but just off top how on gods green earth did that crew get a chance to touch a marvel property. If ever you wondered why Marvel stayed away from the movies for so long it's because of crap like this
This is my more mature blog. By mature I mean I'm going to follow some rules and I'm going to try and do more then take the easy way out. No cursing I gotta find a different way to say it and still emphatically get my point across
Primal's ponderings Headline Animator
Showing posts with label weekend edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend edition. Show all posts
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
And back to gaming, Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
Fighting Role Playing Games also differ from normal RPG's in the fact that your main goal is to get characters, items, and abilities to use in the actual tournament or P v P action outside the main story. You really don't have to play the Main story at all and can just fight with friends using the characters unlocked when you first open the box, there is also an online component. If you are going to play online though, I recommend you play out the story otherwise you will be catching a few Sasuke Uchiha Kirin, and Naruto Rasen Shurikens to the face. If you are a fan of the anime you will recognize some of the locales and the epic battles. In some of the fights there will be added "interactive sequences" where you can use button combinations and directional pad presses to attempt to earn stars. The faster you enter in the combinations the more stars you get(if you fail you will be sent back to the beginning of the sequence), you have the chance to earn what is called a secret factor. Which is usually a scene from the show itself or the Naruto anime in a kind of faded out 2D. It makes you want to fight harder and pay attention more, while it adds to the story it's unnecessary to go ahead and finish out the game. For those who have to have absolute 100 percent "gotta catch them all" completion of the game there is an option to go back and attempt to earn those stars later in a game. In the Hokage's(or Kazekage later in the game) office there is a ninja who will offer you the chance to go back and refight battles.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Primaldata Grill Enthusiast
This year I was honored to be asked if I would cook the meat for my family reunion, my eyes being bigger than my grill of course I said yes. After a few words in reminder from my mother and a one of my aunts it was decided I would just do the chicken. Now I must confess me and cooking chicken for my relatives and extended family always comes with a running inside the family joke, as my cousin Mack put it so perfectly "I don't know why you cook something and expect it to be here when you get back". Now I will confess my "famous" chicken is actually a family undertaking, yes I decide how hot the fire is, how many wood chips will be thrown in to each batch, and when I will pull it off but the spices as well as the spice combination is usually decided by my mother. The sauce that is usually added most times is added by Ero Kitsune, yes he has other skills besides just forcing me to sit through bad movies or coming up with catchy derogatory titles for movies, sometimes I will do it(but I will usually be dead tired by the time sauce making commences so usually his sauce is better than mine), this year it was handled by dad since Kitsune was the only brother who decided to work today(I have an excuse I was on the grill, Lank not so much unless you count Infamous 2
as some holy undertaking).
After buying my first batch of supplies my mother started marinating the chicken for me while I cleaned my grill, as not to fight over space I grabbed a large Tupperware bowl, put some soap in it, grabbed my grill brush, and decided to do the cleaning outside. a few passes of the brush to remove any leftover grease and or schmutz off each grate and a quick blast with the hose and 25 minutes later I was done. Now while I don't use all of my father's "Country Boy Grilling techniques"(my father was born and raised in AR), I do subscribe to the cover your grates in foil and pop holes through it technique. It still lets the smoke through, controls some of the flame ups,(some not all not claiming this is some holy grail of flame maintenance), and it cuts down on the amount of cleaning I have to do later. The only caveat is that I don't get the grill marks most people who just touch the food straight to the grate get, there is still minor stickage as well but no where near as bad as straight metal on flesh. This year was also a new medium for me: leg quarters. Usually I make chicken breasts and we pound them out flat so that they cook faster, but since I was cooking all of the chicken and not just trying to win the barbecue contest we decided the leg quarters would allow for more for everyone while maximizing cooking space.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Plans for the day
As it is a normal saturday here at BTMS I'm off to do some system crap and hopefully not be stuck in the boonies til the crack of dusks butt crack. Now while I say this I know MOST Saturdays I am stuck in the boonies til dark(annoying) now I want to go see "Priest" tonight I'm hoping its going to be good.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
3 Warmish days in a row
Okay, there goes my hair. I mean I know for years I was "long hair don't care" before Weezy made it a catch phrase. But now since I doubt seriously that I will ever attempt to grow dreads again(my mothers father had the Picard look in his 50's to early 70's and my dads father had pretty thin hair when he was late 60's to early 70's). ¡sidenote¡ I know some people with dreadlocks have started removing dread from the name because "there is nothing scarey about my hair", I don't because the determination and dedication it takes to grow and maintain them, as well as the mindset it takes to even begin the lock journey requires more than a "whim".
I understand that a mind that focused and that willing to endure ostracism and ridicule before they reach the "promised land" of long and strong locks is a concern for some people. I remember my initial locking journey, I think my hair had neen locked for 2 months so I didnt have "chin length" dreads yet they were still at the shooting out in all directions phase. We went to the family reunion, and the first time my grandfather saw them he said "it looks like he got twigs on his head". Yeah it did, but that was my choice everybody else had either afro's or fades but me the "stubborn individualist" that I have always been had fallen in love with dreads and was determed to get them. The hardest part was the itching, unless you have the money to get them constantly refreshed it is best not to wash your hair for the first 3 weeks after getting dreads. But once that 3 week period is over wash them and reapply wax(I prefer the yellow beeswax to the black, personal preference thw black is just messy as hell) and enjoy your new hair style. People with dreads are becoming pretty creative now, I see folks with braided dreads, the classic pony tail, I used to pull the sides back and leave the back down.
I rarely let my hair grown for too long since my second shearing, this winter I grew it out to avoid some of the head colds I caught last year hats are nice but hair is better at keeping your head warm. So this is me, the less scruffy, just as grumpy in the morning, lazy blogger, going to work for probably another long saturday.
I understand that a mind that focused and that willing to endure ostracism and ridicule before they reach the "promised land" of long and strong locks is a concern for some people. I remember my initial locking journey, I think my hair had neen locked for 2 months so I didnt have "chin length" dreads yet they were still at the shooting out in all directions phase. We went to the family reunion, and the first time my grandfather saw them he said "it looks like he got twigs on his head". Yeah it did, but that was my choice everybody else had either afro's or fades but me the "stubborn individualist" that I have always been had fallen in love with dreads and was determed to get them. The hardest part was the itching, unless you have the money to get them constantly refreshed it is best not to wash your hair for the first 3 weeks after getting dreads. But once that 3 week period is over wash them and reapply wax(I prefer the yellow beeswax to the black, personal preference thw black is just messy as hell) and enjoy your new hair style. People with dreads are becoming pretty creative now, I see folks with braided dreads, the classic pony tail, I used to pull the sides back and leave the back down.
I rarely let my hair grown for too long since my second shearing, this winter I grew it out to avoid some of the head colds I caught last year hats are nice but hair is better at keeping your head warm. So this is me, the less scruffy, just as grumpy in the morning, lazy blogger, going to work for probably another long saturday.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Feeling like the white rabbit
"I mustn't be late, I mustn't be late"
I was a bad boy, I got sucked into "Push" and forgot to charge my phone BUT as baby bro has the Torch now I'm using his half charged battery for the walk up and will use my half charged battery for the walk back.
As I'm walking I believe I will check out "the Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader"(almost lost this blog forgot I started it on the camera). Now I used to own a book of all the collected Narnia works, as I have often said I read a lot as a child. Being a latch key kid with not a lot of friends or near by relatives books and TV were how you got by. I mean yes Nickelodeon had started while I was a child but NOTHING like it is today, and Cartoon Network the stuff of dreams I tell ya.
It was just your 2-3 hour after school block and maybe a holiday special. Rudolph, Charlie Brown, a Muppet something or other who programmed for kids we didn't have money, we didn't buy anything aah how times change.
CS Lewis is said by some to have been a christian story teller. He crafted his love able stories with a central Messiah like figure (Aslan) who may not have been there with you EVERY moment
Okay made it to the movie theater with time to spare I'll expand on my CS Lewis thoughts later
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I was a bad boy, I got sucked into "Push" and forgot to charge my phone BUT as baby bro has the Torch now I'm using his half charged battery for the walk up and will use my half charged battery for the walk back.
As I'm walking I believe I will check out "the Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader"(almost lost this blog forgot I started it on the camera). Now I used to own a book of all the collected Narnia works, as I have often said I read a lot as a child. Being a latch key kid with not a lot of friends or near by relatives books and TV were how you got by. I mean yes Nickelodeon had started while I was a child but NOTHING like it is today, and Cartoon Network the stuff of dreams I tell ya.
It was just your 2-3 hour after school block and maybe a holiday special. Rudolph, Charlie Brown, a Muppet something or other who programmed for kids we didn't have money, we didn't buy anything aah how times change.
CS Lewis is said by some to have been a christian story teller. He crafted his love able stories with a central Messiah like figure (Aslan) who may not have been there with you EVERY moment
Okay made it to the movie theater with time to spare I'll expand on my CS Lewis thoughts later
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Pretty laid back saturday
Really not doing much of anything right now, I had to make a few deliveries a site that I was supposed to be putting some finishing touches on got postponed so as of right now I'm pretty much just sitting back relaxing. Need to eat something though my stomach is growling.
Nothing really on my mind right now which is kind of a good thing. Yes I have my new wordpress blog which I doubt even with me deciding that I was gonna put an "X" rating on it that I will be over there much it will take me a minute to get in that frame of mind. I mean possibly dirty thoughts and topics might get more interaction then I get here but hey, life is life play the cards you're dealt and get ready for the next hand.
If I find something at the theater that I really want to watch I may head that way tonight since I have longer distance transportation, but I doubt it one movie a week is usually more than enough for me. Still have that Black ops blog sitting in draft status and I haven't added a word to it MAYBE I'll try to flesh that out today, part of the problem is black ops, as I get ready to start typing about it now that I'm at lvl 46 or 67(I don't remember I just hit it the other day, or was it last night) I'm running around shooting people. I do need to be a little more disciplined and finish that blog since I did say I was gonna do it, but lets be real as a gamer would you prefer to TYPE about a game or PLAY it. Right it's not my JO it's just something I wanted to do so I want to shoot some of you in the head(foot, arm, or balls) more.
Hope everybody is having a great Post Thanksgiving weekend, for those who it's just another day in the neighborhood for hell I just hope you're having a great weekend. I might post later but til then lunch then more black ops
Nothing really on my mind right now which is kind of a good thing. Yes I have my new wordpress blog which I doubt even with me deciding that I was gonna put an "X" rating on it that I will be over there much it will take me a minute to get in that frame of mind. I mean possibly dirty thoughts and topics might get more interaction then I get here but hey, life is life play the cards you're dealt and get ready for the next hand.
If I find something at the theater that I really want to watch I may head that way tonight since I have longer distance transportation, but I doubt it one movie a week is usually more than enough for me. Still have that Black ops blog sitting in draft status and I haven't added a word to it MAYBE I'll try to flesh that out today, part of the problem is black ops, as I get ready to start typing about it now that I'm at lvl 46 or 67(I don't remember I just hit it the other day, or was it last night) I'm running around shooting people. I do need to be a little more disciplined and finish that blog since I did say I was gonna do it, but lets be real as a gamer would you prefer to TYPE about a game or PLAY it. Right it's not my JO it's just something I wanted to do so I want to shoot some of you in the head(foot, arm, or balls) more.
Hope everybody is having a great Post Thanksgiving weekend, for those who it's just another day in the neighborhood for hell I just hope you're having a great weekend. I might post later but til then lunch then more black ops
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