As of the moment I am writing this it is 11:48 central time, I am not writing this in a Casino in Tunica, I am not writing this in the Apartment in Atlanta, and while it was tempting I didn't take 240 to 55 and run to West Memphis. After dropping my youngest brother off to hang with some friends(a feat that took damn near 3 hours), I decided that if I can't go the first place I wanted, or the second and if my movies prospects were dashed by the fact that it was after 11 pm and personally why sign up for the heavy police presence, idiotic drunk drivers, falling bullets, and overly friendly strangers if I don't have to.
So I hopped back in the rental, drove to the house, and decided that I would do the one thing on New
Years that I never have, I decided to write. I don't have many superstitions, I don't know if I find them mostly illogical, or if I find them silly at their hearts but for some reason I do believe that whatever your are doing at New Years will translate on to the rest of your year. Call it that first burst of steam so that even if you taper off at the end you have still done a good bit of work on whatever it is, at least in my life if you start off that way you tend to if nothing else spend most of your year doing it. So hear I am at the laptop, a device which I really haven't used for blogging as much as I thought I would, I mean I have written a few on here and on the Acer I was a beast when it came to blogging from my splayed out or seated position but me and the Tosh(Toshiba), nope I spend most of my time on G+. I'm in hangouts, posting adult topics, posting my thoughts on games, movies, or tv shows; I'm responding to other peoples posts about whatever subject tickles my fancy. I haven't been on political sites much in the latter half of the year because for the most part they were boring me, it seemed that it was becoming a tired dance of people just flinging fecal matter to see who could get the other person the dirtiest.
For 2012 I plan to write, I plan to move(I know I said I was gonna do that in 2011, but I decided to delay that for a reason that while it didn't pan out did allow me to pick up a few items that previously I hadn't foreseen), I plan to travel more. I know I spent way to much of 2011 just going back and forth to work, yes technically work is travel too but that was just a quick trip to do something for someone else and come right back home. I want to sleep in a bed not in Memphis to things non work related and do things I want to do, or hell just do nothing and veg. I think I will review 2011 this year, MAYBE put work in on some of the blogs I should have but didn't write this year. I bought a lot of new gadgets in 2011, I have my laptop, bought a few thumb drives, I bought my first tablet(The Toshiba Thrive 16gb which has a interesting story) and I have been loving all the E-books and some of the apps on it(drop box is pretty awesome).
Small side not, for those who wonder if and why you should have more than one e-reader app on your phone I have one thing to say:Free Books, not everyone has the same free books available at their site/on their app. So if you have the Nook app(Barnes and Noble) and they have a bunch of say Dickens classics and then you have the Kindle app and they have a lot of Poe, you get Kobo and they have some free sci-fi I have no problem with you picking a favorite company and buying your books from them(To be fair my spouse, who I am currently separated from, works at Barnes and Noble in the cafe so yeah technically if you buy books from B&N it benefits my household in a SMALL way. See Disclosure) but enjoy the Free.99 and get your E-read on. While I haven't spent as much time in the freebie section of B&N, maaaan save 1 book all of the ones I got from Kindle were free and while I have not read them all yet, can I say AWESOME. I mean Awesomely Awesome, for those Mythology fans and like I said Dickens books, Poe, I grabbed a few Shakespeare books. I found a sci-fi book. Like I said if for nothing else than being a E-book the thrive is worth the dough, I also use it for Skyping with friends, I have used it for work(a rare occurrence), Oovoo, Voxer, I read comics on it.
It's working with my need to have a lot of information with me in a compact space.
Okay it is like 5 am central time, I've been in a hang out, I've had to invoke Fight Club(Whats fight club? Don't talk about fight club, you watched the movie you know the rules Don't make me have to link them in comments) a few times and all the while I was trying to finish the first blog of the year but the distractions yo. I just want to say this about my G+ fam, MOST of us are about that life, I realize now the reasons why we were spaced out as far as we were(or so close and yet didn't make that fateful train, get in the bus seat, walk through that door) is because if we were allowed to meet up when we were still young, unattached and had bookoo free time on our hands, the universe either would have been destroyed or under our thumbs. I know FIGHT CLUB, I know some of yall are screaming tease, you just don't know me very well, which is cool. To those who read this and know what I mean, FC, to those who wasn't there one time but were there another, hey you know hang outs fill up fast, we all see things, we all miss things FC. And if you wonder why you ain invited, well most likely you are either a buzz kill or else when it is time to show and prove, you ran to the end of the bench and hid.
But yeah I have new Gadgetry, I STARTED writing for the new year, I need to finish and I guess I will try to keep this writing up a little more, I have to start writing some short stories or else it will be a lot of bland and boring keyboard diarrhea(Like in the above paragraph, but it was a FC thing), and I really am dead serious about traveling. When I was younger I loved hoping on the PATCO Speedline, heading to Philly and chilling, or heading to Camden and taking the train and bus to Newark, getting to Newark hitting Penn Station and going to New York. I've been restless all year and I know why.
This is my more mature blog. By mature I mean I'm going to follow some rules and I'm going to try and do more then take the easy way out. No cursing I gotta find a different way to say it and still emphatically get my point across
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