Monday, August 21, 2017

The Mighty 500

This post is 8 years in the making. It has taken me 4 moves, a separation, a divorce, and 4 gaming consoles to get here. It has seen me play hours of games, watch days worth of movies and TV, buy a TV or two, damn near lose an Eye, break a tooth, and get contacts a few times. I have joined, left, and forgotten who knows how many social media sites in the last 8 years, to which INITIALLY I was going to make this post about that journey.

But then, This blog was here for that journey. I mean you can go back and see all the Essays, bad poems, reviews, opinions, rants, anecdotes, ups and downs. I was about to spend a lot of time basically repeating myself when I could just thank everyone who has come by FOR coming by. I will admit it has not always been easy to write, and no it has nothing to do with the state of my relationship. I enjoy interaction so at times when no one responds my mind wanders elsewhere, not because I have nothing to say but because while I don't mind being somebody who is on their own side in a conversation I prefer it to be a conversation not speech prep if you know what I mean.
Now no it doesn't have to be an interview but a little back and forth would be nice sometimes. Granted I understand that there are things that I am going to write in the moment that possibly leave people speechless, which might be a good or bad thing I will continue to try and figure that out. Yes I know I could go to twitter for that but then again having to mass tweet 10 or 15 in a row when you are really trying to get your point across is fine for some folks, but why look a blog. Or two.

Now what of the other post where I detailed all the sites and tech I had used up to this point. It's still in draft maybe one day I will use it. The more I typed on it though the less appropriate it seemed for what I wanted it to do. Celebrate the fact that I stuck around to write 500 posts, yes it took 8 years yes there were plenty of hiatuses, and yes there is some trickery in here. By trickery I mean some of the posts that have helped me get to 500 are unfinished. I did add some commentary to them but for the most part they are or were unfinished thoughts lost to a busy work day, a headache, a cold, or just writers block at the time. Some are just sitting there in draft because the fire I had when initially typing them out gave way to common sense which said "this may not be the type of post you want to put out there. It's your blog and you have a right to your anger but you also have a duty to be constructive with it." Because a post ISN'T the comments section, when I read an article I want it to make me think, to draw out an idea or an emotion, and I want to share how I feel about it. Flame wars are fun but only in short bursts, typically when both people are at the same level. This is my blog, I hold MOST of the power Blogger could decide to shut me down tomorrow and it would be all over but until they do I could block someone from commenting, ban them from the site, remove all of their comments. As I mentioned on a podcast yesterday "what good does it do a person who has a media outlet to argue with someone in the comments section, they elevate you while they seem to be punching down" which is somewhat of a silly metaphor because you could have kicked a taller person in the knees and have a free shot at their face.

I assume though it is meant to signify fighting someone smaller than you, which while an admirable sentiment I don't think the person who created it took much of a look at humanity for the most part we ALWAYS punch down. It is much easier to reach the person below us, and gravity will help us out, a lot, like really a lot you could just use your arm as a club raise it up and let it drop. And yes a blog is a media outlet, just like a youtube channel, Twitch, Mixer, Vevo, and whatever the NEXT hot thing is. For a while it was Vine but they changed that up now so it's just a camera no longer a video sharing service. Speaking of one of the reasons you DON'T hear me talk on those outlets is because I am not overly fond of the sound of my voice or it's volume. Sometimes I talk too loud(or think I do) which means I will overcompensate and then talk to soft, also apparently I can make some pretty convincing arguments which would possibly be detrimental to a conversation which of course would mean if I wanted to podcast so to speak it would have to be all me, all the time, creating every last stitch of content. Which as we see with blogging CAN be daunting.

I made it to 500 though, daunting or not I put the time it, created the content, said my peace, and let the chips fall where they would. I may complain about a lack of comments but I have received them over the years. I am human, I share and I like to hear what people would like to share as well it's just how I am built. We might agree, we might not that isn't the worst thing in the world. Honestly how can you learn if every time to talk to someone you both ALWAYS agree? Where is the need to explore, to challenge, to recheck? I came up with the name of this blog because it was supposed to be about My Thoughts but it isn't only my thoughts. It is also about the world around us, how we perceive it, react to it, overcome it if necessary. The world is a cup of Ice Water H2O in all three of it's states at the same time: Solid(the ice), Liquid(the water ), and GAS(the air around the glass that eventually condenses) we can all see something different, be absolutely right and it is okay. In MOST cases some things happened in the last week or so that kind of disagrees with that which is okay. There is hate and then there is HATE, both are strong emotions depending on your level of conviction with said hate they might not be the same thing. We can all be angry doesn't mean we did the exact same thing with that anger, but I will get into detail with that in another post.

For those who continue to stop by thank you, keep on coming through I will attempt to provide you with more posts and content. You can like my posts, rate them, share them, or comment or you can just read and keep it moving, this is my little crazy part of the internet and I hope you enjoyed your stay

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