Saturday, November 13, 2010

On may way back to the house

I coulda stayed and shot somebody this was go Team Wire day. No software issues, just move the system and plug in some power packs. Oh well it happens that way sometimes.

I may check out some movies tonight so I don't overload on Call of duty. I should probably go back and edit that blog and link to the game on a few sites. We shall see, not really sure just depends on how my night goes, we should hit the hose around 8 o'clock so the night should still be wide open. I know I could have tweeted more since I was just sitting there but, I was trying to not be a total leech today. All I did was carry a few ladders past that services weren't needed.

I guess I could have photographed where we were but wasn't really feeling it, its just a rainy night in South West Tennessee nothing to really see here. Next week is mew phone week, which also means next week is transfer all my data to a new phone week too YaaaaY me. Hopefully I find a puter I can back up my phone on then transfer all my data over.

That would make my life 10 times easier. Probably getting the new curve I may check online and see, but me and touch screens don't really get along too often. Aiight putting this ramble to bed for now just something to keep me up during the car ride.

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It was a work day deferred but a work day nonetheless

Its like 2 in the afternoon and we on the highway back out to somerville. Honestly I don't know why I'm riding 3rd seat again. If you got K & J the wire team, wire team extraordinare(when they aiin on the Bull) what you need a tech for? Hey we out the house though

We're now at the site and honestly not much for me to do here so back to the blog. I won't lie I'm boooored again I can carry things from the front to the back but honestly this was a wire team job, but maybe the next site. Just the way it works sometimes, while I'm not a big college football fan I am a football fan so I am watching.

Auburn vs. Georgia lots of yellow hankies on the ground and Georgia has taken advantage of every miss step by Auburn, they showed a graphic about auburn coming back from large deficits so let's see if they calm down.

Penn state vs. Ohio state first TD's in Columbus is Joe Pa's history at Penn state wow, hey like I said the other day "all good things must come to an end". So Joe Pa CAN score in Ohio.

Wire team is almost done moving this system across the store so we're about to be on to the next site, maybe I'll be busy, maybe I won't I never know but I let's go on and get there

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Call of Duty: Black ops initial thoughts

I love this game, the opening is a little weird (the whole marathon man/24 vibe it's got going on) the flashback missions have been fun so far, and like I said short learning curve and I'm loving online.

As with most war games the first mission is basically an introduction to the controls. They run you through aiming, firing, attachment usage, weapon swapping, weapon pick up/exchange, item usage, and a little bit of driving. In black ops you play a dude called macon, you were part of a 3 man team who was assigned to kill castro. After some Cuban guerillas come into the bar and start throwing their weight around you are on a mad dash out of the bar to escape for the "kill castro" mission. In all honesty killing castro was the easy part, I didn't die til we tried to escape. Word to the wise close up that light machine gun chews up and and all people in front of you, once you are fighting the long distance foes, ditch it for the AK-47 to your right. It may be on single fire but thats all you need to head shot most of Castro's special protection force.

Oh and keep your ears open for the "lets keep going cues" I took quiet a few shells in my kiester behind not listening to those. Now if this is your first call of duty game, get ready unlike Modern Warfare 2 there is no "we're gonna train you in the safety of a firing range" tutorial, it's figure out what is the same and what is different and get to it. Oh and by the way those cuban police cars do not blow up quickly when hit with a grenade from your gun, just warning you if you roll out there like your name is Leroy Brown they will bury you on the spot.

I also finished the russian labor camp mission, let me just say the russians cheat BADLY, you start out with a knife and will be able to pick up other guns along the way(and trust me you want to do so, oh and stay out of Sergie's way just trust me). You get to use quite a few interesting weapons dring the Russian labor camp mission.

Now let's be honest ain nobody that interested in teh campaign, it's a first person shooter in 2010 yes some Trophy collectors may play through the whole mission, but what you want to know about IS THE ONLINE PLAY. Man I love this game online, it took me a little bit over an hour to start getting as many kills as I had deaths in a match, but I think I mostly got it down. I am having a kvetch moment though I can't figure out YET how to place my C4, past that I have gotten a few care packages, called in a few spy planes got the ability to change my kill streak rewards and have been captain Rc car killer a few times, I mean they give you a verbal warning that it's coming but you still ain ready when it does. By the way hit R1 to get the car to explode, I damn near had 4 people but I didn't know how to make it explode yet.

Just like in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 the "base" configurations Give you access to guns you won't get til later in the game as well as some ordinance. They have also gone from 2 of everything to 3. I mean it's still a primary and a secondary weapon, they haven't given you three weapons, or let you go all I got it all like in Halo:Reach, but they have gone from 2 grenade types to 3 carry along slots, you get a Lethal(you frags, Semtex and one more that slips my mind right now I've only played it through the one sitting), a tactical( willie pete, concussion, nova gas, one more).

Let me pause for a second, to all my Willie Pete, or White Phosphorous users in previous online games this ain the blow them up as set anybody nearby on fire Willie pete's that you are used to. This one does a LITTLE bit of damage and obscures the view instead, of course this is supposed to be a more covert game so I guess the big explodey damage of the old willie pete was a little much. Okay back to the online discussion.

You  also get an item, C4 falls in the item category(where before it would take the place of your main grenade)(camera spike and 2 more) so you roll out with 3 ways to distribute death on people besides your two main weapons. So if you've seen someone toss their one lethal and their one tactical don't get too happy they may be on their custom configuration and may have sucked you in for a trip to ride the C4 train.

You also get 3 perks now and they have broken them into separate sections So now you can not only do Scavenger and Ninja at the same time, you can add on one more bit of fun past that. Remember these are my first initial thoughts after playing for about 4 hours before I went to sleep last night, I haven't really gotten in depth yet.

Another new change to online play is "cod" points. Not only do you still gain experience and level up but now instead of having to WAIT to level up and complete challenges earn a lot of you add ons, attachments, and new equipment types each match you points instead so wait that red dot scope? Kill enough people to buy and and you can have it. By the way you can buy a flamethrower attachment right out the box now after you play a few matches in the early levels. I have bought some crap haven't really gone through and decked out my weapons like I did in MW2 yet, I have shot up to level 11 quick as hell though. You still will get in some rooms with people with lousy connections(yes the red dot kings will still exist, why don't you folks get some real broadband so we can all play evenly) but this game is a lot more frantic.

Warning to my fellow new players, Nuketown is a kill box. It doesn't matter if you like close in maps if this is your first map expect to get spawn raped(for those who don't know what spawn raping/camping is basically it's when someone is waiting in your respawn point after you die to RAPE YOU WITH BULLETS repeatedly, yeah just enjoy that) if you don't know all the doors, windows and openings(and no you don't so don't even mention your superior skill right here) somebody is either gonna team up on you or else they are going to rush you and it's going to get real ugly real quick. The online pacing was good though. They have spread out maps, they have close in maps they have medium maps as the campaign seems to jump through various points in recent(last 40 years) history some of the maps I have played are: Hanoi, Nuketown(think Indiana jones and the crystal skull, yes THAT type of NUKETOWN), Firing Range(which really is a training firing range, with moving "targets"), WMD, Jungle, and this weird kind of looks like an oil refinery place so far. lots of places to sneak around and get snuck up on.

As you level up new options are available to you(you don't get to create a custom class until you hit level 4), new ways to tweak your configuration(I believe you get 8-10 custom classes now), you get access to challenger, contracts, new ways to customize your online characters look. The contracts system is fun, bet a little bit(or a lot if you are feeling froggy) of you already earned COD bucks that during the next match or series of matches you can complete up to 3 types of contracts:number of kills over a period of time, Number of wins over a period of time(or ranking in a match, during a win over a period of time) and I forget the last one.  And by period of time the counter is on the body and it says "In game life", which means actually playing missions, so if you have a long drawn out match with not a lot of kills and you took a "kill" contract expect to lose your money(or have to hustle in the next match). The harder and more detailed the contract the more money you win. So the just 20 kill contract doesn't pay as much as the 25 kills with the dragonov contract, or the 75 with the shotgun(which I'm not touching til I get the spas-12). You also have to level up to unlock certain weapons before you can buy them, but once bought got the COD dough you can trick it out.

So far I have tried 3 weapon classes SQB, Assault, and the one with the shotgun as the main weapon, oh did I forget to mention that shotguns are no longer secondary weapons, you can use shotgun as your main and have a pistol, a launcher or a "special" as your secondary weapon. The special I saw was a bowie knife and something else but you get a single canister launcher, an RPG, and a china lake as your launchers now, your basic pistols I have access to a makarov, m1911(I think) and the one you start with, it's nothing special. You can add attachments to your pistols.

They've made the AUG an assault rifle now, it's dropped in class from an LMG. Oh another nice new feature you can upload your "favorite match moments" (up to 6 of them) to the community theater, as well as clips of your favorite matches(did you go on a 6 kill or 17 kill run, cut that clip out and load it up to clips) or if you have a funny screen shot from when you got somebody hey snip that and let folks see that too. So it seems they have gone along with everyone else and included some bragging rights items into Black ops it's kind of fun, you can actually watch your whole match over again and see it from other peoples angles see how you got somebody and how they got you. I was trying to get some sleep last night so I didn't go through and super parse any of my matches yet, I'm at a .66 ratio so yes I had died lots but I'm starting to either even up or else stand kills on top of deaths in many matches now(it's been 4 hours and I haven't played every map I'm still gonna be under for a while). Oops by .66 ration I mean kill to death ratio: when you divide my kills by my deaths I have more deaths than kills, I've had a few matches where I had a bunch more kills then deaths(haven't run the table and not died yet, who doesn't die in a FPS). I've been playing team deathmatch I haven't engaged in a lot of trash talking yet because I'm still getting my feet wet, there are folks who have had this game since 12:01am Tuesday morning(NEEEEEEEEEWBS) so there will be some spankings I am going to take, but again it's only been 4 days you ain that far ahead of me yet, and it's a first person shooter point and shoot, Aim Down the Sight and it's all gravy.

Okay word of warning I know some have seen the scenes where you can sick dogs on people, well you can also shoot those dogs to keep them from killing you. So while it's not a MAIN portion of the game yes you may hear some dogs whimpering. that means somebody almost got the jaws of death and weren't having it. I just got to the level where I could switch my kill streaks(not too long ago) so while I have gotten the rc car(3 kills once you can switch) I haven't doused anybody with napalm YET, I did get a Valkyrie missile though from a care package, gotta learn how to use those better supposedly thats a remote control missile.

Aiight I called this initial thoughts so that I could get some sleep last night and then finish playing it today to get a more in depth take on it, the full review will be coming in a few days but I just wanted to talk about what I liked.

Here come's trouble

I got black ops, I got the free pre order map pack, its about to be on and poppin. I'll do the review for black ops after I've finished the first mission and popped a few heads online.

Again I want to tell folks it ain personal its just black ops. Yes I'm going to head shot you, yes I'm going to toss grenades at you, I can't wait to use the napalm on folks. I never used the nuke anyway but meh who cares. Aiight cueing up black ops baby bro needs a ride so I only have enough time for the first training mission

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Friday, November 12, 2010

SOS-Save Our Signal

Don't ask me why I am thumbing this one out too(even though I guess my fingers are smaller because before I had to use my thumbnails so hooray, I think) I have no signal here so just like last time when I was bored as all hell, well dude, there you have it(rip off of a ludacris skit from his first CD).

Thing is I'm here, no chair(though sleeping on a site is frowned upon), no laptop(but hey its not like I can surf the good porn there are ladies present), the puter for all intents and purposes seems to be a wash(which is why though ran a quick scanner it really could use a full scan)

And just as I say that poof I fixed it(for now) 5 scans and 17 trace removals and we have picture which makes me think I need to run the full scan and get it all. Now my favorite comments from customers when I do what I do are "we didn't touch ANYTHING" and "the last guys who were here did that". First if you didn't touch ANYTHING 9 times out of 10 you'd be seeing the wire/hardware repair team instead of me. Yes hard drives crash, memory can go bad, and computers can need analysis from time to time. 10% of the time it had nothing to do with the user.

The rest of the time yup somebody went somewhere and downloaded something. Another tell tale sign of this:the computers browsing history is non existant. Yup, there is a common misconception(hell it ain a misconception its a CYA move) that if you just "erase the history and POSSIBLY the cookies your PC will be all better. That's false, insane and the worst lie ever.

All erasing your history does is make it harder for me to discern WHERE you got the virus. Hell, if you leave your history alone it may not have been the site itself but an ad or a hijacking script added later(yes just like folks tap into other peoples cable they hijack things on peoples websites) is not a bad or malicious site. Most people don't even have a "virus" per se they have malware a program that is hijacking processes, functions and data from you computer for whatever nefarious purpose. When I get somewhere with a signal I will go ahead and update the proper definitions for virus(as per computers) and malware(or malicious software you know us techies hate long useless names) right her ----> computer virus and Malware

But yeah it gets mad annoying because you're looking at the person like "do you really think I am that stupid". It could have been an accident, another victim of a FB buddy who couldn't resist clicking that brand new cool link(hell some of them look cool to me to, but I have "THE DISK" and you do not and I still control my clicky), or everybody's favorite somebody got file shared a virus/malicious code.

I will say this about our customers most of them will feed you, I may not have my cookies but hey a free footlong subway club can't beat that. It seems this owner has some businesses in Chicago and my dad would love to expand a little bit further. I mean it'd be nice to hit another major city, but I'd be working most of the time so don't know how much "sight seeing" I'd get to do past to and from the site.

I guess I never realized how gruesome part of my job can be. While the shooting I saw on camera did not result in a death, I have seen people shot and shot at a few times. My younger brother just "witnessed" his first, granted usually I get a heads up. Unfortunately the customer told him it was a robbery, so his head wasn't prepared to see a man lose his life. I can't remember the last time I was physically present when that type of extreme violence happened. I was younger then him and while there were times when it shook me I guess as I grew older it was just, meh okay.

Kinda sad when you think about it not cringing when someone is beaten, shot, or stabbed. Now where I grew up at in jersey wasn't that rough, nor were the places I USUALLY hung out(I've hung out in some rough places too I was young and trying to live a life worth remembering within reason). But life isn't always about being in a bad part of town when something bad happens to you, sometimes chance just sucks.

Okay enough about that morbid subject, most times if I get a phone call its because someone broke in, gave themselves a 5 finger discount, or else claimed "injury". I also like the folks who try to play the "return an item I stole scam". I've seen quite a few and have video of a bunch on top of that, just don't think I can legally post it anywhere. Unless of course I find a way to edit out faces, I should really look that up.

Be nice to add a "funny thing happened on the way to the " dunno which title I'll bite off for that yet. But then you could see why on some of my later nights I'm not always in a crappy mood:cause sometimes my job is straight comedy.

Okay I'm putting this blog to bed. If any readers know any decent affordable video editing software let me know

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Sitting at a gas station

And what do I see with my little eye? Why a rolling shoe carnival. Now whether these are knock offs, drop offs or what I have no clue. Like I said I was testing the ability to send photots and as that is kind of interesting *camera flash sound* and sending it in.
I didn't take a photo of the proprietor in his "KREW" hoody and his "VENOM" hat because I'm not mad at dude, no idea what his story is, and I'm not about to patronize his business. It was just a "wow, this is not something you see everyday". And since a cop just rolled by I guess it isn't completely illegal because they haven't bum rushed his spot, grabbed his merch, and gave him party bracelets.
Aiight back to writing my original friday morning blog entry(do I even have cell signal out this piece)
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Another friday what shall I do

Man I wish I had remembered to eat breakfast this morning. My stomach is grumbling, okay just bummed a deuce off baby bro so I got a lemon pie and a Dr. Pepper. Yeah yeah what am I 5 (8 1/2 actually) its not the breakfast of champions but it will take care of the rumbling.

Didn't get paid yet so you know how that goes, besides baby bro gets rides to see his girlfriend, hits me up to take him to the movies(his attempt to bribe me with subway later let's me know he's got a whopper of a request coming up), take him to the gamestore, and gets me in trouble when he ditches work by staying at his girlfriends house instead of coming home(NOOOOT that being who I USED to be I have much room to talk. I've called out for the coitus illness before, hey finding a way to talk about sex without using the regular verbage should get points).

So I'm just sayin 2 bucks ain that big a deal plus knowing him it will be "come on buy my ticket or my concessions" time at the movies AGAIN. He can be captain cheapskate sometimes, I mean I know about being young and wanting to spend all ya free cash on your lady but dude, we both grown and you are a stingy and expensive date(what, he keeps a death grip on those damn reese's pieces and always has).
Speaking of movies(and video games we on a decent distance road trip and my presumed excuse to get to best buy: picking mom up from work was defeated !CURSES!) Don't know what came out today but I may try to sneak RED in again or else walk down the block to whatever new opening comes out.

I need to go buy scott pilgrim vs. The world on DVD. Loved it at the theatre NO IDEA if I did a blog about it(I'm not that Chris dude on AOTS, so I don't do a DVDuesday thing, I could I do tend to buy a lot of movies if something I liked came out) after watching it. It did come out about the time I was all flighty when it came to blogging. If not I may revisit it when I buy the DVD, well the bluray. I have resorted to buying movies on bluray because what do you know not that many people I know have bluray players thus movies don't walk out the door.

Ain that sad? You have to switch to the new medium so that you can always watch your favorite movies. I mean its no knock that the picture quality is awesome too, sound is pretty good as well its a waste that they don't put more extras on the disk though. Maybe as they go forward they will

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