I could blame my lack of production blogwise on the heat, a heavy work load, even getting lost in the keys, it's no excuse though. Even with my new laptop unlike before when I would sit up and write until I fell asleep(or watch porn, it was a toss up but writing usually got done too) I have not gotten myself fully back into that habit yet. It's sad but especially as of late I won't say I have commitment issues I will say my stick to it tiveness is at an all time low. I mean yes I have followed through on some things and yes, I am sure if I check I am well over 120 posts to this here blog. I also know that a good portion of those 120 posts came in may when I was a blogging fool(it happens when it happens), part of it inspired by the fact that thanks to that Tornado/severe thunderstorm that rolled through we had no power so the only thing I could do was blog to clear my head. No power meant no video games, no facebook, the barest of human interaction because in essence I was cut off from the digital world.
Every little happenstance became a reason for me to write, cause for me to look back later and either laugh or shake my head. Hell I even have stopped writing my movie reviews(mainly because I am so far behind), I have seen Green Lantern, X-men:First class, Transformers, and Captain America now(I didn't get a chance to peep HP7 pt2 yet, but I will) done a few trailers posts for them, but as far as reviews go NADA. I actually have this long one written for X-men that I want to break up into a smaller piece but well at the moment my brain just isn't fitting the pieces together in a way that I'm liking. While in the book I read a few weeks ago it mentions how "talking politics on a blog was a death knell", I happen to like talking about politics sometimes and personally the best thing about a blog or website that you produce the content for: You can do it your way. So yes my political views may scare some folks off but hey, if you disagree be brave enough to say it with your keyboard. I may moderate you out of here if you are off topic(my content is diverse enough that you could probably find SOMETHING that you can speak on without hijacking a post) too much but I'm not so heartless as to say "You disagree with me so you have to go".