Showing posts with label Morning edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morning edition. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New "series" on the ponderings:Sequels vs Remakes or Reboots

Near the tail end of May beginning of June I was trying to write a blog on my phone about Sequels, Remakes and Reboots as I was looking forwarding into the "Summer Movies Season". As we had a new "The Fast and the Furious" movie out (Fast Five), a new Xmen movie coming (X-men:First Class), another Transformers sequel(Dark of the Moon), and another Captain America reboot(Captain America:First Avenger) lightning struck in my mind. Why not talk about said differences between the types of movies as well as give my opinions on each, as well as whether I like said previous installment, attempt or incarnation. This of course was an immense undertaking filled with phone crashes(and thus lots of key strokes being lost), work stoppages due to my actual 9 to whenever, and the same basic malaise that has cause my reviews of X-men and Green Lantern to STILL be delayed(yes I know I should be Fonged).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A complaint to or about me is not the same as stabbing me in the back

Can I get yall to gather a little closer for me, yeah don't violate anybody else's personal space but make sure you can hear me on this one. This is the land of free speech, if there is something on your mind get it off. Say what you have to say, be honest and open about your concerns it doesn't mean I(or the person you are talking to at the time if you ain speaking to me) will agree with you but at least there will be no hard feelings because I possible stepped on your toes or because something you said got back to me when we were standing right next to each other. See there is this "common wisdom" right now that if you complain to or about someone, that you are betraying them. Not at all, if there is a problem that I don't see but you do guess what? If you don't tell me it won't get fixed, or if it can't get fixed you won't know that unless you tell me so I can explain to you what this issue is with said item. Now understand, if it is a personal quirk of mine that you have an issue with it may not get fixed but at least I will know "okay this is something you don't want to ride with, I won't pick you up for this adventure", and guess what because you let me know up front NO HARD FEELINGS.

Now if all you do is talk bad about me behind my back, constantly sharpening knives and only getting ya tiger on when I turn my back as not to see who's throat I should be grabbing, THAT is stabbing me in the back, if you are sure about what you have to say then possibly give me you preliminary concerns and say "but let me get back to you because I may have been mistaken", I won't be mad something bothered you yet before you make to big a deal about it you wanna get more info, I completely respect that. I see you constantly talking until I walk into the room and then you get all busy and act like your eyes and my direction are the same magnetic charge and never the two shall meet, I understand you want drama, and this ain the daytime soaps. It seems to have become a habit of late that detraction is the cuisine dujuor. Why do the hard work of figuring out what is actually going on when you can resort to sensationalism, innuendo, loose association and inference to drum up "traffic".

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Its a nice and sunny Tuesday morning

I'm working on a post about yesterdays barbecue it was immediate family only, I have more pictures than the ones I'm adding to that blog but hey you only want to see the finished product right. Short week and of course today I should begin writing the Hangover 2 review. I'll find some time later that is always my issue with sunday movie viewings writing the review duringh a busy week.

Its magic week by the way, yup marvel is about to pin themselves down again. Like Wolverine Origins they are about to finally MOSTLY tell the tale of how it all began in the X-universe. Now some of the things I have already voiced displeasure with some changes(Havok being on the team instead of older brother scott, Banshee being a founding member), I guess if I ever want to see these characters on the big screen I'd better be happy they are there. I'm more fond of Havok as the leader of X-factor those were some damn good story lines and I've been waiting for to introduce Banshee. I guess I should be happy Banshee is getting a better intro than Colossus got, man was that a major rip off(armors up, chucks some guys through a wall and  doesn't return until X-3, yeah good job there Singer) but he was a part of wolverines team, not the first class.

I'm also glad they are introducing the Hellfire Club, if this is a total X-series reboot I could live with this if they plan to do more along comic story lines adaptations in the future. Of course how they plan to reconcile a fully grown Emma Frost and no Scott or Jean Grey is beyond me, but hey I'm just a comics fan and movie goer what do I know. 2 weeks to Lantern now so june looks to be an awesome month.

Still have the "save no future phone access of blogs" glitch going on so I'm bedding this and will start another one later I'll edit and add the jump later

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Decisions, decisions

I guess it was bound to happen, two movies that I want to see coming out the exact same week. Now we know I hit the movies I do a review and keep it moving, thing is to watch 2 movies in a premier week I would have to amend my 2 days after schedule, I might have to actually do them the night of. Which is an interesting precedent, 2 reviews including trailer recaps, on two nights. Hmm could I pull it off, actually the way this is setting up I could possibly do my 2 days between.

Today is thursday both Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Hangover 2 came out today, IF scheduling permits and I get home before say 6:30 pm I could walk to the theater, catch one and have til Saturday night to complete my review. Then on Sunday I could go check the other one out and have til Tuesday of next week to complete that review. I won't lie this is a good dilemma to have, I know next  week its all about X-men first class and I'm mostly prepared for that but this week is a happy shock. I won't lie I was too busy to hit theaters when part one of these movies came out and Ero Kitsune had to damn near tie me down to get me to watch the first Hangover.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The one downside to blogging on a cell

No autosave so if your droid freezes, or your blogging program force closes Ooooooh Nooooooo, yup every keystroke, picture and anecdote is gone. Which is okay if you hadn't hit your stride yet, but sucks if you're say in the 3rd or 4th paragragh. I think the basic rule of the computer age has been "save early and save often", because if something goes wrong its better to lose a line or two than the whole blog.

Luckily it was just a flight of fancy, nothing major I was basically gonna write it and "publish" it as a draft to smooth the rough edges later on tonight. As its el flusho now, I gotta start from scratch(and yes as annoying as the go in and out may being I'm saving this one every few sentences) so blogger-droid, official blogger app either way ya still gotta save early and often, cause the bad boys don't include "autosave"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 straight long days

I know I've been absent but getting off at 11 pm every night is a beast, 12-14 hour days drain the hell out of you. I've been trying to get my work outs in even though I have been getting home so late we will see if there has been any progress, as it's been low impact without a lot of cardio the pounds won't be melting off but as the muscles have been working they are starting to feel tighter.

This will be a quick quick shot, just saying "hello, no I'm not dead, nor have I forgotten about my blog" as the saying goes Life happens(or in this case work) so I'm alive a little beat down but that has never stopped me before, and I do not plan for today to be the first time.

For those who continue to stop by thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the "weeping sword" and "I am number 4" blogs plenty of other reviews under the "Movie night" tag check them out. I didn't go to the movies last weekend because I was tired, I may go this weekend and check out "Drive Angry". Or an actual new release don't know yet, as this was not so much the case of the "lazy blogger" but more the case of, meh it's not one of the "Summer Blockbusters" that I was really looking forward to so why rush out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Leery site titles

Ladies and gents I deal with PC's on a damn near daily basis, I've see all kinds of bugs, trojans, viri and malware. USUALLY said culprits are dug deeep down into sub folders and are stored under fake names, misspelled names and coopted directories. It's also usually difficult to figure out where such insidious programs came from I mean rarely is somebody gonna name their site or pop up "computer destroyer as soon as you click here".

But on the off chance that you are the type to see the "long walk tour of the worlds shortest pier" sign and still sign up, just remember about ol' Curi and the cat okay. I mean come on "Foobar" aka Fubar, as in "Tango and Cash", as in F'ed Up Beyond All Recognition. I don't know what writer initial thought up that term but I remember how quickly it spread, everybody loves saying "FUBAR", it fits soo many situations perfectly. So if you in anyway name your site "Fubar" I'm not visiting.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The remnants of this mornings carnage

You see those two containers, yeah it wasn't cute. Like most of my fellow northeasterners my taste buds are used to many different cuisines. And when you have a taste for something you have a taste for something
Today in my case it was sushi, I had to drop my mom her phone so I stopped by Lee's fresh sushi and deli to see what he had up. Yes Sharky's is just down the street, but Lee's is $5.99 for a basic premade container and I didn't have time to wait on sharky's for double that price THOUGH for a larger selection. I got a container of crawfish(crawfish doesn't really have that strong a flavor) and Shrimp tempura. Some who know me might be surprised, no BBQ eel, I know it was hard it was staring me right in the face but I wanted to try the crawfish. So I left my staple eel to its own designs. One never knows when they will find a new favorite so I gave it a shot, like I said I tasted everything else but the crawfish was too subtle. I like the way the eel has bite to it.

It made me think how much I would love to go to Japan and just chill for like a month and experience the culture. I have travelled many places in these united states but I have yet to cross a border. Not that I really had too many places I wanted to go, I mean being African American my "old country" is pretty much down here in the deep south where the trail gets murky.

There isn't really a "place of my ancestors" where I can definitively say yes I am standing in the land of my forefathers and am walking along trails they once did. Basically it starts with the ship and comes forward, hasn't stopped me from appreciating that which has come before me, just leaves my "wish I had gone" places list short of a completing the "circle" destination.

I mean I guess I could pic one of the coastal Sub Saharan areas and be like "motherland to my ancestors I am home" but its not the same as actually gong back.

Anyway(that tangeant wasn't preplanned I ramble and go with the thoughts take me sometimes) yeah Japan, Rome, Egypt, parts of england and maybe some parts of south america. I'm a sci fi/fantasy fanatic, a lot of those themes have played out in those areas. I'm sure the italians and the greeks are tired of us american tourists constantly visiting those grand marble monuments to a history long past.

Its great for tourism but I'm sure it clogs the street. But those testaments to human ingenuity in the past. Now no this will not go into the metaphysical. I do not care what you believe, how you believe or what came first. Those who came before found ways to build great structures that have lasted Millenia, let's go credit where credit is due and appreciate the fruits of determination.

Wouldn't mind seeing the highlands of Scotland or the plains of Ireland either. Maybe London, but FIRST it would be Japan. Okay work must be done let's stop the Rambley and get to it

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm sleepy as hell right now. I slept last night but I guess I slept wrong or just didn't really rest because I'm still tired, not "I'm a gremlin I hate daylight" tired but I haven't slept in X amount of days tired(and I've been there and done that. A few times for work, a few times goofing off).

Welp I just got hit by "smelling salts" so the tiredness is gone. Yup I need a vacation, to hell with nobodies business I'm telling the world I need a vacation. I need to go enjoy some Georgia thickness and Carolina hospitality. I wasn't in any mood before but now I'm annoyed.

As "personable" as I keep my blog I really don't "spill" so while I won't give the reason for the trip I'm glad my wife arrived at her destination safely(I may add a picture of her later). She may be planning to do a much faster turn around than I would like but if I want to be all preachy and concerned I should be there to give her another option right, right. I ain so I can just stick that in my pipe and smoke it.

Another around the M-town day I guess, I'm supposedly going to be dropped of with cuz so we'll see how my day shakes out

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday's plan

Okay as I'm in one of the few areas where there wasn't a midnight Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows screening, I will be going tonight. Hopefully I like it as I said in last nights blog(that will be completed later and than posted in the timeline at its proper spot) the two movies to tell the whole story works.

I feel "Order" and "half blood Prince" could have benefitted from the two movie strategy. As could the Last Airbender (that and a different director) each book 2 movies to show the depths it took to get Ang past learning the element and for character development. A lot of the Harry Potter movies cut out vital scenes, characters, and events for expediency even though said events helped shape who the beloved characters would become.

Ron Weasley's courage when all hope seems lost

Hermione's slight touch of vanity which shows that she's more than just a wanna be authoritarian

Neville's pride

Dobby's resourcefulness

Kreachers deviousness

All of these characters played vital parts and roles in the books, Ron and Hermione of course are the Main characters, Dobby, Neville and Kreacher are second line characters who always seem to come through when needed. Even Kreacher(he may have come through 1st for the bad guys but as Olivander said "Great things, may have been terrible but great none the less"). Sometimes I think Hollywood forgets how we got here, how as long as you give us a good story we will sit and be amazed.

This ain a Hollywood critique blog though so let me cut that short, I could go on for hours on that subject. As far as today is concerned its work, pizza, movies, Black ops and a little bit of alcohol. Again nothing earth shattering, just me remarking on my day. Sometimes I'll wax poetic but most times its just me running my mouth.

Questions, queries, opinions you see the contact information drop me a line. I have no problem taking on subject matters, I just for the most part rarely start my day out with some outline of what's going on. Something catches my eye though and I can be off and running. Aiight had some subway and now I'm sitting behind the head shop about to go do some work. I hope everyone is ready for the weekend

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blanket over the City

The M-town is covered by a blanket of fog today, low visibility. That's kind of how I woke up though, mind in a fog consciousness hazy. We gotta head back out to where ever we were yesterday to finish up. I mean I could go like a week without dealing with dude again. I hate people who act like your dumb, especially when you try to pull the "I'll be nice to you cause I think you're in charge, but I'm gonna talk down to the 'help' like their garbage".

A) I already told you ONE of them was my little brother so talking down to him WILL piss me off.

B) we work together, so fam past you few sheckels, dinars, green backs, or somolians once we done with your store I still gotta work with them.

C) you ain gonna wanna pay anyway so trying to get extra equipment, services, or work out of us isn't gonna fool anybody. We are gonna inform the boss, we are gonna have that added to the bill.

Enough about yesterdays aggravation, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 comes out to night(speakin of let me hit up Bay Bro and see if he wants to go tonight, 0_o he's talking crazy back to the blog). I think they should have done the last 3 books in two parts. There was enough Vital material to justify it. The amount of crap they cut out JUST to fit it into the "under 2 hours - 2 hours 30 minute" format was a travesty.

Rolling 3rd seat with my younger brother and cousin so once I get done with this card upgrade guess what I'll be doing? Not a damn, well that ain exactly true I'll help as best I can same as last night. I'll be thumbing them in too though. Like I told my cuz before I do everything on this berry and I'm not even really all up on my JO yet when it comes to my blogging and tweeting. I'll be honest I'm still kinda lackadaisical with it.

Now I know some will say "with all the content you've been kicking out lately THIS is lackadaisical". Folks if I actually do this, I mean for real do this just unleash all the pent up stories, anecdotes, jokes, flights of fancy, opinions, and observations. Think of how much I type now, now imagine how much I must have pent up if this is the stuff I find TIME to get off my chest with my busy schedule. This E-mail blogs let me spit ponderings I usually lose while I'm on the road when it was in my head all day til the work got started.

Whole car rides full of detailed thought processes that once its not foremost in my mind are gone until they wind back up. So now that I can text them in, e-mail them in or type them up on the desktop while I may have to do some editing later its so much easier.

Well cards in, both of his monitors are up, one of the cameras that were down is now back up so I guess its just the last camera and done. This might be a quick stop, I don't plan to do any fragging, but I may go home and do some more blog tweaks, I want to work on continueing to provide a better experience for all. I MAY add some games or something later, MAYBE, just gotta do some research.

Okay morning edition is being sent to bed before its time to do the afternoon edition, this is mildly extra rambley but eh, at least I'm consistent

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy humpday

I'm on a long distance ride waaay past jackson tn. Again RIDE thus my fingers are doing the walking. I still haven't done that follow up blog to black ops I guess I'll do that on this ride. I'll flesh out all the details later, but I can give the basic framework on my phone and link to everything(like I still haven't done in the original).

I'm with wire team Bravo, all I have to do is swap out cards and do a basic upgrade. So a who knows how many ride to do MAYBE 45 minutes worth of work. Oh well, I sat on my keister for most of yesterday so a long trip that doesn't involve shooting people meh okay.

I have to see what's coming out this weekend to see if I'm hitting the movies. As my local multiplex doesn't use all of its screens anymore(its attached to a mall in a dwindling area, should have walked to the good one when my fat tail had the chance oh well) it doesn't get all the new releases just the ones it expects to get butts in seats. And they don't hang around too long either. But hey if I get there the initial friday I'm all good and what good is a movie a 4 weeks later?

And yes I say that KNOWING I have done late reviews, I'm allowed to make jokes its my blog. I have never suffer from that huge ego that requires me to you know be taken so seriously. But as I'm just doing my thoughts not claiming to be an "industry insider" just a movie fan I'm having fun with it.

Hmm nothing else really comes to mind right now so bedding this one and starting the COD:Black ops Laced up, Locked and Loaded review. See ya on the next blog

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday morning

Its another monday, just sitting back not doing anything the system I had to load is up and running so I feel rather accomploished right now.

I have a mild dilemna who to believe google analytics or my Blogger stats. Now I've had google analytics up since last week, it has me recorded with a good 45 unique visitors, 79 page hits, and a decent average pageview. It say people from 4 countries and provinces have visited my page and that I've gotten a few visits from various referral sources, directly, and search engine.

Thing is in that same time period blogger stats has me at like 300 pageviews, it has me getting hits from about 15 countries, twice as many referrals, more of my pages getting read.

They agree mostly on the search engine. Now I don't know if google analytics has to load a certain way on someones device for it to be seen(because I visited from my blackberry and that didn't register so maybe that's part of the issue). But hey it does give me more in depth info for the folks it does count. It seems for my site size(noo clue who's range I'm in, a little guy though just starting out haven't really hit my stride too well yet) I'm leading on most benchmarks so "yaaay me!" just gotta keep the content creation up.

Yeah I do like a little bit of site feedback, it kind of let's me know what interests the few people who do visit. I'm sure folks notice the counter at the bottom of my page, it isn't flying up there but its moving. And that's all a blogger can ask right? Come by, read, possibly comment and comeback again later.

I'm going to do a follow up "weekend thoughts" to my blog on Call of Duty: Black Ops(damn forgot to link to the game in the original blog aiight will do that today) the awesomeness remains. Love the game, I blew my first contract last night but that's what I get for picking a 75 kill requirement contract when I haven't be racking up straight double digits on average yet. But I did get half way there.

I actually like the contract system, the reason I failed is because it was a contract with kills ONLY with a certain gun. Now as any good FPS player knows in the heat of the game your using your gun, you knife, grenades, kill streak rewards, whatever to reach the kill count first. Sometimes you mash your opponents other its a foot race and in comes down to a lucky grenade, a stray bullet, who knows.
Okay let's stop before I go too deep I've been having a blast playing Black Ops this weekend. It may have been an interrupted blast but it was a blast. Okay one last thing

The flamethrower is evil, I killed a few people with it, but put it away because it can become addictive but wow. Just painting someone with flames wow.

So far today is not too eventful, but that's just so far this morning. Hopefully I get my new phone sometime next week it will be a royal pain transferring everything over but new phone is new phone(bye bye trackball). For those wishing to leave them, or curious to know my random thoughts on some subject drop me a line my info's on the contact page.

Aiight putting this one to bed to be edited later

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Sitting at a gas station

And what do I see with my little eye? Why a rolling shoe carnival. Now whether these are knock offs, drop offs or what I have no clue. Like I said I was testing the ability to send photots and as that is kind of interesting *camera flash sound* and sending it in.
I didn't take a photo of the proprietor in his "KREW" hoody and his "VENOM" hat because I'm not mad at dude, no idea what his story is, and I'm not about to patronize his business. It was just a "wow, this is not something you see everyday". And since a cop just rolled by I guess it isn't completely illegal because they haven't bum rushed his spot, grabbed his merch, and gave him party bracelets.
Aiight back to writing my original friday morning blog entry(do I even have cell signal out this piece)
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Another friday what shall I do

Man I wish I had remembered to eat breakfast this morning. My stomach is grumbling, okay just bummed a deuce off baby bro so I got a lemon pie and a Dr. Pepper. Yeah yeah what am I 5 (8 1/2 actually) its not the breakfast of champions but it will take care of the rumbling.

Didn't get paid yet so you know how that goes, besides baby bro gets rides to see his girlfriend, hits me up to take him to the movies(his attempt to bribe me with subway later let's me know he's got a whopper of a request coming up), take him to the gamestore, and gets me in trouble when he ditches work by staying at his girlfriends house instead of coming home(NOOOOT that being who I USED to be I have much room to talk. I've called out for the coitus illness before, hey finding a way to talk about sex without using the regular verbage should get points).

So I'm just sayin 2 bucks ain that big a deal plus knowing him it will be "come on buy my ticket or my concessions" time at the movies AGAIN. He can be captain cheapskate sometimes, I mean I know about being young and wanting to spend all ya free cash on your lady but dude, we both grown and you are a stingy and expensive date(what, he keeps a death grip on those damn reese's pieces and always has).
Speaking of movies(and video games we on a decent distance road trip and my presumed excuse to get to best buy: picking mom up from work was defeated !CURSES!) Don't know what came out today but I may try to sneak RED in again or else walk down the block to whatever new opening comes out.

I need to go buy scott pilgrim vs. The world on DVD. Loved it at the theatre NO IDEA if I did a blog about it(I'm not that Chris dude on AOTS, so I don't do a DVDuesday thing, I could I do tend to buy a lot of movies if something I liked came out) after watching it. It did come out about the time I was all flighty when it came to blogging. If not I may revisit it when I buy the DVD, well the bluray. I have resorted to buying movies on bluray because what do you know not that many people I know have bluray players thus movies don't walk out the door.

Ain that sad? You have to switch to the new medium so that you can always watch your favorite movies. I mean its no knock that the picture quality is awesome too, sound is pretty good as well its a waste that they don't put more extras on the disk though. Maybe as they go forward they will

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello.... Good Morning

And that's about all of that song that I know. Yes I'm still happy about the win last night Zebras and all we still won. I'm also proud of me for still kicking blogs out at a decent pace who knows how much longer it will last but for now I'm productive.

I'm not saying I've solved world hunger or anything but hey my accounting of the world is just another stitch in the tapestry. So enjoy in 20 years who knows where we'll be. I mean when I was 15 if you told me we'd have GPS, Camera phones, internet capable phones, ipods, pads, hand held portable TV's, dvd and blu-ray players, Interactive gaming wait let's stop my head would have popped back at the ipods(which I don't own I use my blackberry with a 8 gb mini sd card).

Hell 10 years ago DVD's just started popping and cd's were never gonna die. So my soon to be old foggeyish account of how things were before some of yall were born or before you learned how to read or write might help you kind of see the perspective of how fast or slow life hits its mark.

Grrrr I forgot to save the draft and my phone froze that's what the hell I get. Okay let's get my head back on, yeah what did I say:

Call of Duty:Black Ops comes out tomorrow I have my copy pre ordered so I just have to pretty much go down there with the rest of the dough and pick it up. To all my soon to be dead enemies, it ain personal it just black ops baby. I love when its new shooter day, puts a pep in my step and a smile on my face.

I still haven't fixed my Madden issue yet I may just have to flush this years rookie class I'm so mad but hey a $59 mil penalty is a 59 mil penalty. You got any hints on how to fix that Holla at ya boy, cause I would greatly appreciate that. I may do some game reviews in the future again to I've been lax of my reviews lately too.

I'm about to be in dead signal ville so I'll edit this bad boy when I hit the crib. Putting this to bed PrimalData
Til the next episode(old signature I used to use back in the day, yes I can be a little bit hammy so what life is more fun when ya havin fun)

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Monday, November 1, 2010

It's monday

Everybodies favorite day of the week. I had a messed up weekend but hey bad times happen to everyone. I haven't touched a controller in like 2 or 3 weeks so I'm rusty as hell. And no blogging was not the cause of it, a broken TV, and two siblings with no consideration for anybody elses schedule are. I mean I could have played last night but I just wasn't in the mood.

Like I said I've had better weekends it just seemed like this weekend me and money were like oil and water. Just couldn't come together, now while part of me wants to bemoan and lament my ill fortune it will do nothing to improve it. It was an expensive lesson learned and I really ain too keen to repeat it, but life happens you deal, you grow, and you prepare. Anything more and you're just giving yourself false confidence.

Seems to be a fair amount of bad luck going around so I don't feel especially targeted I just feel like Hannibal King in blade trinity, when the rottweilers walk around the corner. Yeah, that line, all day, just sit there and enjoy that feeling for a second. By the way, there's no window, no ledge, no bar you can jump and hold on to to avoid the gaping jaws. Nope just you and 3 hounds from hell. You're unarmed, you've just had your head kicked in for about 4 hours, and this already wasn't you day. Your choices are simple are you gonna give them the balls or the cheeks cause they're coming.

Went to a few of my favorite movie news websits this weekend saw some scans for Captain America, news about transformers 3(they've been awfully quiet about Thor lately), read a few comic reviews and basically vegged. Site one is Think Hero  twitter and site two is  Geektyrants twitter. Now as I'm mobblogging this I have some editing to do it seems that E-mailing in a blog blogger/blogspot doesn't like my html editing(and it didn't suck my tags were right for once I think) so any and all tages have to be added on my PC. As of course the brunt of the work was done on my crackberry I'm leaving the tag along the bottom that says as much.

So glad I decided to think ahead and leave them as drafts. Drafting these bad boys allows me to add tags, clean up HTML, add videos or pictures. I've also been adding new widgets and toys to my blog to add functionality, hopefully make it more user friendly and possibly drive traffic. Meh drive traffic, I don't know if I really want to do that. I'm a free spirit for the most part somedays in my head I still like to relive my old underoo days super heroes fantasies, just as a break from the monotony of my erratic life.

By the way yes that last bit will stay in there, I kinda like this picture of myself I have painted here. Its probably the fullest picture I have ever allowed myself to paint minus the profanity. I'm like a road map many different ways to get many different places. I can be funny, akward, moody, demanding, opinionated, passionate, flirtatious, fragile, unbending and compromising. I'm me no other way to put it, anyway lets bed this bad boy before I really get my ramble on you want some good sci-fi and movie sites the two groups up top are among the best. You want supreme randomosity well you're already here. 
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's saturday aaaaaand I got a thing

It's another weekend, I think my dawg has something poppin but first things first gotta get the work out of the way. But as I see that the mobblogging is awesome sauce I can add more randomosity (little red squiggles I den told you if I WANT TO INVENT A WORD DANG NABBIT I WILL INVENT A WORD, wait you don't have NABBIT in your dictionary some of you net folks suck nabbit is like Looney Tunes old). *screeching tires* You rotten so and so's have wabbit in the "~~~~~" dictionary but you don't have Nabbit what kind of mickey mouse operation are you running? You know what all you Elmer Fudd fans can eat me, the Fudd was only cool cause Bugs made him cool.

(we will not get into a looney tunes argument, we will not get into a looney tunes argument) And the fact that you didn't have "looney" in there makes yall suspect, I'm just saying how you gonna have "wabbit" which is Sooo a WB term and not have the correct spelling of "Looney" you guy suck.

Okay back to my saturday of work and toil and hopefully fun later, hmm I wonder what came out in the movies today. I swear when we have these extra long days I am sooo lost, oh well I hope everybody has a safe and happy weekend. I'll pop in later with more random occurrences hmm I wonder whats happening on twitter by the way follow at your own risk, I speak when spoken to, randomly answer insanely, and I may tweet about anything and thats when I don't have a lot of time, let me be riding in the passenger seat. I think I'm a good 100 tweets from 20k(I don't believe it has taken me over 2 years to make 20,000 tweets. You would think with as long as my AVERAGE blog is I would have made that in a day or two) this will me my attempt to commemorate that awesome achievement. Cauuuse I'm gonna miss it when I actually do it, I have missed everyone since 1,000. I probably also need to set up a whitepaper account one of these days but meh it can wait. Dang it this was supposed to be a short blog oh well it's me when do I ever do anything short.

*Wave* Hi to anybody who trips over this blog by mistake. Stay a while enjoy my crazy antics and if you have any critiques leave them in the comments so I can laugh later, I need a good laugh every now and then.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

See my old belkin is really starting to...

Morning, this ill be an extreme rarity. Not me blogging but me blogging in the Early hours of the morning you know post sunrise. Pre sunrise I'm always up any way so thats why you see so many things from me in my various digital destinations, but post sun rise yeah I'm usually sleep as all hell. I mean to write a blog last night(actually I owe myself like two so I need to get cracking) about you know why I follow a blog or somebodies tweets. I will do that at some point in time today, as USA says Character Approved yes I'm a character and I follow characters I call them the #rogues because basically we're all wild and are known to say or post whatever. It's for grown folks now my pimpins so if you gonna start that virgin ears crap keep it moving we ain got time for that.

Anyway, digression number one right there, the belkin I am referring to is my belkin wireless ethernet adapter. It is really showing it's age I mean it's like 5 years old I bought it way back in like 05 after a move where our PC was no longer next to the cable modem and wasn't close enough to get a wire run to it. It's the wireless G edition so it's kinda short on range anyway which is another reason why I'm a little toasty but not sitting here flippin furniture, basically if I didn't get my money's worth on this thing after five years man something is wrong with me. 5 years worth of daily surfing(or almost daily surfing I have been in different venues over the years with this desktop and sometimes I did have a wire) this thing has probably averaged out to have actually cost me like ~$1 which I say is perfect. It out lasted my $450 laptop from a company I will not name as not to blast them(but that lasted less then 2 full years), it's out lasted who knows how many pairs of glasses, a lot of my clothes, hasn't out lasted the timbs though what can I say timberland makes some good boots.

And to my folk out there really that is how you should look at any purchase, check how long you have or plan to have it versus how much it costs you. If it's not something long term that you can see not replacing for a couple of years you might want to rethink the purchase if it's a vanity item. I mean if you got "money like toilet paper" fine be my guest, but if that "toilet paper dough" status is only temporary you might want to save more of your extra dough for a rainy day than trying to floss and impress folks who are gonna be broke like you in the not to distant future trying to show out.

Just my two cents because what do you know this is the space for my two cents. I hope everyone's day is on and poppin. If ya see my on twitter holla at ya boy, I'll get back as soon as I see it, like, love, hate, participate I don't care just do you baby.


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