Monday, May 23, 2011

The New "Hot Thang" in the M town

We've got a Five Guys now, and as you can see from the photo the line is out the door. Now as I have MOSTLY kicked the fast food habit, I don't really do the big chains too much anymore, lots of grease, sugar and salt usually not a lot of nutrition. So you know if your trying to eat healthy a big ol fatty McCellulite is not who you wanna go talk to. I still eat it from time to time. 

Well the new spot dujuor here in memphis is that five guys, around the corner and out the door 2 weeks in a row are those crack burgers you selling. I mean yes I'm as curious as the next person but if everyday I walk in you're packed pimpin im gon stop checkin for you after a while I got other things to do. Now my mother(the person who I most likely got my culinary adventurousness from) wants to try them, but as we have yet to catch them at a light time hey we go get the basics pimpin. Subway, taco bell, BK, McD, backyard burger or wendies Subway is usually my choice though if you don't glop on 2 pounds of mayo its pretty healthy.

Oh well this was just a "spur of the moment" so posting and tagging online as well as linkage to come

Working on the Pirates blog

I started it, hey it's Sunday night Monday morning I usually don't start the blog until sometime Monday night but I decided to get a jump on it so that later on I can just start inserting links decide where my "break from the story" will be and my opinion will begun, bring up the actors and parts they play and then send it off to you fine readers out there in bloggy land.If you looking at the dial yes it is almost 4 am central which means I'm about to hit the sheets, I could stay up later but I was typing up/editing some things over on Wordpress and didn't really get a chance to come back here and work on Pirates anymore. Now if ANYBODY has the AUDACITY to come over here and talk about UNPROFESSIONAL, or LACKADAISICAL, I'm gonna laugh you right off of my blog, this ISN'T a pro blog, it's mine I'm enjoying myself and NOBODY is forcing you to read. I thank you for reading but this ain school and it ain required reading.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another rainy day

I hear the thunder, have stood outside to see the rain drops and the clouds. Luckily whatever flash floods may have occured today has skipped my neighborhood (which as a few blogs back of course shows that ain always guaranteed). So far no plans for the day, and as its raining even if I was so inclined to wanna fire up the grill, I ain got no cover. I need a new grill anyway, actually just another one so I can work side by side and get things done faster. Have one for burgers and stuff and another one for ribs, brisket etc that I want to cook way slower for a longer period of time.

We are raptureless it seems, we suck. I mean seriously how many times to people have to prepare us for the end of the world and we still don't do it right? I mean that bought bill boards, radio time, gave interviews and even made youtube vids(probably) and what do we humans have the AUDACITY to do? Why we treat it as another day and keep on living. Hmm maybe he was right just for the wrong multiverse like on some doctor wh, oh shiiii doctor who is one right now "Gooooooooooing"

The trailers for Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides

As the world DID NOT END, I am here after my 7 pm movies to give you the trailers included along with Pirates of the Caribbean:on Stranger tides. These were MOSTLY some new ones(Real Steel I have done before but this was a new trailer for real steal, showing more of the NON just rock 'em sock 'em robot action) and as usual if you got something different please let me know 

The Muppets from Disney

Needless to say Kermit, Ms. Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzy and who knows who else are back in an adventure under the Disney logo I kind of walked in halfway through this trailed was walking up to my seat as it was playing behind my head but Yes there are muppets in this movie, yes it looked crazy, and yes it was a little bit of my childhood returned. A muppet movie, since it's from Disney it probably won't suck I mean, how hard is it to make a kids movie if your name is Disney, yeah yeah adults might also wanna tune in but it's SUPPOSED to be for kids why else would it be full of puppets?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Further along the path

Like any endeavor in life you have to have milestones, land marks, routes, goals and the ability to reroute yourself if an obstacle pops up. Well I have reached one of my goals. While I know I often lament over the fact that "Google Analytics" doesn't always satisfactorily count all my hits, it does count a fair enough share of them for me to gauge progress as I go along. Even if my blogs internal stats give me say 5-10 hits for the day if I see a 2 hit from analytics, I know there were definitely some hits that day.

Now yes I am saying that versus blogger/blogspots internal stats Google Analytics tends to give me 1/4 - 1/3 recognition, which I'm sure for most of my fellow bloggers would be maddening, but is shows me some things that the internal stats don't. Like how long people were on the site, how many pages they visited, what search terms brought you to my page, what pages you found me through. This may seem a little anal, but as a semi social, mostly daily journal/perspective blogger its nice to know which subjects and the amount of detail included in the subjects is appreciated. It seems I get a lot of visits when I blog about the trailers before various movies, and a few hits on my movie reviews. Sometimes I get hits on sporting event blogs, I got quite a few hits after the storm that precursored the flooding down here in the midsouth.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me

So we have a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie out, supposedly a stand alone, they've killed off Will & Elizabeth (okay they aren't dead Will has taken Davey Jones place and Elizabeth is his Baby Mama raising their young son) and have Jack Sparrow and Barbosa running off to find the Fountain of Youth.  And being a sci fi fan I'm going to go and watch it, I've watched most of them usually on cable, but sometimes in the Theaters.
Before I forget, tomorrow somebody has SWORN that the world will end that's it, its in the bag infinitum has become finite. Harold Camping(thanks The Last Word) with his old dusty behind has SWORN on everything that is Holy and Crackpotty that on May 21, 2011 yes Saturday(echo, echo, echo). Pffft dude did I win the lottery recently? Has anybody rolled through and fixed everybody's problems? Nope, so at the moment the world sucks for the MAJORITY of its citizens and you really think its all gonna end? Please where's the false feeling of euphoria, the wool being pulled over our eyes right now the world seems to be going down the crapper.

Just wanna say, on Sunday I'm making drinks for everybody who DIDN'T drink the kool aid saturday night. BUT if it is all over I wish that I would have watch Pirates tonight so that tomorrow I could have been working on the review

Bless me father for I have sinned

In the beginning there were humans and vampires. The vampires were fast, powerful, and vicious, but the humans had one weapon The SUN, but it was not enough. The wars ranged on for centuries until the humans fell back into cities under the protection of the church. The church then trained a new secret weapon to combat the vampire. They were trained to fight like vampires swift, merciless, powerful under the command of the clergy they were the Priests



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