Showing posts with label weekend plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend plans. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

Still 3 movies behind

I did the trailer blog for transformers yesterday but I didn't get a chance to edit it and add in the links so its sitting in draft. I'll leave this one link free so I can just post it. Man has it been hot here in the midsouth lately, I'm glad that our AC issues have been mediated because while I love to barbecue I myself don't need slow roasting.

The issue with being 3 movies behind is simply that another movie I wish to see premiered last night, HP7 pt 2, and my memory issues will not allow me to store up 4 issues. Now there is a bit of good news on the horizon I think I've narrowed my laptop choices down to two, a Toshiba or a Sony. Now as my last 2 desktops have been Sony's and minus a few minor hardware issues(the oldest one had its power supply die, and mine has a dead top dvd-R/W) and of course my current software issues 6 plus years in the game money well spent.

That's another blog though, X-men is being re-edited, I haven't gotten past the Oath for Green lantern, and I haven't even sprayed the mud out of the tires of Transformers 3. So I'll be 4 blogs behind whenever I get the laptop. Deadlines are your friend though, or so says a Pulitzer prize winner Eugene Robinson says(no relation, lol always wanted to say that). Okay enough procrastinating. I'm already working so let's post this and get on with other things
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

MAY be I will

Wow looks like May was the second most productive month to date here on the ponderings, 50 posts wow I wasn't really keeping count I like it though. Its X day, whether with my brothers or solo I'm going to see X-men:First Class today. Now being a comic book movie of course X-men has a built in fan base AND the highest knowledgeable critic base possible. You want to know why The Last Airbender was panned so quickly, EVERYBODY knew how the story was supposed to go save M. Night Shamalan.

Now sometimes you can get a MINI pass if you can touch a part of a comics/Cartoons fan base that has seen an older or DIFFERENT version of the story before(yes I'm talking about Schumacher's Batman Forever), but even that will only get you so much rope(thus Batman & Robin being so hated). I understand its Hollywood, and that Hollywood Conventional Wisdom is different than everyone elses but hey Dragonball Evolution don't you think if you take a property with a 20+ year American fan base that you should at least WATCH THE SHOW. I mean I know there is no idea like a well worn proven idea(*cough* Transformers we think we have sucked the life out of every animation style and possible story reboot possible*cough*) mmmm scuse me ah ah ah (*achoo GI we don't know how its possible but we took a cartoon about a high tech military special forces group and made the new cartoons suck oo* *sniff*), wow excuse me my allergies must be acting up.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Its a nice and sunny Tuesday morning

I'm working on a post about yesterdays barbecue it was immediate family only, I have more pictures than the ones I'm adding to that blog but hey you only want to see the finished product right. Short week and of course today I should begin writing the Hangover 2 review. I'll find some time later that is always my issue with sunday movie viewings writing the review duringh a busy week.

Its magic week by the way, yup marvel is about to pin themselves down again. Like Wolverine Origins they are about to finally MOSTLY tell the tale of how it all began in the X-universe. Now some of the things I have already voiced displeasure with some changes(Havok being on the team instead of older brother scott, Banshee being a founding member), I guess if I ever want to see these characters on the big screen I'd better be happy they are there. I'm more fond of Havok as the leader of X-factor those were some damn good story lines and I've been waiting for to introduce Banshee. I guess I should be happy Banshee is getting a better intro than Colossus got, man was that a major rip off(armors up, chucks some guys through a wall and  doesn't return until X-3, yeah good job there Singer) but he was a part of wolverines team, not the first class.

I'm also glad they are introducing the Hellfire Club, if this is a total X-series reboot I could live with this if they plan to do more along comic story lines adaptations in the future. Of course how they plan to reconcile a fully grown Emma Frost and no Scott or Jean Grey is beyond me, but hey I'm just a comics fan and movie goer what do I know. 2 weeks to Lantern now so june looks to be an awesome month.

Still have the "save no future phone access of blogs" glitch going on so I'm bedding this and will start another one later I'll edit and add the jump later

Friday, May 27, 2011

Item 1 of the weekend agenda is completed

This will be a busy weekend, Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Hangover 2 just hit theaters, my cousins birthday party is tonight, and its Memorial Day weekend which means I may char and smoke some flesh. Its a daunting line up to say the least, I just got done watching Panda and I'm writing this entry walking so thing one is in a box and thing two is in the reticle.

My cousins birthday party, now to some this may seem silly, but as I usually Bartend his parties its a little more involved than just that of a normal party goer. Now the usual toast of the party is a Tequila sunrise, made with pineapple not orange juice. A few Amaretto Sours may touch some lips and maybe a Buttery Nipple or two. I may shake up a martini or two who knows I'll write a blog from the party and let y'all know how it went.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Decisions, decisions

I guess it was bound to happen, two movies that I want to see coming out the exact same week. Now we know I hit the movies I do a review and keep it moving, thing is to watch 2 movies in a premier week I would have to amend my 2 days after schedule, I might have to actually do them the night of. Which is an interesting precedent, 2 reviews including trailer recaps, on two nights. Hmm could I pull it off, actually the way this is setting up I could possibly do my 2 days between.

Today is thursday both Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Hangover 2 came out today, IF scheduling permits and I get home before say 6:30 pm I could walk to the theater, catch one and have til Saturday night to complete my review. Then on Sunday I could go check the other one out and have til Tuesday of next week to complete that review. I won't lie this is a good dilemma to have, I know next  week its all about X-men first class and I'm mostly prepared for that but this week is a happy shock. I won't lie I was too busy to hit theaters when part one of these movies came out and Ero Kitsune had to damn near tie me down to get me to watch the first Hangover.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me

So we have a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie out, supposedly a stand alone, they've killed off Will & Elizabeth (okay they aren't dead Will has taken Davey Jones place and Elizabeth is his Baby Mama raising their young son) and have Jack Sparrow and Barbosa running off to find the Fountain of Youth.  And being a sci fi fan I'm going to go and watch it, I've watched most of them usually on cable, but sometimes in the Theaters.
Before I forget, tomorrow somebody has SWORN that the world will end that's it, its in the bag infinitum has become finite. Harold Camping(thanks The Last Word) with his old dusty behind has SWORN on everything that is Holy and Crackpotty that on May 21, 2011 yes Saturday(echo, echo, echo). Pffft dude did I win the lottery recently? Has anybody rolled through and fixed everybody's problems? Nope, so at the moment the world sucks for the MAJORITY of its citizens and you really think its all gonna end? Please where's the false feeling of euphoria, the wool being pulled over our eyes right now the world seems to be going down the crapper.

Just wanna say, on Sunday I'm making drinks for everybody who DIDN'T drink the kool aid saturday night. BUT if it is all over I wish that I would have watch Pirates tonight so that tomorrow I could have been working on the review

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yea Yea I know where's the monday update blog

Yall are all dieing to see what happened to me this weekend, or how my morning is going, or what glorious bit of minutia is going on in my life.

Thats it, I got nathan. I haven't blogged yet because nothing blog worthy has happened. I dropped my baby brother off in south haven, came back reloaded a friends computer, I'm scanning another computer and as of right now, I'm bored. Sometimes it goes like this, yes I may be a little cranky that my damn Christmas to New Years plans fell through AND?

Actually I'm not that cranky, I'm just still groggy from last night. My wife is kicking tail in her Fantasy Football pool(so YAAAY muffin), my team lost, by 1 mistake alone, and I played black ops as usual. It was kind of uneventful, I guess I could have gone to the theater to see tangled I mean I've reviewed shrek(I think) I did megamind, I just didn't realize tangled had come out. I don't mind good NEW retellings of age old fairy tales. Hell Shrek was a breath of fresh air, the hero isn't always perfect, the damsel isn't always in "Distress" and sometimes love takes funny turns.

This weekend though it will probably all be about "The Warrior's Way" that movie looks like it has Awesome Sauce poured all over it. Ninja's, cowboys, big explosions, martial arts yes if this movie sucks I will be heart broken but I will be there ANYWAY because I may like it(Like I did MACHETE') even if the critics don't(besides usually critics hate good movies anyway, I don't know why movie will have made billions but get lousy NON paid reviews.

So okay monday blog is up and out the way, like any other blogger interaction helps so a little feed back, another fine link to "delete this site", hell a quit blogging you suck would be nice every once in a while(what I love trolls as much as the next guy I'm the site administrator I can abuse you then bounce you) I hope every one had a great weekend and is having a good monday(yeah like any monday is a good monday you USUALLY have to go back to work which SUCKS)

Friday, November 19, 2010

To the Hallows I go

I may not have gotten to the midnight opening or copped any of the swag that goes with it, but for me that's not what movie watching is about. Its about walking and smelling gas leaks and hoping nobody gets the urge to light a fart. Nah I'm playing(I just happened to smell gas walking down the street) its about the memories and the moods. I'm a grown kid I still enjoying escaping into a world far away and for whatever amount of time just enjoying being there in that moment.

As a child and young teen I used to obsess about all the negatives in my life. Weighting them as if those were my most important moments, those were the things I would be remembered for. But some sage advice from a man I may not always agree with but I love dearly got me to change what I gave prominence to. Bad things happen regardless of income, intelligence level, athletic ability, artistic merit or charm. You can harm no one and inconvenience no living thing(damn again with the gas is the world about to explode around me) and still run into hardships from time to time. Innocence does not inoculate you from life's trials it just says that you do not deserve such a harsh taskmaster.

Its kind of one of the reasons why I like Harry Potter the story so much. From the beginning he had done nothing a newborn babe, just enjoying what it means to be alive:air, food, the touch of those who love you. Yes he had the potential for great things but we all do, that's why its called POTENTIAL. We might be great, we might be average, we might be boring the only definite is that we will be. That in 7 years(in terms of the story) harry has gone from a shy, unsure, shadow just happy to not be noticed to a young man with the weight of the world on his should who still refuses to break is a great tale.

GRR I hate people who know they are speeding, see you crossing the street, know they could let up on the gas but instead mash on the horn. Its pretty simple hit me with my 260 plus frame and you ain driving far I will jump so I roll over you hood smash your windshield and then you can explain why you have a HUMAN BEING sized hole in the glass. And nah it didn't end well for the little old lady either.

Back to the story so Harry has grown to have great friends(a love that they ignored in the last movie), power, compassion and a small bit of respect for the task at hand. I see the theater but I know I'm earlier so I'm stopping for refreshment first. If this works, I hope such heavy stories like this in the future, if the character already has a big following trust in them to make the movie a success.

Look at Star Wars and Star Trek the first a movie that none that had a chance the second a TV series that aired for what two and a half years MAYBE 3 tops think of the dough those franchises have raked in from 1980 on. How about the Rocky Horror Picture Show, cult classics are just that. Okay about to go buy my ticket so bedding this one

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Friday's plan

Okay as I'm in one of the few areas where there wasn't a midnight Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows screening, I will be going tonight. Hopefully I like it as I said in last nights blog(that will be completed later and than posted in the timeline at its proper spot) the two movies to tell the whole story works.

I feel "Order" and "half blood Prince" could have benefitted from the two movie strategy. As could the Last Airbender (that and a different director) each book 2 movies to show the depths it took to get Ang past learning the element and for character development. A lot of the Harry Potter movies cut out vital scenes, characters, and events for expediency even though said events helped shape who the beloved characters would become.

Ron Weasley's courage when all hope seems lost

Hermione's slight touch of vanity which shows that she's more than just a wanna be authoritarian

Neville's pride

Dobby's resourcefulness

Kreachers deviousness

All of these characters played vital parts and roles in the books, Ron and Hermione of course are the Main characters, Dobby, Neville and Kreacher are second line characters who always seem to come through when needed. Even Kreacher(he may have come through 1st for the bad guys but as Olivander said "Great things, may have been terrible but great none the less"). Sometimes I think Hollywood forgets how we got here, how as long as you give us a good story we will sit and be amazed.

This ain a Hollywood critique blog though so let me cut that short, I could go on for hours on that subject. As far as today is concerned its work, pizza, movies, Black ops and a little bit of alcohol. Again nothing earth shattering, just me remarking on my day. Sometimes I'll wax poetic but most times its just me running my mouth.

Questions, queries, opinions you see the contact information drop me a line. I have no problem taking on subject matters, I just for the most part rarely start my day out with some outline of what's going on. Something catches my eye though and I can be off and running. Aiight had some subway and now I'm sitting behind the head shop about to go do some work. I hope everyone is ready for the weekend

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The plan for the evening

After another brisk walk, I think I knocked it down to 30 minutes this time , I'm at the movies again. This time the flick du juor is "Skyline" the flick that looks alot like "Independance Day".

I love me some black women a sister just walked in with her 3 kids and a nice round behind. Pretty face too, but I digress.

Same as last time I will do the trailers, what I think about them and sometime tomorrow afternoon or monday afternoon I will do the review. I've seem some pretty good sci fi flicks this year so I have high hopes. It looks like movies are going into the home stretch for the end of the year, me likey.

It seems I've talked myself to another low battery which is fine as I won't be talking or texting for the next two hours I should have PLENTY of juice for what I'm trying to do. I mean its at 2 bars and trust me two bars can go quick(for me 2 bars can go quick I mash buttons just that much) it was a long day, hopefully I'm about to see a good movie, and when I get home it will be conjure and black ops time.

I hope all reading are having a great weekend and if not, I hope tomorrow turns it around. Aiight time to bed this one I think its about 9:40 now so I can buy my ticket and drink

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's saturday afternoon

I hope to hit a movie or two today. Previous blogs should say which, not sure whether or not I need a vehicle to get to them(there is a theater within walking distance and I may get my trudge on would be some good cardio burn away some of these calories I've been racking up). Some may be surprised that for once this isn't a mobblog thats because I'm sitting at my desktop right now, now yes there was a chance for me to get an El Cheapo Laptop so that I could do the laptop dance and be more productive but er ummm NOOOOO, I've done the budget laptop thing and I am more of a power user. I stay on my laptop all day damn near every day. Hell my desktop used to feel lonely I was on the laptop so much, so to make the mistake of buying something cheap and not powerful enough to handle my average usage requirements is a waste of money. Again this desktop is 5 years old, SLIGHTLY showing it's age but I tend to be running with the gazelles not the sloths on it despite my complaints.

What can I say SONY makes good products. I'm just pissed that my next desktop can't be a VAIO 5-6 years and still running strong, hell if I want I can just spend a few hundred bucks and plop some new pieces in this bad boy and probably eek another 2-3 years out of it(thing is there are a lot of DECENT desktops for about that couple of hundred, now if I get another Media/gaming desktop like this one yeah that costs more. And that would be a major purchase so that would be a see what we are trying to do thing and go from there).

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, enjoying family and friends at some point in time I need to yak butter my head it's start to get really long up there. By Yak butter(this is my mature acting blog so I won't call it what I usually call it) I mean magic shave. I'm in a lazy mood right now so I promise at some point in the future to come back and add in all the links, possibly some pictures. But again hey I've been spitting out content on a regular so I figured why not just come by spit out a quickie while I have nothing to blog about pertinent in my mind keep space clear and have a ball.

Oh and thanks to Dennis @Thinkhero(what I say about linkage? LATER) and who ever runs the @geektyrant twitter persona for getting back to me on RED times are tight and even saving the gas money by walkin if RED was gonna suck I'd be pissed. Not the Fantastisucked pissed but pissed none the less.

Aiight bedding this one you see how to get in touch with me if ya need me, again you found this page you actually did some searching cause I ain link it to anything else to do with me but my disqus. So I appreciate every click I get.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I wanna be like everybody else and have this super cheery disposition because in X amount of hours it's about to be on and poppin on the weekend front, but still in a blah mood like yesterday.  About to kick back and watch anime maybe that will get my mind in some semblance of order.

Baby bro asked for a lift to pick up his lady so I guess I'll hit the movies tomorrow if at all, I do want to see RED I think I've only seen one comic book movie this year I want to get a few more under my belt as well as catch any new previews(especially for next months Tron:Legacy) that may be up on the screen. I know most are probably expecting some extreme lament from me about all the terrible things that will happen to this country due to the election on Tuesday.

Look my side lost their side won, in the end we are all Americans rarely are we all going to agree on how things should be done or run. As such predicting APOCALYPTIC DOOM just because your side lost an election is a little low brow for me, I mean if I can find a funny(to me) joke to make about it I might but this is America we have these "bloodless coups" all the time, it is how we get fresh ideas in our system or bring older tried and true(possibly not effective before but maybe moreso this time, it's a bone take it enjoy it and get outta here) practices back to POSSIBLY stabilize a situation.

It's also Pizza night in my household so today we get the adventure of will they get our order right this time. I'm not gonna say the major chains name, they USUALLY get it right but during a recent promotion our local branch was so swamped that basically it was like playing mystical boxes because you never knew what was gonna be in there was it your pizza, was it your bread sticks, will it be the right crust yadda yadda yadda.

I also haven't talked about my Phillies losing in the NLCS, well hey 3 straight years of being amongst the top teams in baseball AND a WORLD SERIES TITLE, I'm just happy to be a Phillies fan. I may get into it later I may not, congrats to the San Francisco Giants though for winning, I know how gratifying it is to root for a team and see them win it after a long stretch(yeah yeah our 20 years wasn't that bad compared to others but hey I'm in my 30's it was most of my life okay) so congrats(you suck for beating us even with the rings), enjoy and see you next year.

I guess I can bed this one just because if I start addressing anything else this will be up for the most rambley award and I ain trying to do that this afternoon(wow it's the afternoon SURPRISE SURPRISE)


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